Maybe it was fan service? I thought it looked great.
Hmmm, could be. Jill's battlesuit was fine though. haha
I thought it completed the look. Oh well, we've always been in disagreement on that one.
I like trenchoats, but the one they used was so stupid, I thought. Did I mention that it looks like a cape?
Have you ever seen Buffy or Angel? Well the Angel character typically wears a black trenchcoat, and it fits wayyy better and looks so much cooler, if they had given Wesker a coat like that, I would've been fine with it...
William was such a dork and a pushover. We don't even get to see that awsome side by side walk they did in zero.
I know right? That scene was pretty sweet, Birkin with his clipboard, and Wesker with his STARS uniform. I actually lol'd at the end, when they were standing over Marcus after he got shot up, "I will take over your research. ahahahaha". Don't know why he found that so funny.
I was just playing through RE0, and UC(I was particularly in the mood for the Becca and Richard chapters), and I got to see all that stuff again. UC is a great game, and I love it, I just got done playing through a bunch of it actually, like the Raccoon stuff with Jill/Carlos, as well as Ada and Hunk's levels, and had a blast, but obviously they were quite lazy in a lot of ways.
It's sequel, DSC actually did the games justice, more so than UC did.
I actually thought that was cool. XD
Hmmm, how can I describe's basically a lot like the Extreme Battle game and the Battle Game from RE2 and CVX. And RE3 Mercs for that matter. You just start at point A, as whichever character you choose, you can unlock more too, and you get your 3 weapons, which you get to choose and customize, and try to get to point B. You can play with a buddy, via wireless multiplayer, and online play too.
It's pretty nice, though it sucks if you play with like a level 50 person, while you are like 30 or something.
The 3DS version doesn't have a MB? Lame. Anyways, I agree I hope there are some goodies they add and not Mercenaries. I'm tired of Mercenaries, it's the same thing in every game they need to make a new mini game.
Nope, no movie browser, which is a shame, because it's pretty much been mandatory for awhile, the Outbreaks, RE4(rereleased versions, RE5, DSC, RE6). UC didn't have one either for some reason. But yes, it's a shame because RER has some really cool cutscenes, that I wish I could watch.
And no Mercs. Besides, Mercs wouldn't work in RER, at all. With the way the enemies are, and you don't even control like you do in RE5, completely. It's not really an action-packed game, you only get one melee attack, and it's when you get an enemy in a groggy status.
Jill has a sweet reverse roundhouse kick, Chris has a killer uppercut(with those arms you better believe it), Parker has a hard forearm attack, and just various things for different characters. The game is really great, a cool story, some comic relief, and I really liked the Clive R. O'Brian character. But I'll stop talking about RER, since you haven't played it yet.