That makes sense. Its easier to get to know and care for a character the more you see them.Well...I really did see enough of her to have an accurate opinion of her in RE1...She turned out to be a much stronger character in her own game...
Maybe its just me but I dont think she was all that weak in the Mansion and I try so hard to look for her supposed useless moments most people speak of. I mean outside of two "weak" moments (the hunter and crying in the guest house- which to me emotions=\= weakness), she is actually pretty capable and helpful in the Mansion Incident (helping Chris after he gets poisoned, playing the piano for him, making the V-Jolt for him, healing him in game if he needs it, getting around alone most of the time, and activating the self destruct system so that they could prevent further contamination). I don't mean to sound like a blind fangirl but I honestly don't get why people (not you Kennedy) love to scream out how she is useless and wimpy when the game clearly shows otherwise.