Operation Raccoon City Group: Umbrella Public Security

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Pancham Cutie

The Cute Pancham
Jul 3, 2009
Me and KKAAIIG decided to make a group for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. We decided to make this a forum group. Since the group option was taken down at the beginning of this year and there was no good way to make a forum group I decided to make a forum group like this.

Group Characters - You have to choose a group character to play as. I did this for a reason. I did this because I wanted each member of the group to feel unique by using their own character and having their own abilities. You must choose a character that no one in your teams has choosen. You must also choose 2 characters to use in Heroes mode, 1 hero and 1 villian.

Freedoms - Freedoms are basically rewards that you earn for ranking up. See post #3 for the list of Freedoms.

Group Character Switch - If you manage to reach the 2nd or the highest possible rank then you'll be rewarded with the Freedom to change your group character. If you do this you'll lose all your Freedoms, and start all over in rank. Changing while in the 2nd highest possible rank will cause you to get penalized and you'll never be able to go past the rank of Captain. For example: Lets say that a member chooses Spectre and lets say that member unlocks the Freedom, well he can choose to switch his group character for another character that isn't already in use or ask other members if they want to switch if the team is full. That member would switch to the character that they asked to be and he'll go all the way back to the lowest rank.

Teams - Since I don't know how many people is going to join Umbrella Public Security, I've decided to make multiple teams available. Me and KKAAIIG haven't gone to far with this concept yet, but we'll going to get more into when Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City is near it's release date.

Ranking Up - If you help me, KKAAIIG, or other group members you'll earn Group XP. Once you reach enough Group XP you rank up and gain a Freedom. It's that simple. See post #3 for the list of ranks.

Rules - There are only 2 rules. The first rule, and this is the rule that gets you kicked off the group automatically, you can't make abusive, threatning, offensive, or racist comments towards other members. The 2nd rule, you have to use your group character in every group session unless given permission, after multiple violations of the rule you'll get suspended from group sessions or you'll get banned if it starts to become constant.

Sessions - Group sessions are going to be sessions where we get together and play co-op together for hours. Me and KKAAIIG will discuss sessions after the game comes out and both of us can agree and when we should have sessions.

If you want to join the group then you can leave a message with on this Group thread requesting to join or you can message me or KKAAIIG for a request to join. Make sure you tell us what your Group character is and your PSN name. So far this is a PS3 only group, but if you would like to become a team leader for the Xbox 360 or PC then let me or KKAAIIG know and we'll start making this a multi-platform group.
Current Memebers -

Team 1 (PS3):
KKAAIIG - Leader - Four-Eyes, Claire Redfield, Nicholai, Willow
blivvy - Recruit - Spectre, Leon, HUNK
B.Martin - Recruit - Vector, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong
---Empty Slot---

The Future Establishment (PS3):
The Major - Leader - Lupo, Jill Valentine, Nicholai, Dee-Ay
VeCtOr - Major - Vector, Leon Kennedy, HUNK, Willow
Midgie - Second Lieutenant - Spectre, Carlos, Lone Wolf, Party Girl
Mario!~ - Recruit - Bertha, Claire, Ada, Tweed

Team 3 (Xbox 360):
Hogwartskid7 - Leader - Beltway, Leon Kennedy, HUNK, Shona
Nemesis280 - Coporal - Vector, Jill Valentine, Lone Wolf, Willow
iD D34No - Recruit - Spectre, Carlos, Nicholai, Dee-Ay
---Empty Slot---
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What console will you be on VeCtOr?

UPDATE: Me and KKAAIIG have made the a list of ranks and Freedoms. Here is that list.

