Bad Dates & Dealbreakers

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La Femme Fatale

The Queen
Mar 16, 2009
In light of the most terrible date I've ever been on (though, I'll give it props because I got an awesome story out of it), let's talk about our bad dates and dating deal breakers.

The most recent date I had (which, honestly, was a bit of a pity date because I felt really bad for the guy), took me to McDonalds after I had insisted on anything but (saying he wasn't a pub-guy and wasn't going to start now), redeemed a freebie on his coffee while I paid for my own, and neglected to tell me he was missing a front tooth (not that I have anything against people who are missing teeth, but it took me by surprise as he had a full set of chompers in his pictures). When I mentioned that he'd be more confident and happy with himself if he invested in getting an implant, he said teeth were 'aesthetic frivolities' and that if I (or any woman for that matter) couldn't live with it, that was my problem. At one point he talked about killing himself and when I said things he didn't agree with or like, he'd throw up his arms and turn away and not even look at me. So a few minutes later I say I have to be somewhere in 20, I look beside me to grab my car keys out of my purse and by the time I look up to say goodbye he's already walking out the door. It was great.

Anyway, tell me your stories!
Wow that was pretty crappy but it could have been much worse. I don't think that him not telling you something like that in advanced is that bad if he was planning on telling you in person. Sometimes it's better to talk things out like that. Though a heads up is nice and he could have said something to reduce the shock factor.

I've had a couple that were deal breakers for me xD I'll share one that was a complete deal breaker. I was talking with a really pretty girl named Ashley for a while and one day we were hanging out at the mall. It wasn't exactly a date but we did like each other but the problem was I was 16 and didn't drive at the time. She lived in the city and I lived about 15 minutes out of it. Regardless we were hanging out at the mall and she brought a friend along. One who was also pretty disgusted with her. She thought being "cool and badass" would impress me. I think our definition of those words are vastly different.

She would say really stupid things like "Oh you looking at me? You just want to kiss me don't you?" I kept thinking... wow she's kind of a bitch, even if she is being a tease. Oh believe me. She was mostly nice to me but acted like a complete piece of **** to everyone else. She was consistently spitting on the mall floor because she thought she was "cool". We saw a little boy who was crying because he was lost and asking for his "mommy". Ashley looked at the little boy and said "Shut the **** up or I'll knock your ****ing face out". I really wanted to help the kid but I knew I had to get Ashley out of there because I wasn't sure if she would do something. At that point I was pretty much done with her. I couldn't be with or associate with someone like that. That is so out of line and unacceptable.

I will admit from time to time I do think about her and wonder what came of her. I hope she became a better person and not the rude disrespectful girl she was. I had a hard time believing what I saw.
Yeah, that's... crazy.

Along those lines, being rude to waitresses and waiters is a total deal-breaker as well. I do believe how you treat customer service workers is very reflective of your character. Of course it's different if the waiter was rude first, but 9.5/10 they are pleasant.
In light of the most terrible date I've ever been on (though, I'll give it props because I got an awesome story out of it), let's talk about our bad dates and dating deal breakers.

The most recent date I had (which, honestly, was a bit of a pity date because I felt really bad for the guy), took me to McDonalds after I had insisted on anything but (saying he wasn't a pub-guy and wasn't going to start now), redeemed a freebie on his coffee while I paid for my own, and neglected to tell me he was missing a front tooth (not that I have anything against people who are missing teeth, but it took me by surprise as he had a full set of chompers in his pictures). When I mentioned that he'd be more confident and happy with himself if he invested in getting an implant, he said teeth were 'aesthetic frivolities' and that if I (or any woman for that matter) couldn't live with it, that was my problem. At one point he talked about killing himself and when I said things he didn't agree with or like, he'd throw up his arms and turn away and not even look at me. So a few minutes later I say I have to be somewhere in 20, I look beside me to grab my car keys out of my purse and by the time I look up to say goodbye he's already walking out the door. It was great.

Anyway, tell me your stories!
The date was a 0/10 the moment you mentioned McDonald's...

I guess I'm pretty fortunate...I can't think of many bad dates I've ever really been on. I guess a deal breaker for me would a woman not letting me pay for the date. It's not a prejudiced thing...But I feel like if they're treating me to a nice night on an emotional and intellectual level, then picking up a bill is the freaking LEAST I could do...
The date was a 0/10 the moment you mentioned McDonald's...

I guess I'm pretty fortunate...I can't think of many bad dates I've ever really been on. I guess a deal breaker for me would a woman not letting me pay for the date. It's not a prejudiced thing...But I feel like if they're treating me to a nice night on an emotional and intellectual level, then picking up a bill is the freaking LEAST I could do...
hey! I like mickeyD's
I have no stories.

that's my story
I've definitely had my share of pity dates.

My awful tinder date, which definitely went further than it should have, is definitely up there and my most recent one. But I definitely can't go into full detail on that. Heh poor decisions. Very poor.

There was this one awkward moment that I had with my cheap ex on one of our dates where we went to Islands of Adventure (we were dating for a little over a month at the time). It was a double date with his brother and his brother's girlfriend. Now I did not expect him to pay my way into the park because I know its not cheap to get in there, but he made it so awkward when it came time to buy the tickets because he completely shut down when we got to the front of the line. He didn't even want to hold my hand or stand by me as I bought my ticket and instead of just waiting there with me and keeping me company he walked to the next ticket counter that was around the corner, where his brother and his girlfriend were purchasing theirs, and waited with them to buy his own ticket. Red flags man.

