I'm doing okay, and at the moment I feel very good. Just got in from a walk. It's only 8 Celisius outside, and if you use Farenheit that's about 10 Farenheit degrees above freezing. It's been like that for several days, I thought we were in June? I had to use a winter jacket and cap.
How are you? You were unsure what you would do this summer, have you sorted that out?
@Avdil and Midol - Lol maybe you could put a warning triangle in your signature or avatar at that time of the month, I'm terrified to accidentally say something wrong at the wrong time and I have no idea when that time is, until it maybe is too late.
Don't feel bad about the spam thing, it's your job to do it. And you are very gentle so no one can blame you for being tough.