If only one character or the other, Jill or Chris, could have the central focus of Remake with their story, who would choose to be the main character?
They also couldn't really reference Zero because Remake released 7 months beforehand. Remake was April 2002. Zero was November 2002.Id probably pick Chris. Solely because his campaign features Rebecca, so it feels a little more connected to RE0. Although Rebecca does feel like a totally different character in each game and dosen't mention what happens in Zero once....but it's all we have ain't it.
They also couldn't really reference Zero because Remake released 7 months beforehand. Remake was April 2002. Zero was November 2002.
It's a shame. They definitely had the opportunity to make Rebecca's character evolve in the REmake, but they couldn't even get the same voice actress.They could have if they wanted to, but they didn't. They referenced Billy Coen in Resident Evil 2 on the N64 because they were already working on 0 for the N64 before it moved to the Gamecube. I also remember hearing there was gonna be some sort of prologue in REmake showing Rebecca getting to the Mansion first that was removed. I think even one of the trailers for REmake shows Rebecca being surrounded by zombies in the main hall. Don't know if it's related or not or just done to be flashy for the trailer, but it was definitely interesting.