Recruit - No Freedoms
Specialist - Support: Call for support from other members, except Leaders.
Coporal - Duty Calls: Gain more Group XP for following Leader's orders correctly.
Sergeant - Don't Die On Me: Gain more Group XP for helping and healing other members. Gain even more for doing the samething on Leaders.
Sergeant Major of the Army - Instant rank up (Used when desired)
Second Lieutenant - Advaced Support: Call for support from other members, including Leaders, but Leaders will only help if they can or if necessary.
Lieutenant - Shot Down in Flames: Call for a member to take point and kill enemies.
Captain - Orders are orders: Give lower ranking members orders.
Major - Major Motoko Kusanagi: Change character for a day (One time use)
Colonel - Army of two: Take a member with you for help. Member is by choice.
General - Leader's Right Hand: 2nd in Command and gives orders to other members, orders can be declined by leaders. Can forcefully switch characters, but members will penalized by starting back over and will only be able to reach Captain.
Field Marshal or General of the Army - Character Switch or Deus Ex: If member chooses Field Marshal they can switch characters with members. Field Marshal will start over, but will be able to regain the rank. If member chooses General of the Army, member will gain the Deus Ex freedom, giving them almost all Leader powers.
Team 1 (PS3)

Kai Gough - Leader - Four-Eyes
Barry Nolan - Recruit - Spectre
B.Martin - Recruit - Vector

Team 2 (PS3)
Kasey Thompson - Leader - Lupo
VeCtOr - Recruit - Vector
Cj Draco Gurka - Recruit - Beltway".
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UPDATE: Me and KKAAIIG decided that the way we had it up originally was not going to work because in the game it's only going to allow us 4 players per lobby. We switched around a bit. Now it's four members per team.
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UPDATE: Some new rules have been created.

#1: No Teamkilling - I'm serious about this one. Teamkilling gets annoying and it definatly annoys me. Me and KKAAIIG want everyone to have a fun time playing the game in groups, and if we allow Teamkilling that takes the fun away from being in the group. After a few times of teamkilling you'll be suspended from group sessions and the group for a set period of time, after multiple times and consective times you'll be banned from the group. Redemption may be available. If it's on accident we'll let it slide.

#2: Use of glitches to advance to the game is not allowed - Not only does this make the game shorter, it makes the game less fun and it ruins the pace that everyone wants to work in.

#3: No trophy hunting during sessions (Unless permission is granted) - Me and KKAAIIG certainly don't want to wait around or retry something a hundred times just for a trophy. We'll allow this if we have a reason or if we're generous enough to grant permission. We'll more than likely have different ways to grant permission (For example: If someone asks me to do trophy hunting, I'll allow it on a vote or if I'm generous, which I really am generous when it comes to these certain thigns, and if a majority of memebers in the lobby are okay with this I'll grant permission. KKAAIIG will probably grant permission differently than I do.)

#4: If using a mircrophone, there is to be no abuse to using it - I'm also serious about this one as well. Me and KKAAIIG definatly don't want to go through an entire session with some abusing the ever loving day light out of it. This includes stuff like singing in the mic, playing music in the mic, etc., etc. We'll excuse stuff like this if you have a good enough reason, like you're sick, if your mic is super sensitive to sound, etc., etc. Me and KKAAIIG may play music during the beginning of sessions to introduce the session (Like say we schedule a session on lets say on a holiday then one of us or both of us may play a song to go with that holiday to introduce the session.), but that'll be the only times we do.
#4 - I often abuse the computer and have random outbursts of a certain 'c' word when playing games, it's nt directed at anyone other than the computer. Obviously I'll try to kerb it, you'll probably find it more amusing than abusive though. What can I say? I'm passionate about my games!
#4 - I often abuse the computer and have random outbursts of a certain 'c' word when playing games, it's nt directed at anyone other than the computer. Obviously I'll try to kerb it, you'll probably find it more amusing than abusive though. What can I say? I'm passionate about my games!
As long as it isn't directed at anyone you should be fine pal :)
UPDATE: Some new rules have been created.

#1: No Teamkilling - I'm serious about this one. Teamkilling gets annoying and it definatly annoys me. Me and KKAAIIG want everyone to have a fun time playing the game in groups, and if we allow Teamkilling that takes the fun away from being in the group. After a few times of teamkilling you'll be suspended from group sessions and the group for a set period of time, after multiple times and consective times you'll be banned from the group. Redemption may be available. If it's on accident we'll let it slide.

#2: Use of glitches to advance to the game is not allowed - Not only does this make the game shorter, it makes the game less fun and it ruins the pace that everyone wants to work in.

