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  • Ha Ha I Am Glad You Like. In The Next Section He Is Going To The Station And Meets A Couple Of People. He Gets A Fair Amount Of Stuff But He Will Make Good Use Of Every Shot. I Am Also Trying To Approach It With A Sense Of Realism, No Magical Sprays Or Cure All Herbs. I Am Thinking Of Something To Do With Him.
    Tactical nukes is something to consider. But don't you think that the bad people would blend in with the innocent people and get away.

    You have not bothered me, not yet anyway haha.
    Ah. Yeah, Slipknot was my first hard band that got me into the metal genre. I still like them and listen to them once in a while. :P Yep, there are a few blackened death metal bands I listen to. Goatwhore, Teitanblood, Behemoth, Arkhon Infaustus and my favorite next to Behemoth is Belphegor. They're awesome.
    I LOVE Behemoth, I have one of their shirts! Well, their older albums, they were black metal. Nergal had a different vocal style as well as lyric style. But their midway to newer albums are more death metal, as his style changed. I think their first death metal album was Thelema.6. :D I consider Behemoth to be blackened death metal, makes it more simpler.
    :lol: I know the feeling.

    Well if you have a picture you'd like to use, send it over and I'll be more than happy to crop it down for you. :D
    I usually hate deathcore, but they're the only band that passes. My favorite genres of music are black metal/death metal to rap to 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's music like The Doors or The Beatles to pop music like Ke$ha LOL.
    Woo, I just rented Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil for Wii a few days ago, beat it with both Jill and Chris. It goes back today, though. I may buy that and Resident Evil Archives: Zero. Not sure yet. lol, I love iwrestledabearonce! they are just so completely random haha.
    At the moment, listening to some symphonic black metal, browsing the forum and waiting to get on my xbox to play Resident Evil 5. How about yourself?
    Hey It Took Even Longer Than What I Wanted But It Is Up Now. Check It Out And Let Me Know What You Think.
    Sorry I Had To Take It Down Got Hard To Read But I Am Working On It Right Now Maybe An Hour Or So.
    What do you mean about getting a taxi stolen? Not hijacking it whith driver and passengers? I hope you mean that someone who did not order a taxi "steals" it before I can get to it.

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss of friends. Your description of the war sounds spot-on for the war in Afghanistan, but that war is something we have to do, think about the alternative. It could be a giant Taliban terror nest. Taliban also terrorizes their own population you know. I'm not sure that war is fought right either, but it has to be fought in one way or another.

    I think I saw your post in the RE6 section if that's what you mean.
    I love old school KoRn! Their newer stuff sucks but their old stuff was awesome.

    :lol: While they're not beach music, yes I like the B52's.

    Cool, I'll talk to you later. :D
    Yeah That's Really The Place For It. Ok Go To FanFiction.net And Search For LordGolbez And The Story Is My Only One For Now.
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