Your Personal RE Game Rankings

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G Virus Experiment
Jun 6, 2016
Hudson Valley, NY
Hi all,

I was reading through some old comments and I saw a rather strange version of someone's rankings of the games. I was like, "This fella is nuts." But maybe... I am the one who is nuts. haha. I don't know. I am not going to go in to specific reasons at this point, but I would like to share my own person rankings for the Resident Evil games thus far. I will be omitting certain spin-off entries and keeping others depending on how I feel while writing this.

1. Resident Evil 2
2. Resident Evil 4
3. Resident Evil 2 Remake
4. Resident Evil REmake
5. Resident Evil 3
6. Resident Evil 7
7. Resident Evil
8. Resident Evil CV
9. Resident Evil 0
10. Resident Evil 5
11. Resident Evil Rev 2
12. Resident Evil Outbreak (1 and 2)
13. Resident Evil Rev 1
14. Resident Evil Survivor
15. Resident Evil Dead Aim
16. Resident Evil 6
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My list isn't just the games that I enjoyed playing but it also considers plot, how well it fits into the series and what I think it offers to the series as a whole. (There will be no distinction between remakes and originals either as the story for both is the same.)

  1. Resident Evil 2
  2. Resident Evil Code Veronica
  3. Resident Evil
  4. Resident Evil Zero
  5. Resident Evil 3
  6. Resident Evil 5
  7. Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City
  8. Resident Evil Dead Aim
  9. Resident Evil Outbreak File 1 & 2
  10. Resident Evil Revelations 2
  11. Resident Evil Revelations
  12. Resident Evil 6
  13. Resident Evil 4
I haven't played Resident Evil 7 yet and, as such, cannot add it to this list at this time.
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WOW. I think you are BEYOND Brave to have Resident Evil 4 as your lowest ranked game. Seriously, WOWWWWW.

But I respect the hell out of you for doing it. haha. May I ask on what grounds you rank it below RE6?
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It was the only game I started and couldn't finish. It's the game that split series fans in half, between survival horror and action and I don't think it's brave of me to say so. It's the game that started the fight about the series going back to its roots. I think it was an extremely low point in the series and I don't apologise for it.

I'm also not entirely fond of the story either. I understand that they found a way to tie it into the rest of the series to make it important but honestly? We went from first infections in Zero and the original, to infections in the city in 2 and 3, finding Chris and trying to take down Umbrella in CVX to... Leon... In Spain... With the President's daughter and bioterrorism on a global scale? That escalated quickly.

From the moment I started the game it didn't even feel like a Resident Evil game, it felt like a Leon game. It's like they said: "We're going to create a new game centered around Leon. He's not going to be taking down Umbrella, continuing the fight of the first five games, no we're going to have him doing something in Spain on a global scale, make him seem important, and we're not really gonna talk about the events of the other games at all. We're going to make him a hero, he's no longer a rookie but we're going to slap the Resident Evil title on it so people buy it."

I didn't like it. You're entitled to put it at number 2 if you like, but it's my least favorite in terms of everything.
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Hey, I get it. All of those are real reasons to be mad at 4. They did do a complete left turn and forever changed the series. However, if you were reading reviews of the time period, people were not happy with Resident Evil at the time. Capcom was experiencing an angry fan base with recent titles like Code Veronica X and Resident Evil 0 saying that the formula was stale. People were mad they were essentially playing the same game with updated graphics and story. I was not one of those people, but I understood what people were saying.

Then, they released Resident Evil 4 which I wouldn't go near for abandonding it's horror roots. Then I played it and was addicted. It was over the top. It was new enemies. It was cheesy. But it was super fun. And good. Game of the Year good. Your reasoning stands. It did change the franchise all together and maybe not for the good. But I do think it is contraversial to say it is the worst game in the series. Especially when 5 was an almost exact copy of the game with an African setting and you clearly support it above 4!

Someone, somewhere, had to rank it last though. So good on you for surprising me!
I'll make this short and sweet. As in an earlier post, not distinguishing between original and remake.