#3: No trophy hunting during sessions (Unless permission is granted) - Me and KKAAIIG certainly don't want to wait around or retry something a hundred times just for a trophy. We'll allow this if we have a reason or if we're generous enough to grant permission. We'll more than likely have different ways to grant permission (For example: If someone asks me to do trophy hunting, I'll allow it on a vote or if I'm generous, which I really am generous when it comes to these certain thigns, and if a majority of memebers in the lobby are okay with this I'll grant permission. KKAAIIG will probably grant permission differently than I do.)

#4: If using a mircrophone, there is to be no abuse to using it - I'm also serious about this one as well. Me and KKAAIIG definatly don't want to go through an entire session with some abusing the ever loving day light out of it. This includes stuff like singing in the mic, playing music in the mic, etc., etc. We'll excuse stuff like this if you have a good enough reason, like you're sick, if your mic is super sensitive to sound, etc., etc. Me and KKAAIIG may play music during the beginning of sessions to introduce the session (Like say we schedule a session on lets say on a holiday then one of us or both of us may play a song to go with that holiday to introduce the session.), but that'll be the only times we do.
I'll like to add, you may only team kill if a team mate gets infected and doesn't have a cure, you must wait until they are a zombie first.
ANNOUCEMENT: We're going to be holding a contest for members. This will NOT be the only time we do a contest. We're going to randomly make one, but the name of the contest is going to be same.

EDIT: The contest has ended. Nobody won anything.​
So far we could only have a trivia contest because really that is basically all we could do. After the game is released or if more members join, there will be different kinds of contests. Also KKAAIIG will post his questions seperatly, but I'll post all 3 speical questions. Me and KKAAIIG will choose to give hints or not to our questions. After Lithium Pistol is over, I'll post every the correct answers for my questions and KKAAIIG will do the same, and I'll tell everyone's reward. My questions will be in white, but KKAAIIG may choose a different color.
1. What is KKAAIIG's Favourite rifle in Resident Evil 5?
2. In Resident Evil 5, Why was Jill Blonde?
3. What is the new release date for Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City?
4. Was the Resident Evil 6 teaser trailer real or a fake?
5. What is the name of Jills handgun in Resident Evil 5 - The Mercenaries?
6. Why Didn't Wesker Die in Resident Evil 1?
7. What food product can Jill be compared to?
8. For How many years was Alexia Ashford placed into a Cryogenic Sleep?
9. Witch character is KKAAIIG on Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City?
10. Witch character on Resident Evil 5 - The Mercenaries Reunion, doesn't hold a gun in their pic?
Is this like an RPG? And can I make my own character?
Pretty much no and no. The group leveling up system (Not to be confused with the leveling system that is already in the game) is something that I came up with to reward members of the group. It's almost the same leveling system that is in Red Dead Redemption, except it dosen't have any pointless stuff in it like those games (Like ranking up and getting absoutly nothing, or ranking up only to get rewarded with a new and lame challenge.) and Group XP is earned almost the same way as the XP in Red Dead Redemption. You can't make your own character, you must choose between 1 of the 6 characters when joining the group, in the group you can only choose a character that hasen't been already choosen (Kinda like this, if me and KKAAIIG decide to put you in Team 1, then you can't choose Four-Eyes, Vector, or Spectre because they've already been taken by the current Team 1 members have already choosen them).

I hope this helps. For more information you can ask either me or KKAAIIG about it.
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Pretty much no and no. The group leveling up system (Not to be confused with the leveling system that is already in the game) is something that I came up with to reward members of the group. It's almost the same leveling system that is in Red Dead Redemption, except it dosen't have any pointless stuff in it like those games (Like ranking up and getting absoutly nothing, or ranking up only to get rewarded with a new and lame challenge.) and Group XP is earned almost the same way as the XP in Red Dead Redemption. You can't make your own character, you must choose between 1 of the 6 characters when joining the group, in the group you can only choose a character that hasen't been already choosen (Kinda like this, if me and KKAAIIG decide to put you in Team 1, then you can't choose Four-Eyes, Vector, or Spectre because they've already been taken by the current Team 1 members have already choosen them).

I hope this helps. For more information you can ask either me or KKAAIIG about it.
Hmmmm could I be HUNK?