so according to what we saw and heard and read in re5, there is apparently something going on that we didn't know, that wesker, the character that we all know was apparently chosen at birth, and along with numerous others given he surname wesker.
According to spencer, who wanted a superior breed of humans to help rule the world, in his utopia, had decided to use children from parents with high intelligence, albert being one of them. Now i personally thought this was a stupid poorly tacked on excuse for a backstory, and even ruins some of the stuff that we have seen from him prior to, especially the stuff with him and birkin.
Albert and the other wesker children, also having the last names wesker, had all been either given the virus p30 from a friend, or even forced to take it. P30 is the virus that wesker was given by his old friend william birkin. Most of the wesker children died from it, with only a few surviving(great plot idea for re6!!!), and apparently it was a great performance enhancer, but it's drawback was that it was only temporary, which of course is why wesker had to inject himself with the serum, pg37 to keep it in check, which is ver similar to what he did with jill, the apparatus that he had on her chest constantly kept the virus in check,until it was removed of coures.
So the idea that wesker had survived the ending of re5 is not true. As some people like to think he did, if we think about each and every thing it doesn't make sense, him surviving.
I think it is pretty obvious that the rockets did not make direct contact with him, but in the lava, the rpg's splash damage would be effective enough, and not to mention that he would not be able to give himself the virus, which in turn means he would have died anyway....
What do you all think about this stuff?