1. Resident Evil 2
2. Resident Evil Code Veronica
3. Resident Evil
4. Resident Evil 0
5. Resident Evil Revelations 2
6. Resident Evil 7
7. Resident Evil 6
8. Resident Evil Revelations
9. Resident Evil Outbreak
10. Resident Evil 5
11. Resident Evil 3
12. Resident Evil 4

I didn't really want to add Umbrella Chronicles or Darkside Chronicles as they were just retellings of previous stories from a different perspective, but if they were in the list they would probably be between 5 and 3 since I didn't really enjoy playing them. I also didn't really feel right about adding Mercs 3D as it's not technically a full game that added anything at all but I would probably put that in the 4th spot or so if I'd added it to the list. I really enjoyed it, especially HUNK alternate Mr Death. Best loadout/skillset/kill move. Loved it.
Hey Rain, That is an awesome list and I completely agree about the Chronicles games. They are so much fun to play. And yet, another person with RE4 at the bottom. I had no idea that anyone felt like this! Wild times!

I am surprised to see a lot of agreement with my list that Revelations 2 is better than Revelations 1 since most professional rankings place them in the opposite order! But I just thought Revelations 2 was a better game and much creepier/better directed.
I am surprised to see a lot of agreement with my list that Revelations 2 is better than Revelations 1 since most professional rankings place them in the opposite order! But I just thought Revelations 2 was a better game and much creepier/better directed.

Yea, honestly I wasn't a big fan of either game really. I found the story of the first Revelations to be pretty bland. I did like the story a little more in Revelations 2, but I think they maybe could've done something different with Alex's character arc. I very much enjoyed Raid mode though; my husband and I played that to death.

As for 4, my teacher and I have the age old debate all the time lol. I can't stand it and he thinks it's the best in the series. I'm used to it by now though. Everyone is always shocked to hear that it's my least favorite.
My issues with Revelations are wide and varied even though I loved it. The characters are the weakest in the series by far. Jessica and Raymond are complete jokes in terms on character design. The side missions are great for the story, but they each capitalize on a single enemy type which is annoying. The raid of the airport with Quint and Keith = only dogs attack. The fall of Terragrigia = only hunters attack. Why? I get that this was a portable game first, but a lot of these decisions were irksome.

And about RE4, maybe I am about to be smacked in the face with the truth by y'all. haha
From the moment I started the game it didn't even feel like a Resident Evil game, it felt like a Leon game. It's like they said: "We're going to create a new game centered around Leon. He's not going to be taking down Umbrella, continuing the fight of the first five games, no we're going to have him doing something in Spain on a global scale, make him seem important, and we're not really gonna talk about the events of the other games at all. We're going to make him a hero, he's no longer a rookie but we're going to slap the Resident Evil title on it so people buy it."
This is something I'm going to have in the back of my head when I'm taking on RE4 soon, because its next on my list after CV. IOW, that the RE protagonists went from grounded cops and soldiers, to international super agents.

I think I'm not going to be able to do a give out a justified ranking of my RE games just yet, since I've only finished Nemesis, Revelations 2, RE1 remake, Zero, and now RE2 remake. Gotta finish some more first.
Careful! A few more unpopular opinions are imminent.

01. Revelations 2
My most played game on Steam, largely due to Rape Mode, but I've also played through the campaign at least ten times. It has everything I wish for in an RE game, and everything is executed very well: the story, most of the characters, the locations, the gameplay... Only minor complaints concerning Claire's dullness and Ada's absence from Rape Mode, but then comes the Overseer as my favourite RE villain of all time to make up for that.

02. RE2 / REmake 2
Introducing three of my favourite characters and bringing Resident Evil to the next level, this game had a long history of constantly fighting with RE1 for the top rank on my list until Revelations 2 came along, then for the second place, but now, the second remake has officially triumphed over the first one. If only Capcom had put more effort into the A and B scenarios, and Ghost Survivors wasn't complete $hit compared to Rape Mode, it could actually have made the top of the list.

