The offical Pokemon Go thread!

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Stray Jedi
Jul 6, 2015
That's right. I called it official and no forum is complete without one. No city nor town is complete without trainers. Our childhood dreams are true and Pokémon are now part of peoples everyday daily life. Here we can talk about our progress and question for world domination for our team. The Pokévirus is being spread all across the world. And soon everyone will be infected. Resistance is futile.


I live in Edmonton city center. You can barely walk two blocks without seeing people playing the game. Rather they are in large groups. Sometimes often 5-7 people, riding their bikes, skating, or even playing stop and go (driving while playing). I actually saw someone hit their hazard lights and stop in the middle of a very busy road, and when I say stop. He didn't pull to the side. He sat idle in the fast lane. A dead stop. He sat there for about a minute or two because there were two Pokéstops that ring around each other with lure on. What some of the people are doing here is crazy. People play 24/7 here. I got back home after playing at about 1:50pm and you can better there were tons of people out and about. You should see some of those ****s go when they zoom off in there car after sitting idle in a hotspot for a few minutes. They floor it!

I had a hair appoint out in Spruce today and after Afterwards I went to the arena. There was a truck there when I got there and drove off. I ended up attacking the Gym and within two minutes they were back. 5 people jammed in this SUV truck. Luckily for me they were on the same team and we took the arena. I actually thought they came back to retake the gym the second I got it. Basically being a bunch of campers.

Yeah, it's not out yet in Canada, but everyone is playing in Edmonton. City center is jam packed. West Edmonton alone has 3 gyms in the mall. Plus close to 20 Pokéstops. The city is littered with them. From my apartment, without moving I can see 3 gyms and exactly 33 Pokéstops. City center alone has about 12 gyms and well over 100+ Pokéstops. It's ****ing crazy!


Currently I'm level 10. I'm a little behind and I didn't get it until the other day because I wanted to wait until the offical release. I just couldn't wait anymore after seeing how many people play in this city. I realised that they can't just ban people now. They would lose all the series players that are in it for the long haul. I've already encountered people that are level 24+. The XP curve after level 15 is stupid as hell.

I'd say that my best catch so far was my Nidoqueen. Which I got as my 3rd or 4th Pokemon. It was a very lucky catch and very high CP for a level 2. It was 300+ when I got her :3 She's right now a 473. So I'm a little behing but I'm saving my dust and eggs because I'm going to boost myself with a lucky egg and evolve as many Pokemon as I can within that half hour for 1000 xp a pop.

There's a park right behind my apparentment where Pikachu's are actually common. I caught 2 there and someone passed me catching one at the same time. A lot of people seem to seek them :P I also found a Kabuto shadow and I didn't get it. I just found out that Katbuto and Omnastar are super rare. Now I'm kicking myself :'( Also according to the rare list. Hypno is rare. He's probably one of the most common Pokemon here. Drowsey's, Zutbat's, and Pidgey's are about equal in terms of finding them.

I'm curious to hear about everyone's experince with the game. What is your best Pokémon? What level are you? What Pokémon is common where you live? So much to discuses and feel free to post your pictures :)
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I would love to play pokemon GO, however there doesn't seem to be many people playing where I live, although I saw some groups.

EDIT: So I broke and went outside to play it. Very addicting. Ended up catching a Ponyta :P
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I'm thoroughly hooked on this game. Best catch was a scyther near work. Other rare catches were kabuto and dratini. Best egg hatch was a hitmonlee (his cp was very disappointing though...). Really want a chansey over everything else. I have 3 10km eggs to cook so hopefully soon.

Strongest ones I have are a hypno and cloister which are both around 1k cp.
The hypno is nothing special though. Drowzee are more common than pidgeys in my area. Literally every gym has a hypno on it.

I see groups everywhere. There are 2 places I know of near my house with 20-30 people and lures all day. I usually hit a bike path near my house which is great for just about every water type there is. Sadly, water types are everywhere so they're not the most effective... but gyrados man... freaking gyrados

I'm currently travelling overseas so I'll have fallen a bit behind the curve when I get back in 2 weeks time.
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Today it was released in my country, too. But I have a Galaxy S5 mini and somehow it's not available for my device. No idea why. It works just fine.
i dont have time to gp out and walk around playing. so i just turned it on at random times today,
there was a pidgey on my work staircase!
and two weedles in the bosses office :P
So I finally have a gym held for longer than 5-30 minutes today. I still have it and 3 hours and counting. I'll probably lose them both tomorrow though the notable one has a CP 596 Hypno... There was no warning signs, no trespassing signs, no gate, no nothing. Just a sign that says "slow". Right by a hotel. As it turns out, as I just saw. It's an enclosed Naval Reserve Division. It's not even labeled and I'm probably on camera. Should I call or go in? I mean it's an honest mistake and there are ZERO labels to let people know. You can even see on Google maps here.

