Resident Evil 3 Remake Your biggest fears for the R3make

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Professional Sandwich Consumer
Oct 7, 2018
Most of us are very excited about the remake for RE3, and we have high hopes for Capcom to deliver something truly spectacular. But just like with the RE2 remake, there will undoubtedly be some things that won't please the fans of the original game - it could be changes to storylines, gameplay mechanics, removal of certain aspects, new features that feels out of place, etc. So I thought it would be interest if we list some of the things that we hope do not end up in this game.

This is all highly speculative of course, so do not take anything too seriously. Also, even though some of it might become true it doesn't mean that the game will be bad.

So, here's a list of my biggest fears that I hope do not end up the R3make:

1. Multiple first-person chase scenes with Nemesis: The first trailer for the game showed us a segment with Jill from a first-person perspective being chased by Nemesis. It looked like actual gameplay because of how the way the camera moved, so its likely that this will be part of the beginning of the game. While this looked pretty amazing, I would absolutely hate to see if there are too many encounters with Nemesis like this - IOW scripted chase scenes that replaces the old "choice menus" from the original. Worst case scenario: Every encounter with Nemesis is like this. Best case scenario: It's just part of the into scene. I could be proven wrong and maybe the chase sequences turn out great, but as of now I'm slightly concerned. Hopefully there will be an option to play the chase sequences through third-person.

2. Not enough isolation: Raccoon City is portrayed differently in the R3make, here we actually get to see the city before most of the population turned into zombies or died. Non-infected people are running around screaming, and there seems to be hordes of zombies in some parts. The devs have stated that they will honor the original game's larger emphasis on action, and based on what we saw in the trailer there will be non-stop action. While the original RE3 was definitely more action-oriented than 1 and 2, it still put great emphasis on isolation and how abandoned Raccoon City was. Sure, there were more zombies than in RE2, but they were not everywhere. I would hate to see if the action kills the horror. A game does not become scarier just because you throw more monsters at the player, a game becomes scarier when you haven't see a monster for a little while and suddenly one shows up out of nowhere. Obviously we haven't seen that much of the R3make yet, and the latter part of the game could possibly provide us with a bigger sense of isolation that was shown in the original.

3. Removal of certain locations: This might not happen, but its possible that some locations will bite the dust in order to fit the new gameplay.

4. Nemesis can't be temporarily stopped: Some people might love if this happens, but personally I would hate to see it. Imagine if every encounter with Nemesis won't bring him down temporarily, except for the specific battles where he's supposed to fall down unconscious to move forward the storyline. If that's the case, every other encounter with Nemesis will be extremely heart-pumping and frustrating because you'll know that you must escape.
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I suspect that first-person chase sequence will either not be in the game at all, or just a cutscene. I didn't see the show that first revealed the trailer, so I don't know if they announced beforehand what game the trailer was for, but if not, showing a part of it in first person is a good way to keep this information hidden from the viewers and keep them guessing, so when you finally see Jill and hear someone call her name, you're like: "Oh my Lucifer, it's actually RE3!" They did something similar with the REmake 2 reveal trailer if I'm not mistaken, showing some obscure events from the perspective of a mouse while not telling you what game it was until you saw Leon's face.

That being said, I also hope the game won't suddenly switch to first-person whenever Nemesis shows up. Given that he will probably show up more often and be even more persistent than Mister X, this would get annoying very soon.