03. RE1 / REmake
The one that started it all, and the one I thought would never be dethroned, except it has actually happened twice now. Incredible atmosphere, several game modes to keep you entertained, and Twink Chris is still the hottest! Too bad the controls haven't aged quite as well as the graphics.

04. RE6
Probably the second most hated RE, but my second most played game according to Steam statistics. To me it's simply a bigger and better version of RE5, which was already pretty great in itself. A better written story, less over-the-top action, a happy ending for Piers, and a longer campaign for Ada could have placed this entry higher on my list, because it sure looked to me like it was going to be the best RE ever before it actually came out.

05. Nemesis
The first RE I ever played, it will always have a special place in my heart. Jill is awesome in this one, Nemesis is scary, and we have a sexy Latino whose accent drives the foxy ladies crazy, what else could be asked for? (I know what: A reeemaaake!)

06. RE5
The least interesting and most predictable story ever (honestly, who didn't see it coming far in advance that Bird Lady was Jill?), but still a lot of fun to play, especially with a human partner. However, unlike many other players, I never had a problem with Sheva or her AI either.

07. Revelations 1
Loved it initially, but the campaign quickly got boring after the first time. No replay value at all, Jill and Chris are duller than ever, the new characters suck, and the story isn't nearly great enough to justify being so unnecessarily convoluted. I would never have touched it again if not for Rape Mode.

08. Operation Raccoon City
The most hated game with RE in its title, but I like it, especially exploring those interesting characters and their abilities to find out what works best in which situation. Fun-wise, I would even put this above Revelations 1, but all in all, I'd say Revelations 1 is still the better game. (Sorry, Bertha! You will alway be my favourite Frau Doctor Dominatrix, you know that, right?)

09. RE4
This used to be at the bottom of my list for a long time, mainly because the original PC port was so terrible. The HD remaster finally made it playable by adding mouse support and actually displaying the correct buttons during QTEs, but the controls are still very slow, the story is still very... ugh, and as much as I like Leon in RE2, I absolutely hate him in this one. Believe me, I've tried, but I still can't understand what (almost) everyone else loves so much about RE4.

10. Zero
No idea why Rebecca and Billy are hailed as the beta couple of Resident Evil, considering that they barely interact with each other, and when they do, the writing leaves a lot to be desired. Other than that, it could have been great as a game, but no boxes = annoying item management, and many unnecessary doors = too much loading. You spend half of your time switching items around and looking at door animations, and that's not my definition of fun. Finished it twice, tried all the outfits, never again.

11. Code Veronica
Too long, too hard, too much backtracking, ugly grey fog instead of darkness, and let's not even begin to talk about that outfit Claire is wearing! One of the greatest stories and sets of characters, but the gameplay just didn't click with me, it's like someone in the development team said: "Let's take everything that made the other classics fun and crank it up to such an unbelievable degree that everything turns into a chore!" Finished it only once, and only because it's RE.

I haven't played RE7, but wouldn't even pick it up on sale, because based on what I've seen, I think it fails both as a game (for my taste, anyway) and as a Resident Evil, which can give you an approximate idea of where I'd probably put it on my list.
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let me see...

  1. Resident Evil 0
  2. Resident Evil 4
  3. REmake
  4. REmake2
  5. Resident Evil 7
  6. RERev 2
  7. Resident Evil 5
  8. Resident Evil 6
  9. Resident Evil 3
  10. Resident Evil
  11. ORC
  12. Resident Evil 2
  13. RERev
  14. Resident Evil CVX
and the rest I either didn't play or forgot to put them on the list

1- RE2 \ RE2 Remake: The original RE2 was almost the perfect game, if it's a bit on the easy side. The RE2 Remake is also, to me, an almost flawless experience, and most of the complaints people have to say about the games are far from breaking points for me. Also, characterization and visuals on point.

