Recent content by resevil80

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  1. resevil80

    Quick Question...

    It all depends on the budget(if I even do it at all)...
  2. resevil80

    Quick Question...

    Trying to Gauge interest in a Resident Evil Fanfilm based on the first game.... Would you be guys be interested in this...Would you suppport it on kickstarter(so that it doesn't suck), what would you want to see in the film....
  3. resevil80

    Resident Evil 5 Sheva would have been awesome...

    My point is..her A.I. in the game is awful....the only time she is slightly useful is after you get an unlimited ammo weapon and just put her on attack mode, but even then she not the brightest cookie in jar...its sad, because if the AI would have just been passable it would have been a cool...
  4. resevil80

    Resident Evil 5 Sheva would have been awesome...

    She wasted ammo and died alot...especially when playing on the harder modes...and she likes to let you bleed out.....USELESS!
  5. resevil80

    Resident Evil 5 is it possible for Chris to get that big

    I would rather way lots of Cheetos and pizza and drink MT. Dew lol....
  6. resevil80

    Fellow Christians.......

    God loves us all...and I'm pretty sure he would rock some Resident Evil....if he isn't already.
  7. resevil80

    REN Birthdays

    Oct 14th...
  8. resevil80

    Resident Evil 5 is it possible for Chris to get that big

    Of course you can....when you roll like Barry Bonds!
  9. resevil80

    Resident Evil 5 Sheva would have been awesome...

    ....if you could have used her as a meat shield...but no, she had to live....USELESS!
  10. resevil80

    Show me your face

    Its kinda weird...all I have on my computer are some wedding pictures lol
  11. resevil80

    Weskers Obsession....

    As Wesker sat in his Hillside Manor...Watching old Mash Reruns...all he could think about was CHRISSSSSSSSSSSSS.............CHRISSSSSSSSSSSSSS....after watching the final Episode of Mash, in which Wesker cried for several Hours....he made a Phone to Chris Redfields Cell phone....after getting...
  12. resevil80

    Resident Evil 4 What character are you?

    I had to take some other quiz and ended up as Sadler....what a douche bag.
  13. resevil80

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) RE2 Leon vs. RE4 Leon

    RE4 Leon looks like a total douche and(as stated before) just seems like he doesn't give a crap(no emotion) for emo...I don't know, but that haircut was awful.
  14. resevil80

    Resident Evil 2 (1998) How do I unlock Expert/Nightmare

    The Dualshock version for PSX had the arrange mode...