Albert Wesker (D.C. Douglas) interview - submit your questions

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Fearfully and wonderfully made
May 25, 2007
Hi gang,

Recently, I was able to get in touch with professional film and voice actor, D.C. Douglas, the very same devilishly-handsome chap whom so brilliantly provided the voice of Albert Wesker in Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. Being the gentleman that he is, he has consented to taking part in an interview with us, whereby you guys, the fans of the Resident Evil franchise, submit the questions and he'll do the answering.

So, is there anything you'd like to know about the man behind the voice of the series' main antagonist? I'll personally be picking out what I believe the best ones to be and putting them to him, so to speak. Do bear in mind that he's already taken part in two relatively lengthy Q&As here and here, and we don't want to bore the pants off him by asking the very same questions of him.

Keep those questions nice and sensible, ladies and gents. I'm really excited about this opportunity, and I'm especially looking forward to what you what sort of questions you guys might have lined up for him.

And... go!
Hopefully these have not already been asked... :)

1.During the voice recording of RE5 did he ever slip up and use Wesker's voice in public?
2. What specific dialect was he going for, and who/what was he influenced by?
3. Did he know Wesker would die in RE5 or did Capcom keep that a secret until the final scene?
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Here's a few that I want to ask.

What was it like to voice Albert Wesker?

Did you enjoy voice acting as Wesker?

What do you think about Wesker?

What was your favorite part when you started to voice Wesker?
  1. Was he a long time fan of the series?
  2. If he was what was the first game he ever played? If he wasn't is he a fan now?
  3. If he is a fan now has he played any of the other Resident Evil Games? Witch ones?
  4. Whats his favorite game of the series?
  5. Does he plan to continue working with Capcom? Withing the series? or some other franchise?
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1. What is your favorite color?
2. Do you like ramen?
3. What do you think about SOPA?
4. Do you approve the use of toasters?
5. Am I the cause of global warming?
7. What is your IQ?
8. Did you see what I did thar?
9. What is your definition of infinity?
10. What is your favorite game?
11. What is your most anticipated game of 2012?
12. Do you, in fact, play video games?
13. Do you think I should have asked 12 before 10?
14. If you could be a super hero, who would you be?
15. What is your favorite movie?
16. Do you think one console/PC is superior to others?
17. If so, reasons?
18. Do you read manga or watch anime?

I tried to avoid Resident Evil, as learning more about him would be interesting.
I thought of some more questions to ask.

If there was ever a Resident Evil game or CGI movie being made before the events of Resident Evil 5 and the main character was Wesker and it showed more behind the story of the Resident Evil series and give a little bit more of a backstory to Wesker and you was contacted to voice Wesker, how excited would you be?

What was the toughest part about when you did voice work as Wesker?
I'm going to post mine in a bit... mainly because I'd like to come up with something a bit on the creative/funny side. But in the meantime... man, this guy's a sweetheart. Not a lot of people would take the time to do this, it was very nice of him to do so!
What is the most memorable thing about portraying Wesker, and what makes him so different than other characters you've portrayed in the past, like the villain in the Buffy game? Thank you in advance!
Heh he's answered just about most of the questions posted up on here... Even a yaoi one!

But this is still sweet of him haha. I want Wesker back and him to play him again. Capcom should pull a Captain Barbossa with him and bring him back.Vthen have him rid of Alex Wesker with the "help of an old friend". I feel a fanfic coming on.
Heh he's answered just about most of the questions posted up on here... Even a yaoi one!

But this is still sweet of him haha. I want Wesker back and him to play him again. Capcom should pull a Captain Barbossa with him and bring him back.Vthen have him rid of Alex Wesker with the "help of an old friend". I feel a fanfic coming on.
Whilst I do love Wesker...Capcom can NOT beat a dead horse by Barbosa-ing it...but...That's a discussion for another thread ;)
I'm going to post mine in a bit... mainly because I'd like to come up with something a bit on the creative/funny side. But in the meantime... man, this guy's a sweetheart. Not a lot of people would take the time to do this, it was very nice of him to do so!
I complely agree. It's no secret that I HATE with a passion, his voice as Wesker. I think the character was ruined and his voice is part of that.

Of course he seems like a really cool and witty guy that'd be awesome anywhere other than voicing Wesker in RE. I mean I loved him in Buffy for the Xbox.

And obviously I've got alot of respect for him for doing something like this, it's really cool of him, and only makes disliking him for Wesker even harder...

That said, as far as questions go:

Not sure how I want to put it, but basically something about him and Richard Waugh.

I might come back and reword it but basically:

Q: Taking the role of Wesker from Richard Waugh(CVX, RE0, RE4, Wesker's Report), did you feel like you might not measure up, and since doing the role, do you feel like your voice for the character is inferior at all or in anyway makes the character completely different from who he used to be?
Whilst I do love Wesker...Capcom can NOT beat a dead horse by Barbosa-ing it...but...That's a discussion for another thread ;)

That post was just me wishful thinking, I know it'll never happen. Capcom seemed pretty over the poor b*stard. ;)

I personally think they're already going to beat a dead horse though when it comes to the next big, bad villain in the series (especially if it is ALEX Wesker). They're all going to be in it for the same thing: world domination, money, power, repeat, repeat. It may be interesting for the next game or two but it'll more than likely get old.

But that's not to say RE6 doesn't look like it'll be awesome! I guess just looking at other villains CAPCOMs had in the past games makes me believe that no one they're going to bring into the series will last as long or even be as interesting as Wesker was.
Some great questions coming in, guys :D

Just to let you all know that this thread is for ANY and EVERY member here to take part in - there are no prior requirements or anything. I've had a few PM's from newcomers to this site asking whether they have been here long enough to be allowed to post in this thread and I'm just stating categorically here and now that ALL MEMBERS are welcome to post their questions. So don't be shy - fire away!
Interesting. I'll give it a shot. Too lazy to look through the whole video of FAQ's, hopefully none are like mine.
1. Are you planning to voice in any other film/animation/game in the upcoming future using your "Wesker" voice? Or maybe just any that you plan on participating in, regardless of using your Wesker voice. Mind if you spill the beans and tell us what the titles are?
2. So... Wesker's dead. Are you out of the job? Or is there something you don't want to tell us especially with the upcoming Resident Evil/Biohazard 6?
Well, these two are the only stuff I want to know. For now. :P
My question:
In Umbrella Chronicles, did you try to be consistent with previous interpretations, in the scenes that were recreated from previous games (RE/Remake and RE0).

I don't know if he will be able to answer this, but:
Can you tell us if the Chronicles Selection HD port to PS3 will be available outside of Japan?
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If you could voice any one else in the series who would it be and why?
Did you like playing the bad guy?

That's all I can think of for now.
This voice is - fo' realz' - my favourite Wesker voice! Thank you in advance...

1) How do you feel your portrayal added to the character of Wesker?
2) Do you have/wish you could have a rockin' long leather coat like Wesker's?
3) Were you sad when Wesker was killed off?
4) Wesker was a double agent. Would you rather be a mad Umbrella scientist creating armies of crazy monsters, or a tough S.T.A.R.S. member kicking butt?
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Oh ok, I just thought of something else.

Q: When you took over the role of an already established character, did you try to sound like the character?

I mean listening to him in Buffy as The Master, he really doesn't sound a great deal different than his version of Wesker. I wonder if he actually tried to sound like the character at all.
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