2 - RE4: To me, it was the change the series needed. The story was a bit weak, but they set up great enemies on the plaga infected, which was a nice diversion to the zombies. Gameplay is on point and simply fun. The game was fun and it didn't took itself so seriously. It was my favorite until RE2 Remake came to burst the RE2 train over it.

3 - RE3 Nemesis: My most favorite of the fixed camera era. A little light on the story side but damn this game is fun! Plus, having a taste of the streets of Raccoon City, at the time, was amazing, even if the city was weird, thanks to console limitations. But I still have a blast every time I play it. It would've been ranking higher than the original RE2 alone.

4 - RE1 \ RE Remake: The atmosphere...oh the atmosphere. Remake does that so well. The Spencer Mansion still is one of the best, if not the best, location on the series. Everything about the photography of this game is done right. What brings Remake down is the controls. It feels sluggish, especially because I never played back in 2002, since I never had a GC or a Wii. And by the time the game was released for the PS3 and X360, I couldn't help but notice that the gameplay was very outdated.

5 - RE6: Silly stories, some silly bosses but the best controls in the series. Actually probably the best controls on a 3rd person action-shooter game. To me, RE6 is dumb and fun. I like it. Plus, character design is also on point.

6 - RE Revelations 2: To be honest, this game surprised me. I wasn't expecting much, but what we got was pretty good. The story was nice, the characters were mostly nice (I still find Moira extremely annoying) and the atmosphere was pretty cool for the most part. It's a shame it looked so....bad. Like it was a budget title. If Capcom had polished the game a little more, it would've ranking higher (I'm not talking only about graphics, but the presentation overall)

7 - RE5: The story was meh...the gameplay was a little overwhelming at times, but it can still be fun, especially with a human player. I know how to work my way around the partner AI, but I can't help but facepalm myself sometimes over its stupidity.

8 - RE Zero: Not a bad game, but running back and forth to throw items on the ground is silly. Actually, most of the new mechanics of this game are silly. The Ecliptic Express and the Training Facility are nice locations and have good atmosphere and the gameplay was fine, but I can understand the complaints about getting stale. It's not a bad game, but for me, its flaws and backtracking would make it unfair for me to rank it higher.

9 - RE7: If I would rate the game until Marguerite's fight, it would've been way higher, but the second half of the game is so...meh. It didn't helped that the characters were bland and uninteresting, the gameplay was also terribly slow and combat wasn't fun. Half of the atmosphere was nice. Half of the DLC's were nice. There's too much "half of the things are good" for me to rank this higher.

10 - RE Revelations: If you take Revelations out of the canon, nothing changes. Even Survivor is referenced on something (Re Zero's opening), but the story of Revelations is totally irrelevant. Character design is poor (Hi Rachael!). Gameplay is okay's not enough. For a game starring Jill and Chris, the story matters too little. The Queen Zenobia is fine, but the way the story jumps around all of the boring characters, it just doesn't come together nicely.

11 - RE Code Veronica: Silly story, silly villains, awful voice acting (Hi Steve and Alfred). Comparing CV with RE3 seems like a step back and to me it says a lot about the gameplay of CV. After three great games, CV to me was the first "caution sign" that things were starting to get a little too repetitive and predictable with Resident Evil. The fact that I like Darkside Chronicle's rendition of CV more than the original game says a lot.

12 - RE Outbreak & File 2: Lots of good ideas. Poor implementation on most of them. Still, I like most of the open scenarios and to see more of Raccoon City. The characters are mostly interesting (except Jim and David) and the game is nice to pick up and play a couple of scenarios every once in a while.

13 - RE Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles:'s fun, but nothing spectacular. I'm not much of a fan of on-rails shooters. But like Outbreak, it can be fun in short bursts.

