Outbreak File 2 Whats your opinions on RE: Outbreak File #2?

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Wait, Who stole me Haggis?
Jan 18, 2012
Ive just started playing it again and i absolutely love it! The vastness of some of the scenarios, the explaination of Marvin being left behind etc! What a game but as the title asks what do you all think about it personally?

P.S I just thought id put this up so i can be the first to christen this page!
I enjoyed them. It gave us a chance to relive the Raccoon City incident through different perspectives. It gave us a glimpse at the diversity of the city and it was a lot of fun. I wouldn't mind another one.
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It was hard to me and, sadly, there is no co-op offline on ps2. Despite that, I enjoyed this game.
I liked the game though i can never finish the last level. I got stuck over where to go after you fight the tyrant (Mr.X lookalike)
I liked the game though i can never finish the last level. I got stuck over where to go after you fight the tyrant (Mr.X lookalike)
In End of the Road, after you kill the Tyrant thing outside the helicopter you head up over the Bridge (Same bridge used in the original outbreak when you obliterate the Zombies with the Bomb set up by RPD remenants) to a building where a cut scene (The Umbrella Merc pulls up the Umbrella Executive about Operation Codename XX) then you can either head back to the helicopter yourself, push on a wee bit and get linda* or take on the mutated Tyrant (*You only get three minutes to do it and if you lose you can still do the escape by killing the mutated tyrant) Hope this helps oh and becareful of Mines!
How cant you finish then? Oh wait if you mean after you fight the blob thing on the overpass, you go into the military truck with the Rocket Launcher in it (at the back).
Rented it with a buddy at a sleepover probably 5 years ago. Can't remember much except it was very confusing and difficult. We kept joking the whole time about the "anatomically correct elephant" (because I guess it looked like it had a huge penis). Of the characters, I remember some black guy would never shut his damn mouth, and this japanese girl with a backpack was definitely the most useful of all the characters... solely because she was wearing a backpack, haha. :rolleyes:
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I'm actually gonna try to finish it this week. I loved the first one, but when I got around to playing File 2 the only one I completed was the zoo one. Its real difficult with the AI characters not being much help, but I like a nice challenge.
I'm actually gonna try to finish it this week. I loved the first one, but when I got around to playing File 2 the only one I completed was the zoo one. Its real difficult with the AI characters not being much help, but I like a nice challenge.

I always have Yoko around because she can carry more items. If not her, I'll have the Doctor as an ally to heal us if we're in trouble. The scenarios/campaigns are alot of fun.
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I always have Yoko around because she can carry more items. If not her, I'll have the Doctor as an ally to heal us if we're in trouble. The scenarios/campaigns are alot of fun.
I just tried two of them, and I've gotta say they are pretty damn hard. Fun, interesting, and I like them, but I died both times. I might have to use a walkthrough :/ Never had to on the first one.

Yoko is the shizz, she might be a little slower but being able to carry a reasonable amount of items more than makes up for it. I tried using Kevin this time, maybe that's were I screwed up.
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Ive just started playing it again and i absolutely love it! The vastness of some of the scenarios, the explaination of Marvin being left behind etc! What a game but as the title asks what do you all think about it personally?

P.S I just thought id put this up so i can be the first to christen this page!

I love both of the Outbreak games. They were really confusing and difficult at first, but once you get used to them, they have a lot to offer.

Since this is mainly about File#2, I'll talk about that one. I enjoyed it's expansion of Raccoon, the Zoo, Subway, some nice RPD and other locations, even expanding upon the city streets seen in the first Scenario in the first Outbreak. Oh, and I enjoyed some of the new original stories too, like the stuff with Albert Lester and the abandoned hospital in Flashback.

The characters are all unique and different. I usually use Kevin, although I like Alyssa too. I usually like to have Yoko as a partner, as her extra item space comes in handy. :)

I also found the VA to be pretty funny, like just the random stuff the characters would say, while roaming around the level.

"I just had a though."
"Go to hell."

Oh, and the music in the Outbreak games is probably one of my favourite soundtracks from the entire series. Up there with RE0 for sure.
Love loved the games! I played them to death, went after all the secret items for the different outfits and such. My biggest problem was that I had the ****tiest internet connection and could never play with anyone, which made some levels nearly impossible.

I want to replay them so bad, but my damn PS3 slim won't play PS2 games. :(
This game honestly had revolutionary ideas that unfortunately didn't catch on so well, should've been more popular and had a third installment, the soundtrack is better than just about every resident evil game I can remember, nyx's theme being the coolest, even though they left out the awesome synth heavy music of the first 3, oh and who can forget the "anatomically correct elephant"
Certainly better than the first. I like the scenarios, the ambiance and the characters, but my favourite edition was mapping full-3D controls to the Left Thumbstick and Tank Controls to the D-Pad. (Thank you!)