Pet Peeves

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Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
Jul 19, 2011
This is a pretty straightforward thread. Everybody has pet peeves, so what are some of yours? They can be literally anything that bothers or frustrates you.

Some of mine are:

- Unnecessary rudeness - I think that politeness doesn't take that much effort.
- People not washing their hands when they've been in the bathroom.
- Overly selfish people.
- People who talk loads about their problems, but don't listen or aren't bothered when you want to talk about yours.

There's more of mine, but I'll post them some other time. So go ahead - tell us what annoys you. :)
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Is pet hates a UK thing? Here we call them pet peeves.

From work:
- People who are unprepared. Don't come in to have your taxes done and not bring your slips.
- People who make me late because I have to wait for them.
- People who launch into their entire life story. I would never just spew out every single terrible thing that has happened to me to a stranger.
- People who are rude when they are receiving a free service or not pleased when I bend over backwards to get something done for them.

- Leaving a tiny bit of milk in the bag so the next person has to replace it.
- People who text when you are out for dinner with them. A few times is fine, but if you ask me to repeat what I've just said because you were texting...
- Talking during Game of Thrones. This is unacceptable.
- Sneezing and coughing into your hands. This is how germs are spread.
- Eating on public transit and putting your bag on the seat next to you if people are standing.
- Being rude to waiters/waitresses unless that person is completely and entirely incompetent.
- People who stand on the left side of escalators.
- When people say 'I'm sorry you feel that way' or 'I'm sorry if I offended you'. Great non-apologies ever.
- The 'I have a black/gay friend so therefore I can't be racist/homophobic' argument.
I'm not sure I get the point of this topic, since I thought pets were animals you keep at home, but if this is about little things that annoy me, here's my list:

- Any kind fo unreliability. This includes fortgetfulness, not keeping promises, and unpunctuality.
- People who state their opinions as facts.
- Related to the above, people who won't accept that what they think contradicts established facts and is therefore not even an opinion anymore, but flat-out wrong.
- People who threaten to kill themselves for attention. Let them jump, one crybaby less to worry about.
- People who claim they can tell a person's sexuality just by looking at them. Even if they happen to be right a few times - who cares?
- Urinary segregation. Just make public bathrooms unisex already, so Americans can finally stop debating where trans people should go to pee.
- Society's obsession with sex, sexuality and gender in general. This includes people randomly starting to talk about their favourite positions in bed at the breakfast table.
- Waiters complaining about customers for not tipping them. It's a voluntary little kindness, not a sacred duty, especially if the service was bad.
- The fact that teaching religion at school, smoking cigarettes in public and excessive alcohol consumption anywhere are still not forbidden by law.
- People living in a foreign country for years without ever bothering to live by that country's rules or learning its official language, instead expecting everyone else to adapt to them.
- Many of society's little rules. I only follow those that actually make sense to me (and there aren't many).
- People who don't say what they really mean, but still expect to be understood, as if everyone could read minds.
- My friends and family always calling me while I'm eating. Always. I mean, what are the chances? It's not like I spend my entire day eating...
- Unmarked spoilers.
- People acting like rape is the worst thing that can ever happen to a person. What about war, murder, chronic pain, complete paralysis or losing everyone and everything you ever cared about?
- When it becomes clear during a job interview that the employer hasn't even read your CV, but expects you to know everything about their company.
- Related to the above, the question: "Why our company?" Sorry to disappoint, but I haven't been dreaming about working at your company since I was little. I just need money.
- People who are constantly looking at their phones, even while you're talking to or doing something with them.


- Overly selfish people.
- People who talk loads about their problems, but don't listen or aren't bothered when you want to talk about yours.

- People who text when you are out for dinner with them. A few times is fine, but if you ask me to repeat what I've just said because you were texting...
- Being rude to waiters/waitresses unless that person is completely and entirely incompetent.
- People who stand on the left side of escalators.
- The 'I have a black/gay friend so therefore I can't be racist/homophobic' argument.

Some of these points are not that little after all.
Actually, another one of my pet peeves are people who say 'we shouldn't help refugees until our homeless and our veterans are taken care of first'. One of my aunt's friends has made fun of homeless people right in front of us and them before, and now all of a sudden she gives a sh!t about homeless people? **** off. People who have never donated to a veterans association and either always ignore or disparage homeless people as 'bums' should shut their dumb mouths about refugees.
- I can't stand it when someone shares something with a group of people and harps on "how generous I am" blah blah blah. What? You want us to bow down and kiss your feet now because you were kind enough to share? Pft.

- I don't care if you chew gum but don't chew it with your mouth open please. I can't stand to hear that "smacking" noise. It grinds my gears lol.

- Being a loud mouth. And what's worse is an ignorant loud mouth (i.e. my step grandfather). He seems to think the country needs Trump and he knows how I feel about the man so when he tries to "reason" he just ends up talking loudly and angrily about how "the man with the most votes wins" blah blah blah.

