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Resident Evil 4 can someone help me?


Zombie killa!
I am finishing RE4 for a 5th time but this time something weird happend I was playing 5-3 part and I get to the part where is A big door that says X OPEN and I open it but it dosnet load so I am kinda stuck here can you help me?

PS.that door is a few steps after the merchant you get to that area by going down with that elevator that is behind that big chair that you can sit on


ayşegül ϟ
The door where you're about to fight against Krauser?

Weird... But just clean the disk, like Tequila said =) You can also use a glass cleanspray (or something like that). I don't know, but my nephew always cleaned his disks like that. I'm not sure, I've never did it on my own :O

codename: HUNK

Well-Known Member
Is it a PS2? They are fairly simple systems. You can open it up and gently swab the laser lens with a Q-tip dampened with windex, then dry it off the same way. It works every time. You can do the same thing with a Gamecube, only, you don't have to take it apart. Gamecubes tend to break due to a faulty disk spindle if you're not careful. I wouldn't recemend trying to open a wii, though. If the disk is just scratched up, buy a disk scratch filler. You may even need to find a new copy
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