Interesting. I find that interesting because from what I heard from people is that the DmC one was the best ported game Capcom had released in a long time. Or perhaps wit was the best optimised if you had a upper end rig. I defiantly haven't taken a look at the older DMC games for PC. Personally when I play a PC game. I want the full mouse and keyboard experience. Otherwise I'll play it on console. It really comes down to the type of game the game is. How does it feel? Assassin's Creed for one, is awkward on PC.
It's true I can go and buy a mock controller for the PC, but it's just not the same. Not to me. Perhaps it's a personal thing from growing up and being stuck with PC is PC and means mouse and keyboard xD It has is advantages and it's disadvantages. Almost like a Nintendo gimmick lmao! Jk.
Back to Capcom ports. I am just disappointed by a company with such high caliber quality of games... can't get PC right and it took them 5 years to fix Resident Evil 5 and give us a full complete package. I think that is pathetic. I guess it disappoints me gravely.
PS. Sorry if my typing is all over the map. I took my sleeping pill about an hour ago and I should be in bed. I just am having that moment that I don't like having
The one where I feel kinda jaded and sad at the same time..... *sighs* oh well. I am just literally typing what comes out on the top of my head like a mindless drone without a mind of his own. Okay I have mind but you know what I mean. Like a, like a, like a, like a, like a platapys . Wait those are rational too!
haha jk kidding. Now I'm just making a tool out of myself but **** it i'mma hit the post reply button now!
*smiles* you might want to skip the PS part.
Oh and I'm going to press the post reply button now :3 I'm fkn weird. I'm going to press the post reply button now :3