14 - RE Dead Aim: I like this game. I really like it. It has some nice atmosphere, some beautiful graphics and some nice animated zombies. But the characters are kinda lame (cheap knockoff Leon, cheap knockoff Ada, cheap knockoff Sephiroth) and the game has too little content for me to rank it higher. can finish the game in under 3 hours in normal speed! Like...I'm a very, very bad speed runner and I can still finish this game under 3 hours even when I explore the places and read the files. It's just too short.

15 - RE Operation Raccoon City: Again, good ideas, bad implementation. Human enemies that takes 5 headshots to die. Enemies that are bullet sponges (Hi Hunter and all the three assault rifle full clips I waste to kill you), awful cover mechanic for a shooter. It's not all bad though. I like to walk around looking at Raccoon City's streets and its signs and shops. I like the SpecOps characters (much more than the USS) and some of their missions are kinda fun, but its mechanics and terrible AI are game breaker for me.

16 - RE Gaiden: For a GBC game, it's not that bad. Story is non-canon and silly, but the combat could've been way worse than it is. For what is worth, RE Gaiden is way better than the GBC port of Alone in the Dark: A New Nightmare or any other title that attempted to make some sort of survivor horror on the game boy.

17 - RE Survivor: It's ugly, it plays badly, it sounds horrible and the story is nonsensical.

18 - RE Survivor 2: It was an fps that played worse than the original Doom. In 2002. Nuff said.
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1. Resident Evil REmake
The original may have been one of the most important games of all time for ushering in the era of survival horror and setting the standard for the genre, but the REmake is simply a survival horror masterpiece and the gold standard for all Resident Evil games to follow. This IS Resident Evil in its purest form, being that it is a remake of the game that started it all, but a remake that not only captures the essence of the original, but vastly improves on the foundation it laid out and outright eclipses it.

2. Resident Evil 2 REmake
I'm giving this one its own spot because it's a different enough experience from the original and it's quite a toss up at the moment to be honest. It's what I'm playing right now and I absolutely love it, so I'm giving it the 2nd spot for now. It may not be the perfect remake, but it's everything I've been wanting from a modern Resident Evil game for so long. It's definitely been a dream come true for me.

3. Resident Evil 2
Easily the best of the Playstation originals. 2 unique campaigns each playable by both characters, more zombies on screen, stronger leads and narrative, and 2 of the most memorable bosses in Resident Evil history with the transforming William Birkin and the stalker Mr. X. It completely blew the original out of the water with its scale, content, and unique ideas, and for that, it's one of the greatest sequels of all time. Had it recieved the same refinement and detail of the REmake, this would definitely be my number 1.

4. Resident Evil 4
Undoubtedly the most iconic game in the series, and for good reason. Love it or hate it, RE4 is an important video game to the industry, despite its lack of real survival horror. While I heavily prefer my Resident Evil to be scary, RE4 is still one hell of a replayable and memorable game that did something bold for the series. In retrospect, it's easy for me to dismiss it as the game that killed the series, but at the time, before I was cynical, it was the first Resident Evil game I played through from beginning to end and I absolutely loved it.

5. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis/Resident Evil 0
Admittedly, I've only played through RE3 and RE0 once, which was all they really required for completion. So that's why I'm lumping these 2 together. They're not the most memorable games to me due to how unfamiliar I am with them, and I would love to play them again sometime, but what I do remember, is that they're both very solid entries in the series that played with an already winning formula in unique and interesting ways, but neither of them really broke any new ground, which is why I don't hold them as high as their respective predecessors, being RE2 and REmake.

6. Resident Evil: Revelations 2
This game was an absolute love letter to Resident Evil during a time the series needed it most. For the first time ever, Barry Burton was a playable lead character (we'll never speak of Gaiden), Claire Redfield finally makes her return as a lead since Code Veronica, and the mysterious Alex Wesker from RE5 was finally revealed. After the derailment that was RE6, Revelations 2 took the series back and offered us what felt like the proper sequel to RE5 that we deserved, while also making the latest installments in the franchise feel all interconnected. Revelations 2 did a lot of things right, but unfortunately, it's held back by its episodic structure, spin-off budget, and Capcom's unwillingness to fully embrace survival horror at the time. Regardless, it was the closest blend of modern and old Resident Evil we had ever gotten until REmake 2.