My only other real fear is that Capcom won't take this opportunity to flesh out Jill a little more. This is her game - unlike RE1 and 2, where you get to choose your playable character and we still don't know exactly which events are canon, RE3 gives us this one character that we're controlling troughout the entire game, so I want to go all the way with her and learn as much about her as possible. Show us her apartment - this would actually be the first time we get a detailed look at an RE character's home, and a good way to tell us more about her without delaying the plot by going into too much detail. There's a photo of a dog on her S.T.A.R.S. desk - is (or was) that her dog? Is there a specific reason she chose to become the team's tech expert, or is it just a natural talent? How is she coping with the Mansion Incident, and what does she think about the destruction of Raccoon City? I guess I'm asking for too much, but if at least some of these questions were answered, I would already be happy.
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I may be the only one here who literally has no fears about this game. Perhaps it's the fact that I hated the original for whatever reason, but that only means that the R3make can only get better and I genuinely look forward to it.
No fun extra modes.. and project resistance is not good enough. I want mercenaries, not like the old re3 style but i'm hoping for a full fledge mercenaries like RE4 - RE6. It's time for a new version.. it's litterary been 8 years.
A virus management throughout the entire game. What brought this on is that in the trailer, Jill was looking into the mirror and stuff happened. She was infected in the original, but only for a short while for Carlos to steal the spotlight. Now I do not want to worry about Nemesis and be infected at the same time throughout the game and getting special items to stave it off. To me, that sounds like unnecessary busywork.
I may be the only one here who literally has no fears about this game. Perhaps it's the fact that I hated the original for whatever reason, but that only means that the R3make can only get better and I genuinely look forward to it.
Yep, you're not eligible to enter this thread lol. :lol:

Jokes aside I'm honestly more hopeful than doubtful for this game, and even if my fears listed above come true I'll probably still love the game because.... its RE3.
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My biggest fear is that the so called liberties that they'll be taking with the game's story will be canon breaking.

REmake 2 had that problem with the A/B scenario events confusion and it causes some confusion with other games, namely how in RE6 Sherry says that Leon saved her life in Raccoon City while in REmake 2, Leon and Sherry never even met until they're outta danger.
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One of my biggest fears is that they'll mess up Jill. RE3 is her game with a focus on her so they better do her justice

Other than, lack of good atmospheric music, lame Nemesis, lack of mercenaries
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Here are my biggest fear:

1: the story will turn out like the Re 2 remake story, rushed, cut and inconsitence compared to the original one, but maybe it will not be the case since Re 3 didn't have a great story so they can only improve it, and since there is only one campaign, they can focus on only one story not like re 2 remake

2: mercenaries will not be in the game... Since they announced that resident evil resistance will be re 3 online part, I'm really afraid that mercenaries will not be in game...

3: the fact that Jill is fighting alongside the police and other persone while in the original she was alone for the most time and there were few citizen running trought the city... I actually think this could be an improvement if done well, but it could take out the sense of isolation and loneliness the original game had

4: music, this could be already a concrete fear since re 2 remake music weren't as good and memorable as the original one so I guess re 3 remake will get the same treatment and Infact there are some ost from the remake on YouTube and I didn't really like them

I think that the first persone view will just be a cutscene or not be in the final game at all since It was a joke in the trailer to trick us into think it was a first persone re game, maybe re 8 or spin off but it was re 3 remake the whole time
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I suspect that first-person chase sequence will either not be in the game at all, or just a cutscene. I didn't see the show that first revealed the trailer, so I don't know if they announced beforehand what game the trailer was for, but if not, showing a part of it in first person is a good way to keep this information hidden from the viewers and keep them guessing, so when you finally see Jill and hear someone call her name, you're like: "Oh my Lucifer, it's actually RE3!" They did something similar with the REmake 2 reveal trailer if I'm not mistaken, showing some obscure events from the perspective of a mouse while not telling you what game it was until you saw Leon's face.

That being said, I also hope the game won't suddenly switch to first-person whenever Nemesis shows up. Given that he will probably show up more often and be even more persistent than Mister X, this would get annoying very soon.

My only other real fear is that Capcom won't take this opportunity to flesh out Jill a little more. This is her game - unlike RE1 and 2, where you get to choose your playable character and we still don't know exactly which events are canon, RE3 gives us this one character that we're controlling troughout the entire game, so I want to go all the way with her and learn as much about her as possible. Show us her apartment - this would actually be the first time we get a detailed look at an RE character's home, and a good way to tell us more about her without delaying the plot by going into too much detail. There's a photo of a dog on her S.T.A.R.S. desk - is (or was) that her dog? Is there a specific reason she chose to become the team's tech expert, or is it just a natural talent? How is she coping with the Mansion Incident, and what does she think about the destruction of Raccoon City? I guess I'm asking for too much, but if at least some of these questions were answered, I would already be happy.

