Xbox or Playstation 3

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The Confucius of ReNews...Cheers KK.
Jul 20, 2010
I'm putting the fate of my next purchase in the hand of all residents of residentevil-ville.

I've spent a while on the side lines of video gaming, but plan to make my way back in, but first, i need a machine.

So ladies, gentlemen....which is it ?
PC. ;)

If it's really not an option, I'd probably go for an Xbox 360.
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I've got a PS3, so I can talk dirty with whoever has this product.

Just kidding, I'm a lady dammit.
A lady who talks dirty....:p

I've always said ps3 cause which one comes with a bluray player...ps3. But Wii's and Xboxs have their perks and downsides just like ps3 does

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I like the Xbox controllers more and the whole interface in general. I haven't played PS3 online yet so i can't comment on that. I guess it depends on the exclusive games you want and also Blu-Ray.Xbox feels more a direct gaming console while PS3 gives you better overall entertainment(videos,photos etc).I think Xbox falls flat there even though the offer is there.I'd rahter just rent out a dvd..imo you really only want the xbox for games and maybe music in the background.

I would personally do an Xbox 360 for i am just a straight up gamer and also because it has Gears of War 3, My favorite exclusive on PS3 is Heavy Rain.I can't tell difference in Graphics, Arkham City looks exactly the same on both.
PC's really THAT good when it comes to gaming ?
The only choice for gaming, in my eyes. ;)

Potentially expensive investment, sure, but the well-priced games and unrivalled flexibility means that my Xbox 360 has been left collecting dust for the past two years. Well, it would be collecting dust, if my wife and step-daughter didn't play on it. I'd have eBay'd it in a heartbeat, otherwise. I would miss Lost Odyssey just a tad, though!
I'm putting the fate of my next purchase in the hand of all residents of residentevil-ville.

I've spent a while on the side lines of video gaming, but plan to make my way back in, but first, i need a machine.

So ladies, gentlemen....which is it ?
Either a PC or PS3. The Xbox 360 is alright but overheats too easily and gives you a Red Ring Of Death. The original Xbox seemed greater than the 360, imo.
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The only choice for gaming, in my eyes. ;)

Potentially expensive investment, sure, but the well-priced games and unrivalled flexibility means that my Xbox 360 has been left collecting dust for the past two years. Well, it would be collecting dust, if my wife and step-daughter didn't play on it. I'd have eBay'd it in a heartbeat, otherwise. I would miss Lost Odyssey just a tad, though!
Do you have a Tv to moniter connect? One peeve of mine about PC gaming (and this could be attributed to my laziness) is the longterm effects of playing on pc. A. i dont really have a comfortable environment for PC gameplay B. I dont generally like the keyboard as a controller C. I dont enjoy the small monitor vs. Television display.

However i do love the fact that you're gaming 'console's' power is relative to your PC...say you wanted to play Skyrim or Fallout the way it was meant to be played, you would have all that you need at your fingertips rather than the bare minimum of RAM for consoles. Not only that graphics and sound cards are incredible versus their counterparts which you can continually upgrade.The saves and games will never be obsolete, and you can backup everything with external harddrives (I'm assuming). I believe PC may be the next gaming unit in my future but it will be hard to transfer from the aforementioned reasons. Also you can put down 2 or 3 grand maximizing your PC's effeciency and gaming experience and not even realize it.

If you dont mind Steve i'd like to know your set-up
Go for a 360.

The majority of multiplatform games run and/or look better on 360 than on PS3. Skyrim is an extreme example, it was nearly unplayable on my PS3 on release, and games like Red Dead Redemption have more grass and overall better graphics on my 360 than my PS3. These are just two examples, about 90% of all multiplatform games are better on 360, although sometimes the differences are only noticeable if you played each version next to eachother. Look on websites like Digital Foundry and Lens of Truth if you want to see more examples.

In terms of online, I'd say LIVE is by far superior to PSN, with features like cross-game chat that aren't available on PS3, and an overall smoother online experience. It comes at a price though, with a subscription fee of usually around £40 ($60) a year, although if you shop around you're sure to find deals. PSN is of course free to play online, but you're paying for quality really.

In terms of exclusives, you should look at which console's exclusives appeal to you the most. Off the top of my head, some of the 360's flagship exclusives are the Halo series, Gears of War, Forza, Fable, and Lost Odyssey. The PS3's are the Uncharted series, God of War, and Gran Turismo. I'd advise you to take some time looking at a range of exclusive games on Youtube to see which look better to you.

The 360 has a massive library of arcade and indie games in the XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade) that has some true gems that you won't find elsewhere.

As for the RRoD issue someone brought up, it's not really been an issue for the last three years or so since the new models of the 360 came out. The Jasper chip that Microsoft started using in the 360s after 2008 (I think, might have been later/earlier) greatly reduced the number of 360s that were getting the RRoD and for the new slim models it's a complete none issue. The PS3 has the YLoD, however it has nowhere near the failure rate that the 360's RRoD had in the early years of release.