7. Resident Evil 5
Although it is on the lower end of this list, this is an undeniably great and polished game. It made lots of improvements to RE4's gameplay, shifted to a more serious tone, and put the story on track after RE4's deviation. This is a better Resident Evil 4 in so many ways, except for one major thing, co-op. While the co-op itself isn't awful, it greatly hinders its design. Instead of one long seamless campaign, the game is chopped up into smaller levels, which really streamlines everything. While it's an amazing experience in co-op that still offers tons of fun and memorable moments, it borrows too much from RE4 and does it worse to compensate for a second player. With that said, it's worth it for those Wesker boss fights alone and Lost in Nightmares. Also, I think this game is very underrated in how scary it can be, especially compared to RE4, because those Reapers and Lickers were f*cking terrifying even with a partner.

8. Resident Evil: Revelations
This is a hard one to judge because I thought it was a fantastic handheld game and while the console remaster is definitely the superior version, it falls a bit short as a console game. The characters feel weightless which was fine when using the circle pad on the 3DS, but it was odd feeling that way on the same controller I played RE5 on. The structure of the game is also unfitting for a console game as it was designed to be played through short intervals like you normally would on a handheld, hence the episodic structure. So while the Jill segments were good nostalgia trips, they didn't last very long before you get into the mundane action sequences that pale in comparison to what we've seen in games like RE4 and 5. Regardless, I really enjoyed the story and I thought there were lots of memorable moments. The underwater mechanics were also really refreshing and well done. Ultimately though, the game plays it safe with its hand-holding and half-baked and forced action sequences.

9. Resident Evil 6
This game was way too ambitious for its own good and could have done with some more time in development. I feel like I could be really harsh or really positive when talking about this game, and it really depends on how my last experience was with it. There's just as much good to say about it as there is bad, and it can be really bad sometimes. For example, the gameplay is mechanically satisfying for an action game, letting you pull off all sorts of cool maneuvers, but the gameplay itself doesn't feel as tight and polished as previous entries. There's a lot of great ideas and awesome moments here, but the overall execution isn't to the standards of the rest of the series.

10. Resident Evil 7
A solid game with an impressive engine that attempted to bring the series back to its survival horror roots. Emphasis on attempted. It is the lowest game on my list because it feels like a watered down classic Resident Evil by design. The Baker house isn't really that big and where to go and what to do is pretty obvious that you're not so much exploring, but going along the obvious path. Enemy variety is severely lacking and very generic by RE standards. The plot is pointless and the overall theme, characters, and story is so disconnected from the rest of the series that it might as well have been a spin-off or completely brand new IP. Doesn't help matters either that it was completely in first-person and probably so easy, unscary, and watered down to make it VR accessible. It's not a bad game, but it isn't exactly a great survival horror or Resident Evil game either. It actually feels like they were ashamed of what the franchise was and just wanted to use the name for recognition only.

Note: Still haven't played Code Veronica. I know, I'm ashamed.
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So, a few people have done this differently than one another, and it seems there's no uniform way to do it, so I'll just rank them in order of my least favorite, to favorite, based on my own arbitrary opinions lol. I'll be doing this only for the games I've played, which is still a vast majority of them, and including spin-offs.

18. Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 - One of the only one's on this list I never beat, and I never beat it because I found it incredibly boring. The easter eggs to other games are great. But aside from that...just a snoozefest.

17. Resident Evil: Survivor - I spent more money on this than I should of in a winning bid on eBay because I told myself I wanted to play it. Looking back, I'm not sure why.

