Resident Evil 3 Remake RE3 - Members Reaction Thread

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Professional Sandwich Consumer
Oct 7, 2018
Since some members on this forum have already been able to download their digital releases for the game, I thought it would be fitting to start a new thread where we can discuss our first reactions to the game.

Sadly my physical copy probably won't arrive until tomorrow afternoon, and on top of that I'm working late. Gaaaarghhhh why oh why... you lucky bastards who get to play it early...

Please mark eventual spoilers with the spoiler tag, just in case.
Only two hour and i will play the game, so excited
I will deliver my impression as soon as i finish it
Yea... I downloaded my digital copy but I can't play it until midnight but I work tomorrow so sadly the earliest I'll be able to play it is tomorrow at 5 pm.
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I took tomorrow off so I could go by Best Buy and pick it up and immediately start playing. I'm so excited I almost can't stand it.

I'm forbidden from taking time off in my first 6 weeks. I get it but it kinda sucks. Aside from video games I can't take my wedding anniversary off, but at least I get weekends off and my anniversary is on a Friday this year. But that just means I know what I'm doing this weekend :D.
I'm one hour into the game, and so far is one of the best re game I've ever played in my opinion... In a sense better than re 2 remake
But i will only know exactly how the game is only after i finish it, time to continue now
Soo, I haven't played an RE game since RE 5. I've been watching videos all these years mostly. But when the new RE 3 trailers came out I was thiiiiis close to buying it. What better thing to do during quarantine, I said. I even downloaded the two demos (for RE 2 and 3) and I really enjoyed them. Unfortunately my pc is a potato and I had to set the lowest settings in order to play (50% image quality e.t.c). I also read some reviews which affected me (guilty as charged! welp!). So, I bought the Halo Bundle instead for only 32 euros (Hey, it's all the halo games on pc! We've been waiting for years!) and decided to watch the whole game with proper quality (hahaha). And who knows? Maybe I'll also buy RE2 for 20 more.. Anyway, Here are my impressions:

Before I start nitpicking let me say that I really enjoyed watching the game. I wouldn't have gone through this watching session if I wasn't obsessed with it in the first place.

Carlos was really great in this game. At first, I was surprised by his new hairstyle but he quickly grew on me with his falcon punches and his mildly cheesy lines. Actually it's one line but it's good enough and did I mention he punches hunters in the face???!?!? oh boy, oh boy.. He might not strike as a latino anymore, but I'm pretty sure the ladies will appreciate him. At least, I did.

Speaking of hunters, these are my favorites since the original and I'm glad that they are back. Not the gammas! Those are the ugly ones in the sewers! I'm talking about the RE 1-like ones. False actually. Those in RE 1 are alphas, while here I believe they are called betas (I never noticed any difference to be honest). They tookthe effort, however, to drastically change the gammas like I said. They are even more frogish now and less reptilish. so I'll stick with my alphas/betas (they are alpha for a reason duh). There are even lickers! So, as you understand there is a plethora of enemies that balances out the greyworm or whatever other enemy was removed

As for Nemesis I think I get what they mean that he is more "scripted". In the original I can count multiple teams that he freely chases you though the city (RPD, uptown at least one, downtown at least one, clocktower after you recover maybe?). You have the choice to fight him and get rid of him until the next encounter or leave him chasing you while you do all this backtracking. In the remake however, back tracking only exists in the.. demo area basically. So you interact with him there the same way, but after that every encounter with Nemesis leads to a boss fight. I'm not sure though if you can bring him down when he has a flamethrower. Someone will have to check on that.

Imo, it's design choice that leads to a tradeoff. With the game being more linear you can't have Nemesis chasing you like in the original. At the same time the game has to be more linear (thank god no more puzzles in the streets?!?? Oh this jewel from random x building will totally unlock the Hall gate!)

