...There is so much wrong with this...Let's look at it point by point.
Resident Evil 5 brought back the original Chris/Wesker rivalry
1. ...There wasn't really an "Original Chris Wesker Rivalry." Because in the original RE that rivalry hadn't even been ESTABLISHED. That was a build up that really didn't even BEGIN until CODE: Veronica, and was furthered for Umbrella Chronicles, and furthered even MORE by what we learn throughout RE5's flashback sequences and Lost in Nightmares, only to finally lead up to what was the end of RE5.
(If they didn't, Resident Evil 5 wouldn't have been such a disappointment.

2. RE5 was a disappointment due to forced Co-Op and Sheva more than anything else...
The Wesker story line isn't a root, it's one story line. (And honestly, the guy wasn't even a huge part of the game until the very end. He was like the wizard in the Wizard of Oz. He was the man behind the curtain and nothing more.)
3. That man behind the curtain was kind of the WHOLE reason for Wizard of Oz...Just because he isn't on screen the whole game doesn't mean he isn't a HUGE plot point. Which as we saw in CODE: Veronica, they were building up to. Again, explored even FURTHER in the Chronicles Series...
Resident Evil 2, Nemesis, Dead Aim and, for the most part, Code Veronica all had story lines that deviated from the Chris/Wesker rivalry but they still carried Resident Evil's roots.
4. Resident Evil: Dead Aim isn't even a MAIN game. It has NOTHING to do with the roots, and has no bearing at all on the main, canon story. Not that it's a non canon game, but it really has NO purpose being part of this debate, because it is FAR from one of the Original Games that established roots. RE2 and Nemesis don't have much to do with RE5, however, MANY events of Nemesis are referenced in RE5. Jill being immune to the virus because of the infection in RE3. Jill even making a RETURN after all that time, which also helped it go back to the roots, BTW, because it brought all three main characters back...And again, the Chris and Wesker rivalry wasn't at ALL what I was talking about when I said "Going back to the roots" anyway, but since you're so fixated on that, then I'll also point out you said CODE: Veronica had nothing do to with the rivalry...Have you played CODE: Veronica? As mentioned above, that's where the rivalry starts...Before that point, Chris thought Wesker was DEAD.
Saying the series will return to its roots and then only bringing back Jill, Chris and Wesker is selling the game on falsehood. They should have said they were returning to the original story, or bringing back the original characters.
5. How is that selling the game on Falsehood...Chris, Jill, and Wesker and the original story are ALL part of Resident Evil's roots...
The roots of a game have nothing to do with the story, it's all the elements that create the feel of the game. (Because running around, capitalizing on the same story for a decade or more is just trite and lazy.)
6. Roots of the game have nothing to do with the story...Ok, please logically explain how that is factual...Also, they didn't capitalize on the same story for a decade. They broke it up with games like RE2 and RE4.
On a side note, they also went back to the roots by adding Rebecca and Barry as characters in Mercs reunion, and being able make the camera angles fixed in Lost in Nightmares ...