The regenerators usually get me. You hear their shuffling.....Then BAM they scare the crap out of you 

- DUh! obviously the Crimson Heads...
I have since met Regenerators and Iron Maidens, and sure do they have scare factor. But they don't just "pop out" like the topic title describes. You hear them before you see them and this tickles the nerves. I think Regenerators are more scary than Maidens because they BITE you. AAAH!Candidates:
The Salvador that comes when you enter the village house.
Del Lago.
The first Novistador.
The cage Garrador.
Not all of these "pop out". But SNAKES do, and they are the creature that can startle me over and over again.
This thread should be moved to the "General" section if it's about the entire serie's and not just "4".
Could a Mod please lend a hand?
Perhaps when you turn around to a Salvador.
Anybody else remember the Del Lago, before the fight, when you shoot at the water, that was nice.