I think that covers it for now. You ladies covered the rest already lol.
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I have a lot of the same ones that have already been posted, so there's no need for me to repeat them. Some others of mine are:
  • People (like my mum) who complain loudly to someone else about me, or criticise something I've done, whilst I'm stood in the same room as them, and act as if I'm not even there. I don't mind criticism, so long as it's said directly to me.
  • People (again, like my mum) who use a celebrity's sexuality as a reason to stop liking them. My mum was a big Barry Manilow fan for the best part of 20 years, until she found out he was gay. Her exact words when she was told were, "Oh, well, I don't like him now."
  • People who try to start a conversation with me whilst I'm reading (unless it's about something serious).
  • People who laugh and talk loudly in the cinema. You're supposed to be there to watch a movie, not hold a roundtable discussion! SHUT UP!!!
  • Anyone who tries to change who I am to fit their model of the world. I am who I am, if you don't like it, I don't care.
  • People who assume that because I listen to metal music, I'm some lunkheaded idiot.
There's more, but if I list them, I'll just get so annoyed I'll end up eating my phone out of frustration. :)
- People who text their cars and drive their cell phones.
- Drivers who don't use a turn signal.
- People who encourage their kids to throw rocks at other people because they dress differently.
- People who bring their entire family to the bakery or a store just to buy one item.
- People who request a receipt from an ATM machine and then immediately throw it on the ground.
- People who are mean to animals.
- People who leave the toilet seat up
- People who don't turn the lights off when they leave a room and then complain about the Electricity bill.
- People who allow themselves to eat from your plate.
- Lazy people who drag their feet when walking.
- People who tell you the story of their life when you ask a simple, straightforward question.
- People who enter a super market from the exit door because they are too lazy to walk to steps to the enter.
- People who call me and tell me to wait because they are talking to someone else when I answer and I have to wait till they stop talking.
- People who post photos of them make out in social sites.
- People who spit their gum on the ground.
- People who scream at you and call you names for crossing the street in front of them when the light is red.
- In super markets when the person behind you put his\her items on the belt of the cash registery while you are putting your items.
- People wait till the last minute to call you.
- People who change the plan or cancel it without telling you.
-People sharing too much information.
-Chewing loudly. It hurts my ears.
-When people decide to smoke right beside you, without even thinking that you might have breathing problems.
-People who don't leave your house like it was before they came over and messed it up.
-Annoying kids.
-People who don't care that their stupid kids are being annoying.
-People who mow their lawns in the middle of the night. -_-
-People who shove their injuries in your face to look at.
-People who don't move for you or are so slow with no reason.
-People who leave their gum wherever.
-People who are mean for no reason.
-People who look at you weird for your interests.
-When people are fully aware you're busy and they try to talk to you.
-People who lie just to make you look bad.
-People who push you for no reason.
-People in your personal space in general.
-People who aren't sanitary.
-People who think they can insult you and think you'll be fine with it.
-People who underestimate you.
-When people think you'll do anything they want.
-People who make fun of people that have disabilities.
-People who think they're cool because of all the stupid stuff they do.
-People who touch your food and drinks.
-Dogs that jump all over you and lick you.
-When people think their opinions are fact.
-People who think its okay to go through your house and pick up your stuff.
-People who sit on your bed when you don't even want them in your room... or house.
-Annoying people at restaurants.
-Stupid people.
-People who go into your yard.
-People who expect things from you.
So Donald Trump lol Donald Trump is your pet peeve
You're not kidding the amount of support I'm seeing in my town is downright embarrassing

My pet peeve now is work one wants to work at all if they even come into work. Sigh I'll be my own boss one day
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People who send you to do something and then send someone to do the same thing you were sent to do but don't tell you that they sent him\her but they tell him\her that they sent you.

People who baby talk to their dogs in public.
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A few little additions to my list:

- Highly complicated technology. And by that I mean stupidly closed boxes or packages that have to be opened in a specific way that isn't immediately obvious. I tend to accidentally break things because I simply don't get how they're supposed to be opened.

- Hardcore animal rights activists who won't stop complaining about how those dirty, evil humans ruin the planet for those poor, innocent animals. Makes me wonder how they can even live with themselves, considering they're humans too and therefore part of the problem.

- On a related note, people who scream "ANIMAL ABUSE!!!" at everything they see that involves a human interacting with an animal. I once read an argument that you shouldn't take photos of animals and put them online because it violates their right to privacy. Wait, what? Cats follow you into the bathroom, dogs hump pillows on the sofa right next to you... Do you honestly think they even know what privacy is?

- Fellow fans of my favourite TV shows, movies and games. Seriously, the worst part about pretty much anything popular is its fandom. (There are exceptions, however, or else I wouldn't still be coming to this forum.)

- Let's face it, just people in general.
Some people may not agree with me, but I get a bit peeved when people who are more than 4 or 5 hours away want to talk on online dating websites to 'see where it goes'. Especially when they're not from Ontario. Ideally I wouldn't want to date more than 2 hours away.

I'm not into wasting time chatting with a potential mate who'd have to take a plane to come and see me. I want return on investment. Unless you're like... Jon Snow or Jaime Lannister or something. Then I'm interested regardless.