What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Getting ready for a con next month!
I'm gonna cosplay as Sokka from Avatar The Last Air bender, and my friend is trying to get stuff for a Toph cosplay. Thennnn if my other friend goes, he's going to cosplay Leon from Re!
CT: F**king Origin! F**king EA! All I want to do is play The Sims 3, but no, f**king Origin is trying to tell me that I'm offline, when I obviously am online. So, as you can see, I am f**king ****ed.

Also, Capcom may be unpopular due to their business practices, but I will forever hate EA with all my hatred.
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Even if I hate EA and how they almost definitely forced Bioware to put in a multiplayer mode in Dragon Age: Inquisition, I am ****ing loving this game. Inquisition is one of the best games to come out this year, even with the bugs. They'll get ironed out eventually, though. A game as big as that and you're not going to be able to find every bug before release.
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I'm back after blogging on WordPress again.

I'd say Batman: Arkham Knight sounds like a good reason for getting PS4 as well.
Well I was super duper PO'd when Arkham Origins and Arkham Origins Blackgate came out because I wanted a sequel to Arkham City and I'm excited that I'm finally getting it! Arkham City left so many things open for me and I want them closed! Finished! I'm so tired of games that have open-endings, obviously setting up for sequels and then game makers don't deliver. I'm also super duper excited because Scarecrow is back in action and I've been wondering about him since the egg at the end of Arkham Asylum and was madder than words can express that the only thing I got in Arkham City was a couple of henchmen wearing Scarecrow's logo and the hidden room in the boat.

*jumps up and down excitedly* Is it out yet? Is it out yet? Huh, huh, huh?
I'm also super duper excited because Scarecrow is back in action and I've been wondering about him since the egg at the end of Arkham Asylum and was madder than words can express that the only thing I got in Arkham City was a couple of henchmen wearing Scarecrow's logo and the hidden room in the boat.

Are you referring to the hand reaching for titan at the end of Asylum? Because that's not specific to Scarecrow. There's actually three versions of that scene with either Scarecrow, Bane, or Killer Croc. Which one you get is dependent on how many challenges you've completed. Also, don't forget about the hidden message on the cryptographic sequencer in City that foreshadows what happens in Knight.
Are you referring to the hand reaching for titan at the end of Asylum? Because that's not specific to Scarecrow. There's actually three versions of that scene with either Scarecrow, Bane, or Killer Croc. Which one you get is dependent on how many challenges you've completed. Also, don't forget about the hidden message on the cryptographic sequencer in City that foreshadows what happens in Knight.
While it's true that the ending isn't specific to Scarecrow, it does tell you that Croc didn't kill him and he is still out there. I've been on pins and needles about what happened to Dr. Crane after that incident and I'm glad that I'm finally going to find out. And, while there is foreshadowing in Arkham City as to what goes on in Arkham Knight, going through the entire game without physically seeing him didn't do anything for my Scarecrow fix. Glad he's finally getting the spotlight in this next one.

Just hope the Arkham Knight character doesn't overshadow him too much.
I cannot stop playing Pokemon: Omega Ruby. My god. Video games have been SO Sh*tty lately, the only thing that has kept me going was this and The Evil Within. Both games delivered, and I couldn't be happier...
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CT: The world's human population has grown from roughly 200 million to 7 billion within merely 2,000 years. If it continues to grow like this, there will soon be too many people on this planet. So now we know the reasoning behind Wesker's efforts to decimate mankind by means of Uroboros: The poor guy was just concerned about his privacy!
CT: The world's human population has grown from roughly 200 million to 7 billion within merely 2,000 years. If it continues to grow like this, there will soon be too many people on this planet. So now we know the reasoning behind Wesker's efforts to decimate mankind by means of Uroboros: The poor guy was just concerned about his privacy!

But now I'm thinking, how he imagined "New World" after releasing Uroboros? Only few percent of people were "worthy" of becoming super-human, rest of them will change into spaghetti-monsters, and world will be overcrowded with strong, deadly, dangerous creatures, more than 5 billions of them. He really wanted to live in that kind of world? :D
But now I'm thinking, how he imagined "New World" after releasing Uroboros? Only few percent of people were "worthy" of becoming super-human, rest of them will change into spaghetti-monsters, and world will be overcrowded with strong, deadly, dangerous creatures, more than 5 billions of them. He really wanted to live in that kind of world? :D

RE7 SPOILERS: Wesker was just really sexually repressed and p*ssed off because he hasn't gotten laid since Jake Muller's conception in the '90s and just started making a huge chain of misanthropic and irrational decisions.
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