Your weapons in zombie outbreak

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Kamen Rider
Feb 24, 2009
Well i am not sure if this should be posted in here or in the General Discussion.

what is your weapon of choice both in you own and you imagine of owning one day?

Weapons i own

Aluminum baseball bat


and Shinai

as for weapons i imagine of owning

Beretta M9
View attachment 1322

MP5A1 Tactical
View attachment 1323

Colt Detective Special
View attachment 1326

and of course the most important thing
I've got this machete, so I'll start with that. I'll also carry a bunch of various knives for throwing and close quarters. But my greatest weapon is my ingenuity. Gotta start duct tapping and nailing (lol) whatever you can. XD Preferably things with long reach. Though I've always been very fond of katanas and guns. Don't know where I'll get my hands on any of those...
I've got this machete, so I'll start with that. I'll also carry a bunch of various knives for throwing and close quarters. But my greatest weapon is my ingenuity. Gotta start duct tapping and nailing (lol) whatever you can. XD Preferably things with long reach. Though I've always been very fond of katanas and guns. Don't know where I'll get my hands on any of those...

My coffee mug I got from the MLK Challenge on my study abroad in the US.

Kitchen knives.

Yeah, not a wide selection.

with nails and duct tape you can make a lot of things. like spiked gloves and spike straps to slow them down. if you combine them with a piece of wood you will get a spiked club.
I've got this machete, so I'll start with that. I'll also carry a bunch of various knives for throwing and close quarters. But my greatest weapon is my ingenuity. Gotta start duct tapping and nailing (lol) whatever you can. XD Preferably things with long reach. Though I've always been very fond of katanas and guns. Don't know where I'll get my hands on any of those...

Played much dead rising 2? Heh

Bath salts.

Convince the zombies I am one of them. It's perfect.

Marvellous plan! (Have any spare? I'll trade a sharpened pencil)
Let's see I don't a whole lot . . . So what I would use is a hammer.

And then, what I grab is a probably a M3 Shotgun and a AK47.
I doubt that I'd use weapons; I lack the strength for handled, bladed and/or cylindrical weapons and firearms only attract more attention.

I'd probably be a weaponless Governor-type, with a silver-tongue and able to convince even the most reinforced mind to do my bidding. Would be easier to manipulate someone into killing zombies for me than actually committing undead genocide.
Honestly, I don't have any weapons suitable to killing zombies. Of course there are knives, but those are too close ranged and they'd break easily. They're not designed to go through bone. I'd probably aim for things that are noisy, but not really weapons. It'd probably be easiest to attract attention in one direction and then slip pass through another
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