GOTY is tough. There were many great ones.
Injustice - Gods among us was an awesome fighting game for a DC fan like me and had a very cinematic story mode. It felt like playing an animated DC feature film. And it had almost all my favorite DC characters (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Deathstroke, Doomsday, Joker, Batgirl etc.) and they were all incredibly faithfully adapted. I´ll never get tired of beating up Green Arrow in his Arrow outfit 8from the TV series) with Deathstroke or pummeling Doomsday or Zod with Superman wearing his outfit from Man of Steel. It was geek heaven really. A great game.
Batman Arkham Origins was also an AWESOME game. The story and presentation was probably the best superhero adaptation in gaming history and Troy Baker as the Joker was just the most awesome games character of 2013 by a long shot. the game was a bit inferior to Arkham City in terms of gameplay and felt a bit less fluid but it was still one of my absolute highlights of 2013.
Resident Evil Revelations was amazing too. Since I vividly dislike handhelds, I never got a chance to play the game in 2012. back in 2009 when I played Lost in Nightmares for the first time I really loved how this blended the modern gameplay with old school horror (plus Jill!!) and I said to a friend "Wouldnt it be awesome if Capcom would make a whole game like this?" Then they did but only released it on 3DS and I was beyond ****ed. But last year I finally got to experience it and while it didnt feel as fluid and precise as RE 6 or Lost in Nightmares (thanks to its handheld origins) in terms of gameplay or graphics, the game was still an absolute blast and it positively scared me and creeped me out in ways that RE hadnt done since the REmake. It also was a lot tougher than RE 5 or 6, especially some of the bossfights drove me nuts. And that new Infernal mode is officially the first difficulty mode on a RE that I just cant beat. believe me I tried with all the best and most upgraded weapons etc. but the enemies are so insanely tough and the whole thing is just literally the most extreme case of survival horror I have ever experienced. capcom went insane on this one. The only thing I really have to complain about besides the not so fluid gameplay is the lack of infinite ammo. I always loved it that you could go through the game again for fun and could earn infinite ammo for some (RE 4) or all (RE 5 and 6) weapons. And that would certainly help in Infernal mode. Still Revelations was a great game and pretty much like I had imagined a whole game in that style of modern gameplay and old school horror. If they can now take that concept, improve and refine the gameplay a bit more like it was on LIN then that would definitely be the perfect RE for the new generation.
My surprise of the year however was Tomb Raider. I must admit I avoided the game for months because I am a longtime Fan of the classic Lara Croft, who loves the classic TR Trilogy by Crystal Dynamics (Legend, Anniversary and Underworld) and after seeing Laras new design and character as well as hearing that the gameplay was more 3rd person shooter ala Gears of War now, I was utterly disappointed and refused to give this even a try. However after the game was praised as being the best TR since the Original and when it was on sale for 20 euro on PSN, I decided to give it a try - and I have to admit that I was dead wrong. Because the game is absolutely amazing (Cant believe I am saying this lol). Yes its a different Lara and it definitely took some time to get used to her but now she feels just really natural. And the game just nails it. The open world of that island and using a bow actually made me feel like I was playing a game adaptation of the TV series Arrow haha. The gameplay is truly extraordinary and feels like a blend of classic TR and RE 5. Its very fluid and nearly flawlessly executed and the graphics and presentation are really the best the entire series ever had. I became addicted to this game and didnt stop until I completed absolutely everything there is on single player mode. Too bad they had to add that stupid and boring multiplayer mode too - that prevented me from getting platinum trophy for this game. Still I have to admit that game really is THE surprise of 2013 for me.
So which one of those is my GOTY? Its really really hard to pick one. But from the gameplay fun and amount of consecutive playing I would say the title goes the one game, that I never thought I would even like - Tomb Raider.
However I´d like to add that I still havent played the immensely praised Last of Us yet (waiting for a price drop), who according to many many many players is one of the greatest games ever made. So once I get around to play it , it might as well take Tomb Raiders place as my GOTY. For now however Lara sits on the throne of 2013.
As for this year - while I am eagerly awaiting Mikamis new game Evil Within, my most anticpated games this year (and thats an easy pick for me) are Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD. As I stated on my introduction post, Final Fantasy is my most favorite gaming franchise of all time and always will be. Its the most cinematic, epic and emotional I have ever experienced. Therefore I am really looking forward to the conclusion of the FF XIII-saga (I know many hate on XIII but while I do have some issues with the games as well and criticise them in some aspects I definitely enjoyed them too).
But my most anticipated game this year, or well of the last decade really is FF X/X-2 HD. I experienced FF X in 2002 for the first time and no game has ever moved, affected and blown me away as much as this one. Its been my most favorite game of all time ever since and I also really enjoyed the sequel for what it was and as a great expansion of X´s mythology.
And now there will be a HD version with completely remastered graphics (including new textures, new character models, new lighting etc.), new music arrangements, completely revamped interface, all the content of the international versions (much of this was japan-exclusive until now and therefore I never got to play it) and a bonus 30 minute audio drama with the original voice actors which reportedly sets up another FF X sequel - HOLY ****
On top of that I will finally get to experience the games for the first time without Pal-bars, slow down and with english screen texts. Since I only own a PS3, I havent played FF X and X-2 in years.
So this HD remaster is something that I have waited for for the last 12 years - an absolute dream come true for me. The reviews of the japanese version so far are absolutely stellar (I expected no less) and I am counting the days until I will finally get to play it myself and can finally re-enter my most beloved gaming world of all time - looking more splendid then ever.
So yeah that is DEFINITELY and without the slightest doubt my Gaming Highlight 2014. Thats also why I couldnt care less about PS4 right now. In fact I wont get a PS4 until at least 2015. Because thats when Final Fantasy XV (and probably also the next RE) will hit