I believe it was a design choice, to make the characters feel unique rather than just make them look like some rando/anonymous S.W.A.T. team.
That's what Hunk and co. did, and did you care about any of them? I sure as Hell didn't.
I love HUNK. He was my favorite character to play in Mercs 3D and I liked The 4th Survivor. To each their own.
I wasn't directly responding to your post as I didn't quote you. I was pitching into a HUNK conversation. Chillax.You are taking what I said out of context. Hunk is an established character and I also love playing as him in 4th survivor, I have a quote of his in my sig after all.
What I meant was, his entire team is wearing identical uniforms, color, gas mask and all, so it's a bit harder to care for a cast of characters that all look identical, imagine if all of S.T.A.R.S. team was wearing full body suits, it would further dilute them as characters, wouldn't you think?
To be honest, everyone is essentially wearing the same thing: a S.T.A.R.S. T-shirt and a vest. They're different colors, yes, but it's the same type uniform. The only one that breaks this mold is Jill with the shoulder pads instead of a vest. (And Forest isn't wearing a T-shirt but this could be chalked up to personal preference.)
Yup there was nothing distinguishing about them, the only think is HUNK was the only survivor, Mr.Death. So i agree with your initial response about the STARS uniforms to make each character feel more unique. I never really questioned it too much, and also wouldn't have it any other way.I believe it was a design choice, to make the characters feel unique rather than just make them look like some rando/anonymous S.W.A.T. team.
That's what Hunk and co. did, and did you care about any of them? I sure as Hell didn't.