Actually, they said Jill's character (and the RE3 story as a whole) will be fleshed out more in the REmake (no pun intended), so that's a plus.

On the downside, though, they also said it will be more action-oriented, though hopefully not too much. I hope they find a good balance between survival and action horror like the original RE3. It didn't delve into the action until later in the game when you're stocked up on ammo like all the classic REs (though sooner than the previous entries) and like they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If I wanted to play World War Z or Left 4 Dead, I'd play those games or even RE4 or RE5, not a REmake (again, no pun intended) of an iconic survival horror (emphasis added) RE game.
Actually, they said Jill's character (and the RE3 story as a whole) will be fleshed out more in the REmake (no pun intended), so that's a plus.

On the downside, though, they also said it will be more action-oriented, though hopefully not too much. I hope they find a good balance between survival and action horror like the original RE3. It didn't delve into the action until later in the game when you're stocked up on ammo like all the classic REs (though sooner than the previous entries) and like they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If I wanted to play World War Z or Left 4 Dead, I'd play those games or even RE4 or RE5, not a REmake (again, no pun intended) of an iconic survival horror (emphasis added) RE game.
The original resident evil 3 was more action compared to resident evil 2, that s why re 3 remake will be more action compared to re 2 remake because it's faithful to the original one
My biggest fear is that they will make major conflicting changes to the established lore which is the same and only issue i had with RE2 remake, I'm ok with tweaking and updating existing major storyline points but changing them completely into something else is what just rubs me the wrong way for some reason such as the whole Ada being a FBI agent cover rather than the established story about the Umbrella Scientist who was her boyfriend and also who had a reference in the RE1 remake, now that reference means nothing in the context of the new RE2 remake since it was changed and cut out completely in favor of this FBI mess which is a shame since I actually liked it.

Also the Leon and Sherry contradiction on RE2 remake was just a lack of research on the part of the story writers that I simply wish them not to have when doing this story for the remake, if they had done more research into the lore they would have known that Leon was said to have had a major role in saving Sherry in RE6 but the RE2 remake completely retcons that since Leon doesn't even meet Sherry until the very end, this is the main crux of the issue I have with the new remakes, leave important stuff like that COMPLETELY intact and instead build on it and make it better rather than changing it entirely or removing it.

So pretty much that is my only worry with these new remakes, the gameplay and settings all are fantastic and I actually like the new character redesigns but I just do not want Capcom to start contradicting and negating established events on a whim and instead I want them to simply build on and expand existing ones like they did with RE1 Remake which is where they kept the story and important elements the same but added more to them and new storylines to compliment them.
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Great Topic!

There are a lot of valid concerns here, and I hate to mimic these already well thought out posts - but my biggest concern is that they will overuse the Nemesis stalking mechanic popularized by Mr. X in the RE2 REmake. I would love to have some stalking segments, but if it is overused, it will make Nemesis less of a scare and more of an annoyance.

Other than that, I want them to focus deep on the continuity of the stories. I would hate to see a lot of inconsistencies between the games. That is a pet peeve of mine. Yes, we are the experts who will scrutinize these games in a lore sense, but Capcom should be experts too!
Other than that, I want them to focus deep on the continuity of the stories. I would hate to see a lot of inconsistencies between the games. That is a pet peeve of mine. Yes, we are the experts who will scrutinize these games in a lore sense, but Capcom should be experts too!
This. Right. Here. I've been b*tching about this exact same thing for far too long now. That's a big problem with REmakes in general. Changes to the canon that cause inconsistencies due to trying to correct, or flat out ignore in some cases, source material from 20 years prior.
Besides hoping that some of the more questionable redesigns shown off in promotional photos will look better in game I also hope this one doesn't continue to make the continuity even more confused and nonsensical than the original like RE2 Remake did.
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