Oh and Arial view shows a tank. I basically Google mapped the area to see why such a low level guy had it and why I haven't lost it yet..... I'm probably caught on camera.... so now what? It's an honest mistake considering there was no way to know.... Should I actually be scared or do you think all would be fine if I went in? :/
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I found a dratini the other day but my phone died before i could catch it :'( worst experience ever
That's horrible :'( The game drains battery life like there's no tomorrow. I'm really happy I got a Galaxy 7 Edge. It's literally god tier as far as the game goes. I get 3+ hours on a single charge :3

So apparently Pokémon is so big in Edmonton that on August 2nd there will be a huge gathering at the provincial capital building. There are 1'000 people who are saying they will be there for sure and about 3'000 that are saying they might go. It'll likely end up being more than that. When I say Pokémon is big in Edmonton. It's HUGE! Let's just say that even at 2-3 am there are still tons of people out there. We have some people who play 24/7 and don't do anything else so it seems.... I wonder if the cops are going to come on that day. We're pretty much raiding the provincial government. Which has 2 gyms within a 30 second walk and 30+ Pokéstops within a 3 minute radius of walking distance. So it's a hot spot. I went there today after school and there were near 100 people there xD
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So I have Pokémon Go and I've been catching loads of Pokémon on the sea front on holiday. :)

But, a little while ago, my dad got out of the car to get a lottery ticket. My brother took the opportunity to get out and battle a gym while my dad was in the shop, so he walked up the road.

My dad got back in the car and, not realising my brother had got out, started to drive off down the road!

I was like, 'Erm... Matt's not in the car!' We got like 20 metres down the road before I got my parents' attention, it was absolutely hilarious. And after all that he didn't even win the gym! XD
Yea I've never really played any Pokemon games before but I've tried this one out. It's great idea and all but I've yet to actually battle with any of my Pokemon. Gyms are kinda out of the way here and not exactly at places you would hang out.

I have caught a few Pokemon and leveled up a bit tho.
I'm actually tempted to buy a smart phone just to play this.

Last Pokémon game I played was Pokémon Red cos I'm OG.

You should. Just keep in mind that you may have just started a brand new addiction. This game is a serious drug.

Yea I've never really played any Pokemon games before but I've tried this one out. It's great idea and all but I've yet to actually battle with any of my Pokemon. Gyms are kinda out of the way here and not exactly at places you would hang out.

I have caught a few Pokemon and leveled up a bit tho.

That sucks the gyms are far away. They seem to be littered everywhere from my experience. Even in some of the smaller towns.
Tried my first gym today.
The battle lasted 5 seconds as a giant ass cp 995 snorlax sat on my humble cp 250 raticate.
I walked away calmly defeated but more so confused. Then lost server connection.
I dont fully understand how it works still
Tried my first gym today.
The battle lasted 5 seconds as a giant ass cp 995 snorlax sat on my humble cp 250 raticate.
I walked away calmly defeated but more so confused. Then lost server connection.
I dont fully understand how it works still

I can help if you have any questions xD It's ****ing amazing <3

As for Snorlax. Just know that he's the second most powerful Pokémon in the game and people will suck dick for him. Basically his weight literally face rolls on everyone as if its a dog rolling in its own ****.

I mean really?
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So tonight I sat on a bench near a fountain just to chill, and I thought, might as well load up Pokémon Go. I did so and saw that where I was sat had two Pokéstops and both had lures. I looked around and there were like thirty people all with their phones out, playing.

Then suddenly an Aerodactyl turned up. And you literally heard everyone saying, 'There's an Aerodactyl', 'Oh wow, Aerodactyl is here!', 'Oh my god, there's an Aerodactyl!'.

Then suddenly all around the fountain, you heard thirty different people at different times shouting 'Yes, got it!' and punching the air. And then everyone started laughing at each other. It was great. :P
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Pokemon Go has taken over everyone's lives around me. I'd be arsed to joined them as Pokemon is indeed my childhood but I keep procrastinating >_<
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playing it from time to time but i refuse join any team beacuse of well uhm what i seen on net in matter of those team dominance memes what makes me tell that people playing this game and in teams are really childish and immature, sorry but i would stay neutral than join one.