Fair warning though, the next generation of consoles are right around the corner, with the WiiU coming out this year, and the next Xbox and PS3 likely to be announced either this year at E3, or next year. It might be worth holding on to get one of those instead. You'd miss out on a greta number of games from this gen though.
Do you have a Tv to moniter connect? One peeve of mine about PC gaming (and this could be attributed to my laziness) is the longterm effects of playing on pc. A. i dont really have a comfortable environment for PC gameplay B. I dont generally like the keyboard as a controller C. I dont enjoy the small monitor vs. Television display.
I have the bits and pieces necessary to hook up my PC to my plasma TV, and even my HD projector and 120" projection screen, but it would be a bit cheeky to commandeer the living room just for the sake of an hour's worth of 'game time'. I've certainly considered doing it a few times, though! Having said that, my monitor -- a BenQ XL2410T -- is more than suited to my everyday demands right now, thankfully!

If you're not a big fan of the ol' keyboard & mouse set-up, you could always just do what I do: sync an Xbox 360 controller or connect a PS2 controller via a USB adapter. When I'm playing PS2/PSX games on my PC, I'll always use a 360 controller, and I'll usually do the same for games like Super Meat Boy, Devil May Cry 4, and a select few others. However, for shooters and most other genres, I can't really fault the keyboard & mouse approach! As odd as it might sound, though, I find it ideal to play Resident Evil 4 with an Xbox 360 controller, but won't touch Resident Evil 5 unless I'm playing it with a keyboard & mouse.

However i do love the fact that you're gaming 'console's' power is relative to your PC...say you wanted to play Skyrim or Fallout the way it was meant to be played, you would have all that you need at your fingertips rather than the bare minimum of RAM for consoles. Not only that graphics and sound cards are incredible versus their counterparts which you can continually upgrade.The saves and games will never be obsolete, and you can backup everything with external harddrives (I'm assuming). I believe PC may be the next gaming unit in my future but it will be hard to transfer from the aforementioned reasons. Also you can put down 2 or 3 grand maximizing your PC's effeciency and gaming experience and not even realize it.
I built my current PC over two years ago, and it's still able to run very nearly everything I throw at it with all graphical settings enabled and cranked up 'to the max', even at full HD resolutions. It'll be quite some time yet before my rig is unable to run a game optimally, but even then, after dialling down one or two options, I'll still be able to play games at a much higher resolution, with enhanced visuals, higher framerate, customize my experience with mods, and not have to pay a penny to play online with dedicated servers (the PS3 might use a P2P interface, but at least it's free). There is the rather off-putting hurdle of having to have to invest in expensive components and learn how to assemble the darn thing, but it's so worth it, for me at least, as I use my PC for both work and pleasure. It's probably cost somewhere in the region of £1,200 for me to build a once-bleeding edge PC, but I'll only really need to upgrade the CPU and graphics cards during the next ten years, if I really want to.

I have three internal hard drives chugging away, all working together, one serving as a dedicated 'backup' drive, allowing me complete reassurance that all the junk that I'm quite fond of (including game saves) remains safe and sound for if ever I decide to migrate over to a new PC or feel like performing a reformat. Cloud-based backups makes life even easier, too.

I'll say this: consoles are great from a convenience standpoint. When we moved into our new house, back when I'd never dabbled with PC building, it was nice to just be able to whip out the 360, connect it to the TV and get stuck into some Gears of War. It's just a shame that, five years later, we're on Xbox 360 number four now (number five if you count refurbished units) -- knowing that the money could have been better spent on PC hardware.

It'll certainly take an awful lot for any future 'next gen' consoles to impress me, too.

tl;dr: PC > all Sega consoles > SNES > 'next gen' consoles > Monopoly.

And that concludes Steve's rambling, War and Peace-length essay concerning the highlights of PC gaming.
I've never been an elitist. In my eyes, PS3 has better exclusives and 360 has an indie market. PC is good and all, and you can build a computer for pretty cheap, but it doesn't really have much support from gaming companies because of PIRACY LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Steam has a lot of games you cannot get anymore, though.
I've never been an elitist. In my eyes, PS3 has better exclusives and 360 has an indie market. PC is good and all, and you can build a computer for pretty cheap, but it doesn't really have much support from gaming companies because of PIRACY LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Steam has a lot of games you cannot get anymore, though.
Hey, man, theres nothing funny about that piracy ordeal! lol!

True, PC's aren't supported that much due to piracy, but as far as gaming systems are concerned, a decent PC is superior to an Xbox or Playstation.
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Uh oh its time for argument on REN again:rolleyes:
I have an Xbox and have layed PS a bunch of times.
Online:The down side to Xbox is you have to pay 10 dollars a month to go online but I personally think that the online is better than PSN. however if your kinda broke and still like online PS3 wins this round.
Exclusives: I have played and own the 1st and second gears of war and I dont care who says what this game is completly amazing. If your in to war games this game is right for you. I personally never could get in to the Halo's but ALOT of people could Xbox is definetly wins in exclusives for me but even with that said PS has also got some good games, uncharted, god of war, etc.
And finally I need to get to issues. I have heard anyone complain about PS breaking down but if you get an xbox be sure to install ALL of your game DO NOT leave it on all night and even with all that this thing is gonna break down.
Money:Yes PS may cost more than Xbox but with all the investments you have to make online, breaking, its gonna be cheaper with a PS
lol you so shouldn't start this thread, it's the on going console war. so far it looks pretty civilised but give it time.
i own 2 360's so i guess you can see what my vote would be.
While I prefer gaming on my xbox, alllllllll my friends game on the ps3. I prefer almost everything on the 360, games play smoother, controller feels comfy in my hands. I say if you plan to play with friends choose the system the majority games online on. if You're just playing singleplayer games (multiplat kinds) go 360