One person here said RE 3 og buildings are uninspiring. I agree. I don't care about random racoon city gas stations and bars or even the park that is missing. Hell, I don't even remember it. But the clocktower missing is a huge blow (for me at least). It's one of the few places that it made some sense to backtrack and have some old school gameplay because it reminds of the mansion. The mansion has the same importance to me as the hunter alphas! <3. So yeah, it's overly personal and sucks. What's worse is that they even have a leaflet of the tower in the game! "Here's all the background story of the tower! Too bad you won't enter! muahahah" :(

As for the second part of the game being weaker that the first, I kind of agree bit for my own different reasons. The hospital and dead factory are completely redesigned. Hell, dead factory is replaced by some underground lab. The main reason I watched this game was for the nostalgia. While in the first half I could identify numerous parts of the original (Dario locking himself, brad getting bitten, extinguishing the flames e.t.c), I can't say the same for the hospital and the lab (except from the rail gun). Unless I don't remember things of course

Speaking of Dario, how could I forget to talk about this magnificent intro?!? This was the main reason I got pumped up for the game. I've seen it multiple times. From the appartment till Carlos finds you are some of the best moments of the game. Easily the best intro of a game ever.

Edit: I forgot to talk about Marvin and Kendo. I was really excited to see them in the trailer. Too bad their appearances (especially Kendo's basically repeating what we knew from RE 2) were insignificant. Brad biting Marvin was a nice touch however.

Uhm, that's it basically. Overall, really nice game.. Halo should be downloaded by now. Alas, Ill deal with the flood for now. The T-virus will have to wait for another time.
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I deleted my previous post because it was a bit confusing, now that i finished thr game i can write how i really feel about the whole experience... I just need to swallow the whole things and than I'll write my opinion and judgment on it.

Edit: i beat the game on hardcore and it takes me 05:01:26 to complete the game whitout counting cutscene
The game also tell you the total time whit cutscene and for me it was 6:44:55
So yes the game is short but you didn't feel it, i also died many time and i looked every corner and readed every file and i also walked some time... So yes reviewer are right about rhe fact that the game last 4 hour on standard... Re 2 remake and 7 were longer
I will write a better review later
My final vote is 8, re 2 was better but was more disappointing than this remake for me
The story is better in this remake than in re 2 remake
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I haven't read any messages because I haven't started the game yet - Are we using Spoiler Tags in here or is this a Spoiler Fest???
I was able to play for about a half hour before work.

I really enjoyed the opening sequence. The gameplay is pretty smooth so far. I didn't like how

It seemed like the demo was stolen directly from the game, including the combination to the safe. Also, it seems like the trophies were copied and pasted from REmake2s trophies list.

Granted I haven't made it very far but I'm pretty happy with it so far.
I just finished my Hardcore run and I really liked the game.
My end game time according to the game was 05:21:46 for the ranking and 06:55:59 for the total playtime and that was me cruising through the game, reading all the files and died 21 times.

The game is definitely flawed, but I enjoyed my time with it and I didn't feel like it was too short.
Nemesis is criminally underused and pathetically easy to beat in the earlier stages with a single grenade, but his later boss fights are a spectacle.
I've seen many people saying it's more like RE4 than REmake 2 and that's kinda true, with a lack of brain teasing puzzles and more linearity, but if you accept that it's a lot of fun.
I fully intend to replay the game with the higher difficulties later on and I'm excited to see the legions of mods to come.

Final verdict:
This is less of a remake/reimagining and more of a high budget version of "Raccoon's Destruction" from Umbrella Chronicles, but a GOOD high budget version of "Raccoon's Destruction" from Umbrella Chronicles.
I just finished my Hardcore run and I really liked the game.
My end game time according to the game was 05:21:46 for the ranking and 06:55:59 for the total playtime and that was me cruising through the game, reading all the files and died 21 times.

The game is definitely flawed, but I enjoyed my time with it and I didn't feel like it was too short.
Nemesis is criminally underused and pathetically easy to beat in the earlier stages with a single grenade, but his later boss fights are a spectacle.
I've seen many people saying it's more like RE4 than REmake 2 and that's kinda true, with a lack of brain teasing puzzles and more linearity, but if you accept that it's a lot of fun.
I fully intend to replay the game with the higher difficulties later on and I'm excited to see the legions of mods to come.