Thennn there was also this other time a few years back where I went on a date to the beach with a guy from class. He told me a bunch of random and awkward stories, one of them being about how he took a **** in the ocean and it followed him as he swam. His equally charming friend joined us for the remainder of our 'date' and by that point I was ready to swim out in the middle of the ocean and end it all in the shark bite capital of the world.
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Honestly, I've never gone on a date. I can't even carry on a conversation. I'm probably gonna be a crazy old cat lady. I've already got the crazy and cat lady parts down. Just ask Max. Or Jasmine. Or Oscar, Sam, the neighbour's cat Dexter who's always at my house... xD
Honestly, I've never gone on a date. I can't even carry on a conversation. I'm probably gonna be a crazy old cat lady. I've already got the crazy and cat lady parts down. Just ask Max. Or Jasmine. Or Oscar, Sam, the neighbour's cat Dexter who's always at my house... xD
just don't start throwing them (-ala the simpsons)
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Well, my worst date happened with one of my best friends at the time. I was seventeen and I texted him all the time. After a night out with friends, he asked me out, and I agreed. We were gonna go to the cinema and see Resident Evil: Afterlife.

I really don't like the Resident Evil movies, but he knew I liked the games, so I didn't say anything because he had tried to think about what I liked and I appreciated it.

Anyway, I arrived, and he asked me if I wanted to get something to eat before the film, I said I had eaten but didn't mind going with him if he wanted food. We went to Burger King and he got food... and proceeded to eat sloppily and dribble food down himself. I decided to let it slide, but then we went to the cinema and it just got worse. He spent half an hour just on his phone to his friend before the movie started and totally ignored me, and he didn't realise the film was starting and everyone was looking round at us before I finally told him it was starting. It was embarrassing.

When we were leaving I asked him how he was getting home and he just said 'I'm driving, so I'll see you later'. He paused as if he was going to move in for a kiss, but I just said 'Okay, bye then', gave him a quick hug and walked away. It's probably not that bad when compared to other people's dates, but I didn't enjoy it at all. :P
He was a 40-year-old man who had the social skills of sheltered 11-year-old.

He said it was his first date so my heart went out to him and all (and that's why I went out with him), but he blocked me when I said no to a second. But dude... you took me to McDonalds, didn't bother to buy my coffee and got yours for free. Not a shred of effort.
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Well a few years ago I dated a guy who kept talking about his ex girlfriend every chance he got.

I got out of that drama nonsense pretty quick.
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A while before I got with my current girlfriend, while I personally wouldn't call it a date. But others could count it as one.

Give or take as I child I wasn't the social one, But at the time I was just craving to feel like what it went out with friends for once. So I did just that. I'm a very antsy person so I tend to move around a lot. I get something akin to a panic attack if I sit in one spot for too long. So at one point I decided to break off and go for a walk with a girl I asked if she wanted to join me to enjoy the view of an area near a park that I found and wanted to share with someone.

So as I got to a spot to lay down and enjoy the view and she joined me as well we started talking.

Right off the bat. I don't enjoy people who act differently with their friends. She was really nice to me, Like borderline flirty. And I got annoyed by that and straight up asked her. Why is she being so nice to me now?

Her response? "Oh, I've liked you for a while but I just didn't want my friends to know." Again. That was another -1 to her as a person. So I decided to ignore it and continue on. As we talked she mentioned some problems she had and I give her some solutions. She didn't like them. While she didn't insult me I noticed she stopped paying attention. I take that on a personal level. Afterwards we left. And when we returned to our group of friends she was Oh so happy to speak of the "Fun" time we had together.

I just scoffed and walked away. Personally, One of the worst times I've ever had with one of the opposite gender alone.
To be honest, that sounds perfectly innocent to me. When I was in elementary school I would tell my group of friends everything, and the moment we got into a fight all my deepest, darkest secrets like who I wanted to kiss were totally fair game. And when you're going through puberty, you're extra awkward about crushes and things like that - it's pretty natural to behave differently around crushes than you would with close friends.
To be honest, that sounds perfectly innocent to me. When I was in elementary school I would tell my group of friends everything, and the moment we got into a fight all my deepest, darkest secrets like who I wanted to kiss were totally fair game. And when you're going through puberty, you're extra awkward about crushes and things like that - it's pretty natural to behave differently around crushes than you would with close friends.
Ah. Yeah. To most it would be. I actually forgot about that mentality long ago so I took it pretty personal. I act the same regardless of how I feel about you. I just forgot that people do that.
My date earlier this evening did not go as well as I had hoped and my biggest red flag should have been the fact that he recently came out of a relationship. But alas I gave it a go only to find that he was not really interested in getting to know me and really only enjoyed talking about himself. We went to a bar close to his home after the movie- of course he knows every single person in there and was acting really sketchy about sitting too close to me; at one point he actually moved his chair right next to me and out of no where decided to move his chair away from me again to keep a distance. He shared a story with me and then I was in the middle of sharing one with him only to have him interrupt me by shouting to the server to order something else and did not even think to apologize for cutting me off nor ask me to continue on with what I was saying. He periodically checked his phone and then his roommate who lives in the duplex next to him came by to talk about how high she was and carried on a full blown conversation as I sat there awkwardly wondering WTF I was doing there.

Is there anyone out there with common sense?
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I had one date where the guy just kept crying. Every time I tried to tell him I wasn't interested, he sobbed like a baby.

That...freaked me out. Like, we had been together for 20 mins and he was already talking about love and marriage and going to see we will rock you.
Well a few years ago I dated a guy who kept talking about his ex girlfriend every chance he got.

I got out of that drama nonsense pretty quick.

That happened to me as well but i only went on a date once.He even added: " She even has the same name as you!"
I was so excited....not.
He was a damn know-it-all and though he was about 28 at the time,the way he talked seemed like he was 100 years old.Now that i look back it kinda was a pity date.We´re from the same village and all,makes it even more embarrassing.
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