Resident Evil 4 remake!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2019
Raccoon City
Today there have been reports that resident evil 4 remake is in the works and will be released in 2022.

What are your thoughts on this? Are you happy its receiving a remake or do go you thinks its not a good idea?
Yea Its a MAJOR disappointment, instead of remake the game that actually need its "Code Veonica" they are going to skip it and remake a game which I think can wait a while before a remake due to how it actually still has good graphics and gameplay by todays standards.

If this is true Capcom decisions as of late are just baffling me.
But wouldn’t it be amazing if the Re4 remake was better than the original?

After RE3 remake and the cut content and how they took away what made the game great I now have less faith that Capcom could do such a critically acclaimed game like RE4 justice, that coupled with it being to early for it to get the remake treatment just makes this decision seem all around like a very bad one to me that Capcom is making purely based on money given that RE4 is critically acclaimed and thus they will catch eyes for this remake even if the game is bad.
If this is true it will be disappointing, resident evil 4 is already perfect the way it is, if they really do a remake there is nothing they can add besides a better graphic, switching weapon whit directional button and moving while shooting, but for the rest? It dosent need Remake
Also a remake of resident evil 4 is not a thing capcom should to take lightly, because the game is already perfect and playable on current console and i seriously doubt a remake will surpass its predecessor exactly like re 2 and re 3 remake didn't surpass they're predecesso, so if the game will be disappointing everyone will simply pass and buy the remastered on ps4 who will be definitely the better choice

Code veronica needed a remake the most
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While definitely interesting, I don't get it either. My only hope is that they're moving forward with RE4 so they can create a stronger synergy between 2 and 4 and are holding off on Code Veronica so they can remake RE1 again to re-establish Chris and Wesker before randomly jumping into Code Veronica's story arc. I mean, if they're redoing RE4, anything is possible at this point.
I honestly think Capcom is treading on very dangerous waters. RE4 is a beloved game. Maybe even more than RE2, since a lot of fans started with 4. Not only that, it's still the series's best reviewed title. A game that frequently appears on "best games of all time" and "Most influential games of all time" lists and more than that, a personal favorite of a lot of fans (It was my favorite for a long time, until RE2R pushed it down). Any change that the game might have (and will have, let's be honest. There'll be some missing enemy, or some cut location, or some different scenario. I doubt it'll be an 1:1 recreation of RE4 with better graphics and updated gameplay. There will be changes.) will stirr the fanbase in a meltdown. And I can kind see some changes coming that might upset the fanbase (example...Leon's over the top acrobatic moves, some of the cheesy dialogue lines...things like that, since ever RE7 Capcom is trying to take the series into a more "realistic", "serious" storyline and RE4 is the complete opposite of it...and maybe that might one of the reasons on why it's so fun). This is a dangerous move, really.

And the bottom line of it...a very unnecessary move. RE4 still pretty much holds its own in every department, all while Code Veronica could benefit SO FREAKING MUCH on a Remake.
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Are you kidding? I'm HYPED as hell!

I can't wait to NOT be able to play as the womanizing badass oneliner spewing Leon instead of a "realistic" Leon.
I can't wait to NOT be able to enjoy Ada Wong as the B***h in the Red Dress cause the dress will be ditched cause "believability and practicality".
I can't wait to NOT be able to listen to the legendary lines from the Merchant because "muh realism".
I can't wait to NOT be able to save Ashley because damsel's in distress is "too problematic" for the mentally damaged morons of today.
I can't wait to NOT be able to choose whether to fight the El Gigante or the horde of Ganados because Capcom loves cutting choices.
I can't wait to NOT be able to play Separate Ways, Assignment Ada or Mercenaries because they'll be cut.
I can't wait to NOT be able to listen to the MGS style codec sequences because they "don't fit the realistic tone".!!!!!!!

(Feel free to quote me on this when the game comes out)
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It doesn't matter if its a dumb decision or not. All of us will buy the game anyway, and Capcom knows that.

I don't know the exact sales numbers for Code Veronica all across ports, but they're overshadowed by the rest of the series. A forgotten game to the big masses, remaking CV is probably seen as a risk on Capcom's part. RE4 on the other hand is undoubtedly their biggest and most successful game in history. Just imagine the huge traction and publicity it would get for free just by people talking about it.

But yes, it's a dumb decision nontheless!
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For years, people have bitched that RE4 ruined the series and that it wasn't a true survival horror game. Well, now is their chance to make it right. I get the upset over it happening before Code Veronica, but after everything is finally said and done, there will without any doubt in my mind be 2 camps when it comes to RE4. People who prefer the original and people who prefer the remake.

I for one welcome as much change to RE4 if it means RE4 will play, look, and sound as amazing as the last 2 remakes, and if it means it will actually be a survival horror game now that they no longer have to prioritize saving the series by making it "fun" for a larger audience. Give me any of that, and I'm on board. Not like RE8 is keeping me interested in the series anyway if what we've been hearing is true, so I'll take more of these remakes any day.
The first thing that came to my mind when I heard about this was: Didn't the RE8 leaks sound a lot like RE4 with the European location and the castle? What if the game everybody thought was going to be RE8 is really the remake of RE4, and the rumours of Chris and Ethan appearing in it were just misunderstandings? (Not sure how the witch and werewolves fit in, but RE4 was originally supposed to include supernatural elements if I'm not mistaken, so...)

Either way, whatever. As far as I'm concerned, they at least can't botch this remake as much as that of RE3, since I never liked the original RE4 and it can only get better. I would have preferred a Code Veronica remake first, though.
Meanwhile resident evil 3 remake have sold 2 milion copies in 5 days, so capcom will not give a **** of making code veronica before 4, because they know we will buy they're game one way or another

Also dusk golem confirmed this rumor

Since m, two the same team that made re 3 will make this remak for a 2022 release, it is more likely it will be just an updated graphic remake a la shadow of the colossus or crash bandicoot trilogy, because in two year there is very little they can achieve if they were going to remake it from the ground
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I'll be buying it.

If they could switch up the item/weapon inventory ( as much as I like inventory Tetris ) It should be easier to access Grenades and first aid sprays etc.

Also, I'd love all weapons to be accessible at some point. It's a shame I can't use Ada's shotgun or Krauser's Bow in the main game.
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It's all quite confusing though because the post-credits scene for RE3R raises questions regarding Capcom's future plans for remake sequels:

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Also dusk golem confirmed this rumor

Since m, two the same team that made re 3 will make this remak for a 2022 release, it is more likely it will be just an updated graphic remake a la shadow of the colossus or crash bandicoot trilogy, because in two year there is very little they can achieve if they were going to remake it from the ground

He said the game has been in development since 2018 and that the team is much larger than for the previous 2 remakes.
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