16. Resident Evil Survivor 2 - Code: Veronica - This game is bad. It is objectively awful. But god DAMN if it isn't fun because of it. You know how people love cheesy horror movies that are so bad they're good? That's this game. 100%

15. Resident Evil: Revelations 2
: I know a lot of people love this game...but I think it did a HUGE disservice to one of the fan favorite characters, Claire Redfield. We all know the CGI films are canon. Well, all characters in any type of story, have a character arc. Degeneration wrapped up her character arc BEAUTIFULLY. She had stopped fighting. Accepted her past. And now joined TerraSave. Unlike Leon, she moved on in a healthy way. Her story was wrapped up in that movie. That fact the she was brought back for this game, when she had a beautiful exit from the series, is something I'll never forgive this game for.

14. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City - Man, when this game came out I was freakin' excited. You get to alter the canon of the Resident Evil Series. Good guys vs. Bad guys. New characters. Killing Leon (I had my name WAY before this game came out). And then it DID come out, and boy was it a disappointment. Don't get me wrong. It was f*cking awesome for a month. And then no one else was playing anymore, the single player sucked, and all the hero level's sans the first was DLC. Game turned out to be a joke.

13. Resident Evil 5 - Yup. My first main entry title on this list is RE5. There's a lot about this game I don't like. Sheva (Not just her A.I., but her character as a whole). The fact that most of the game takes place in the sunlight, effectively killing the horror atmosphere. Forced Co-Op. And the fact that Jill doesn't get to join Chris in giving Wesker the final blow. That is an atrocity. That said, there's plenty about the game I DO like as well. The comic book story plot of Complete. Global. Saturation. I love that, cheesy as it may be. I love Chris punching a damn boulder. I loved seeing (At the time) the most graphically advanced Lickers around. And I think the story was actually the perfect way to wrap up everything

12. Resident Evil: Revelations
- Controversial to put this so low, I know...but...In hindsight if just feels so inconsequential. It was definitely fun to play. And there were a couple of times I jumped. But Jill, the most beautiful woman in Video Game history, looked fugly, we never got the Chris vs. Jill gun scene from the trailer, and the new characters Jessica and...was it Raymond? I don't even remember. That's how flat they feill for me.

11. Resident Evil -
Yeah, the original RE isn't that good guys lol. It's got that nostalgia vibe, and it started a genre. But it's just not good. I enjoy it. Since REmake came out, I've played this game maybe once...

10. Resident Evil 6
- Let me start by saying, I think this game gets a bad rap. It's not near as awful as people say. It's kinda just...mindless fun. Where Resident Evil 2 is Serial Experiments Lain...Resident Evil 6 is One Punch Man. There's pros and cons to each. And listing the pros and cons to 6 would take me WAY too long. Just know, I like it more than the average RE fan.

9. Resident Evil 7
- This game was a god damn breath of fresh air when it came out. Resident Evil was finally horror again. Not only was it horror, but it was an all new story with all new characters. Everything about this game was what I wanted it to be. The problem is, replayability. I've played it 3 times. Mostly just because I love RE. Not because it rewarded me to keep playing. And it felt really short, even on the first play through. But hey, the PS4 is such a great system, it's a shame I can't rate this higher. Despite how much I love Resident Evil...I mean hell, it's my favorite series in the world...The PS4 has such a great library at this point that I can't ignore other things I've invested more time into.

8. Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles - While not as good as Umbrella, the originally story detailing how Leon meets Krauser was a lot of fun, and the good ending vs. bad ending was reminiscent of old school RE. I feel it didn't really capture the nostalgia of the replay games like UC did...Or maybe it was that odd, blue filter. But it was still enjoyable.

7. Resident Evil 0 -
A gimmick game, but fun nonetheless. Introduced some real unique monsters.

6. Resident Evil - Code: Veronica X - The only game in the main series I've never freakin' beat. But it's SO good! I always get to the airplane fight, which I'm told is the halfway point, but by then I'm ammo ****ed, and can't beat it! This has happened four times. That said, Jesus did this game show RE can make the transition from PSone to Dreamcast/PS2 seamlessly.

