Will these remaining characters make a return?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2014
Will we see Jake Muller come back? I would like for him to explore his origins and connection to his father Albert Wesker.

Of course, maybe he'll be haunted by his father's ghost.

As for Ashley & Billy.

I can picture Ashley grown up and hope she can be reunited with Leon, carrying a gun.

Billy? Wonder what he's been up to since RE0.
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Personally I'd love to see them all return as well. I don't know if Ashley would have as big of an impact on the over all RE lore as say Billy or Jake but she's always been an interesting character to explore. Though the pay off is definitely larger with Billy and/or Jake.
Jake Muller can possibly return. It's easy to set up his return as a mercenary, or under a US Goverment contract, hunting BOW's or something like that. Or even hunted by someone wanting his blood.

Ashley Graham? No. Why she should come back? She's just an ordinary college girl. The only way she could come back is with an accident of sorts and her being in the middle of it. She played her part in RE4. There's no reason for us to see her back, except in a cameo or something like that (or even as a politician, in the future, like her father, with an anti B.O.W terrorism agenda, kinda like Benford. That would be interesting.)

Billy? Same as Ashley. He's a "dead" man. And if he was "alive", Billy Coen is a wanted man. He probably disappeared after Raccoon City, probably to some foreign country to escape his death penalty. Like Ashley, the only logical way for him to appear was being in the middle of an incident, which would be very convenient and silly. Billy is cool, but we don't need him back.
If future games are going to be anything like RE7, I say no to all of them. But before RE7, these would have been my predictions:

Jake: Probably. RE6, especially the secret ending, pretty much sets him up as a future main character, he still has unresolved issues with Chris, and seeing Jill's reaction to him could be interesting too.

Ashley: No way. Not only was she hated by 90% of the fandom, but I also don't see a reason for the former president's daughter to be involved in any future bioterrorism plots.

Billy: Maybe in some Revelations-style side story set in the past, but nowadays? Nope. We all know Capcom's preference for young protagonists, this guy is older than Chris, and if not even Jill could make a proper return during the last eigth years, I doubt that a comparatively unimportant character like Billy ever will.
Id love Jake to come back. He was written really well, had a personality AND some character development. Jake at the begining of RE6 was a totally different one than the Jake at the end of the game. Id love for him to return and resolve his unfinished buisness with Chris, research his father and the Wesker project, and who know's maybe even come face to face with Natalia/Alex. Seriously i think Capcom have some serious potential with Jake and shouldn't just drop him because of how RE6 was received. Ashley? I dunno... maybe a cameo or something lol. Billy, again iv wanted him to return for years but they've left it too long now. I know Rebecca was absent for just as long but the difference with her is she was a STARS member. She knew Chris, Jill, Wesker etc and Chris contacts her for help in Vendetta. She had some established ties to the characters and lore so it's much easier to bring her back and drop her back into the story after so long. Billy was a total unknown, had no ties and existed solely for Capcom to try a new gameplay mechanic for RE0. Don't get me wrong he was an awesome dude and definitly had potential, but Capcom is Capcom. Plus if Capcom can ignore an original fan favourite like Jill for so long, why would they give a damn about Billy. With all that said though, if RE7 is anything to go by im not hopeful for much when it comes to old characters returning in the main series. I think they've all been relegated to CG movies and Revelations for the time being.
Maybe Jake can get the same abilities as his dad. But he won't use them to become a monster like he is.
Jake - He can potentially be written into any story because he's a mercenary. He has connections with Chris, Leon, Sherry etc., he's also a well-developed character unlike the other two. Mainly though, he's a Wesker and Capcom won't let that name go.

Billy - With Rebecca having just returned the potential for Billy to do the same went from zero, pun intended, to unlikely.

Ashley - Yeah, no.
I have a feeling Billy has turned into an alcoholic considering what he's been through lol. It'd be cool if him and Rebecca were reunited in a future title or animated film.
In all fairness, if that's how it worked they'd all be drunks or addicts by their second game. They only get like that once, when it's the most corny and once per character.
I've always wondered about PTSD in video game characters.
Must be the Psych courses I took in high school.
Maybe we just don't see it. It would be kind of weird if we saw it in every single game/movie with every character.
Yeah, but he got over things extremely quickly before that.
Yeah, but that's because you only have 100+ minutes in a movie to do it in and other stuff needs to happen so it's getting done and over in a few minutes for time management. If this were a game you know they'd milk it as much as they could and solve it pretty quickly.