Ok, so I'm wondering what you guys think of animal rights activists. By this I mean the sort who (often aggressively) lobby for no animal testing for medications, no scientific research etc - not make-up or perfume, but stuff that directly affects the quality of human life.
Basically, a number of major airlines and ferry companies have, due to heavy pressure from activists on various social media sites and the concurrent hijacking of digital means of communications, stopped importing animals (rats, mice and rabbits only) which are specifically modified to display the human-like effects of certain serious and incurable diseases. To protect their own staff from possible violence or other retaliation, these companies have complied with the demands of the activists and are no longer bringing these animals into the UK. Activists are calling it a victory but the scientific community are concerned about the potential harm this can cause if they cannot continue their research.
I have my own views which I may or may not post later but for now, what are your thoughts? Are you an activist yourself? If so, for what reasons? If you're not an activist, why? Do you think they are right or wrong in preventing scientists from conducting medical research into things like cancer, AIDS, motor neuron disease, diabetes, Alzheimers etc? Do you believe that animals deserve the same rights as humans or perhaps even more rights?
Just want to reiterate - I'm not talking about the fur trade, bizarre "health" foods involving endangered species, vanity products or the like. I mean specifically medical research.
Basically, a number of major airlines and ferry companies have, due to heavy pressure from activists on various social media sites and the concurrent hijacking of digital means of communications, stopped importing animals (rats, mice and rabbits only) which are specifically modified to display the human-like effects of certain serious and incurable diseases. To protect their own staff from possible violence or other retaliation, these companies have complied with the demands of the activists and are no longer bringing these animals into the UK. Activists are calling it a victory but the scientific community are concerned about the potential harm this can cause if they cannot continue their research.
I have my own views which I may or may not post later but for now, what are your thoughts? Are you an activist yourself? If so, for what reasons? If you're not an activist, why? Do you think they are right or wrong in preventing scientists from conducting medical research into things like cancer, AIDS, motor neuron disease, diabetes, Alzheimers etc? Do you believe that animals deserve the same rights as humans or perhaps even more rights?
Just want to reiterate - I'm not talking about the fur trade, bizarre "health" foods involving endangered species, vanity products or the like. I mean specifically medical research.