5. REmake2
- I really really liked this. And as the game that is most recent, this is the one my opinion is most likely to sway one way or the other on as time goes on. But as it currently stands. It was serviceable. It was both a fantastic remake, as well as a good introduction to those who may be new to the series. The changes it did make felt very welcome. People have knocked its length, but what did you expect? It's a remake? That said...God DAMN was Claire's character model awful.

4. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
- I love on rail shooters, and I love RE, so I put this pretty high. The level of replayability was insane. There were so many collectibles to get from smashing stuff up. Add to that the all original canon stories of Wesker taking down Vladmir and Chris and Jill going up again TALOS? This game was so memorable

3. Resident Evil 2 -
I do prefer RE2 to the REmake. Call it nostalgia. Preference for fixed camera angles. Love of PSone graphics. Whatever it may be, As incredible as the remake is, unlike with the original REmake, I'll go back to this one every time.

2. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis - While I know a lot of people prefer RE2, Nemesis is where it's at for me. Being Chased by that freak of science is heartpounding no matter how many times you play. It S.T.A.R.S. (Get it) my girl Jill Valentine. We get to see more of Raccoon City than we ever had before. To me, of the original 3 on PSone, this is the quintessential RE game.

1. REmake & Resident Evil 4
- I honestly can't pick between the two. Gamecube era Resident Evil is what stole my heart. These games are so freakin' different that you wouldn't even know they were part of the same series. How am I supposed to pick a favorite? They both start my favorite female and male heroins of the series, Jill and Leon respectively, they are both very original stories, and they both are the games in the series I've replayed more than literally *any* other. Number 1 spot is a tie for me.
I retracted my rankings because I don't believe I can be a valid opinion on quality. Not that I expect anyone to wonder where the post went, I'm just one person.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading your lists.
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I might be the only person to really enjoy RE Survivor. I mean, I don't rate it highly, but I do have fun with it!

And Murrdogg - we're all just fans making arguments for what we enjoy. It is up to you what you want to do with your thoughts, but I did like reading your list. I like reading ALL this lists!
I might be the only person to really enjoy RE Survivor. I mean, I don't rate it highly, but I do have fun with it!

And Murrdogg - we're all just fans making arguments for what we enjoy. It is up to you what you want to do with your thoughts, but I did like reading your list. I like reading ALL this lists!
My thoughts are just trash. You are all the fans that matter. I'm late to the party & haven't earned the right to be a fan. I only got to playthrough a game in January 2018 & then played through 9 RE games in total. It's only possibly my favorite franchise, being almost half of the games on my PS4. But I have no right to any opinion. You're all better than I will ever be. I'm just a nobody. So nothing I say will ever matter to anyone.

I like all but 2 of the RE games I played. Not that it matters to anybody.
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Reactions: Turo602
My thoughts are just trash. You are all the fans that matter. I'm late to the party & haven't earned the right to be a fan. I only got to playthrough a game in January 2018 & then played through 9 RE games in total. It's only possibly my favorite franchise, being almost half of the games on my PS4. But I have no right to any opinion. You're all better than I will ever be. I'm just a nobody. So nothing I say will ever matter to anyone.

I like all but 2 of the RE games I played. Not that it matters to anybody.

Grim much? Everyone is entitled to an opinion and there's no reason yours should be any less valid. Chillax man.
My thoughts are just trash. You are all the fans that matter. I'm late to the party & haven't earned the right to be a fan. I only got to playthrough a game in January 2018 & then played through 9 RE games in total. It's only possibly my favorite franchise, being almost half of the games on my PS4. But I have no right to any opinion. You're all better than I will ever be. I'm just a nobody. So nothing I say will ever matter to anyone.

I like all but 2 of the RE games I played. Not that it matters to anybody.
Easy on the sarcasm...

I'm kind of in the same boat as you, although I've played even less RE games than you. That doesn't mean I don't think my opinion about a certain RE game is less valid than someone who's played every game since 1996. Quite the contrary, in fact, I sometimes believe that I'm able to look at certain aspects of the games without being blinded by nostalgia, like some older fans.