I dont think there was much of a point of putting RE 4 & 5 but I thought there may be a person here who have only played those games
Well...they had their moments...4 more so than 5...I dont think there was much of a point of putting RE 4 & 5 but I thought there may be a person here who have only played those games
Silent Hill is definitely scarier than RE...But both are the reigning champions of survival horror in my opinion...But are you sir telling me that in RE3, that first moment when Nemesis jumped through the window in the police station you didn't squeal a little lol...Im going to admit this now, ive never been scared by the games (awaits the inevitible lynching thats going to follow). I enjoy the games, dont get me wrong though. Silent hill has always been the one to make me change my underwear whenever i play it.
Nearly impossible o-o lolJust couldn't pick one lol...
Did you shout "OH ****!" at 1 a.m. too..REmake for sure. I'll never forget the 1st time a crimson head chased after me xD
So did it get you or not lol...Cause if I remember right, I didn't quite make it to the door on time...More like "Oh sh*t, f*ck, wtf do I do, wtf do I go!?" lol.
Haha...Damn...I was in the hallway that has the mirrors and suits of armor...The one with a bad light and like three zombies where you find the green arrow head...So many tight corners got me ****ed...Oh I manged to escape back into the dining room and all I had was a handgun & about half a clip. It's a good thing zombies don't know how to use doors.
Me too, but they just wouldn't work for a game nowadays...Yea never liked that hallway either. You never knew if something was waiting for you around all those tight corners, although the mirrors do help. Ah I miss the fixed camera angles, they added so much suspense.
Plus it's the hardest game in the series...I would have to say Code Veronica has the kinda scariest Story line because it incorporates three different playable character with their own monsters, mutations etc to kill. Plus when you have a heck of a lot more bosses to kill!