Final verdict:
This is less of a remake/reimagining and more of a high budget version of "Raccoon's Destruction" from Umbrella Chronicles, but a GOOD high budget version of "Raccoon's Destruction" from Umbrella Chronicles.
I agree whit all you say, the game was good and i enjoyed it, a shame that nemesis was pretty easy to down and to dodge

I don't agree whit the raccon destruction similarity whit umbrella chronicles, since that scenario was total trash, we only see jill Carlos and nemesis in that scenario all other character and story aspect were missing, the remake instead is pretty faithful to the original, despite some cut... They even expanded jill and Carlos and all the other character in the remake while on the original and umbrella chronicles they were pretty bland
I love it, just like I knew I would. Only issue I had was that I tossed 4 different grenades and only 1 went off. That ticked me off a bit. The 5th one finally went off but the other 4? Nada.

Don't know what kind of black hole they fell into but hopefully it's just a patchable glitch.
I love it, just like I knew I would. Only issue I had was that I tossed 4 different grenades and only 1 went off. That ticked me off a bit. The 5th one finally went off but the other 4? Nada.

Don't know what kind of black hole they fell into but hopefully it's just a patchable glitch.
Probably a glitch, never happened to me, they explode pretty instantly
Gonna keep this brief and spoiler free for now while I digest the game more.

I only have a vague memory of playing the original RE3 when I was 6. While I remember certain parts, I don't remember a great deal, so it was nice to go in with something of a clean slate.

I was very fortunate that my copy arrived a day before the release date. I've finished my play through and I loved it, it was such an enjoyable game. While I wasn't a fan of Jill's look originally, I kind of got used to it as the game went on. I found Carlos to be the surprise star of the show for me, however. He was very down to earth and likeable.

I'm not saying that the game was perfect - there were a few things I would have preferred to be done differently, for example, the linearity after leaving the first area. There was also frame rate droppage in the distance like there was in the demo.

All in all, I found the game to be a very enjoyable experience.

I love it, just like I knew I would. Only issue I had was that I tossed 4 different grenades and only 1 went off. That ticked me off a bit. The 5th one finally went off but the other 4? Nada.

Don't know what kind of black hole they fell into but hopefully it's just a patchable glitch.
This happened to me a couple of times as well, it was really frustrating.
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Did any of you noticed this
the remixed Resident evil 2 save room them while you are in the save room in the rpd?
Strange that this version is even more faithful than the one from re 2 remake
They should have used this in re 2
So beautiful

But they use this crap in re 2 remake that it's not even closer to the one from the original

Another positive part of re 3 remake is the soundtrack, very faithful to the original, i heard many old themes, and (spoiler ahead) i almost shade a tear when i heard the end credit theme from the original... Beautiful
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Just completed the game tonight and i actually really enjoyed it. I must say though that nemesis is a bit of a joke who does not get enough screen time. The ending was a bit rushed i though as well.

And my god is the game over with quickly. big shame they didn’t include the clock tower. A really enjoyable game but at the same time it could have been so much better.

I suppose good things come in small packages right?
Fair warning - a few spoilers in this post.

There's something I'm wondering about and I want to see if anyone feels the same as me. I played on Standard difficulty. Did anyone else find the game really quite easy until the latter stages on Standard? And even then it wasn't massively difficult, though there was a significant increase in challenge later on in the game.

I was disappointed that the Gammas could literally be killed with one flame round, and that flame rounds were plentiful in that area so you didn't even need to be sparing with them.

Something else I really enjoyed in the game was...
... the whole of the hospital section, particularly the part where you have to protect Jill and Tyrell behind the barricaded door. That was a fun little horde section. I also enjoyed Hunters in general, I feel like they were genuinely intimidating and you were in very real danger of being instakilled whenever you were unfortunate enough to be in close proximity to one.

I managed to find all of the files in the game, but only twelve bobbleheads. Still, I guess that's not too bad.