What video game(s) are you playing?

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I've been spending far too much time with Fallout 3 after I finally got the game of the year edition. It's kind of cool seeing the ruins of Maryland/DC considering I live here lolz.
I've decided to make a new goal of beating EVERY Legend of Zelda game.
I started with Ocarina of Time, and I beat it a few days ago, now I'm working on Twilight Princess, after that I will move to Wind Waker. From there, probably the original 2. Idk, that's 17 games to beat, and I've only beat ONE haha.
I got new Pc on friday and got a few games of steam and download. I've played most before but nicer playing in better settings.. I'm really enjoying it, with the graphics card been high end I can choose max settings on most the games I've tried and the frame rate stays really smooth. Makes aiming even with a controller feel so much smoother and responsive.

If anyone got any games to recommend fire away?? Really want a new RPG to play but I've already played the obvious ones like fallout, skyrim, dark souls,
I'm also enjoying the Steam summer sale!

I've already brought these new for PC
-Left 4 dead 2
-Battlefield 3
-Black Ops II
-Unreal Tournament 3
-Arma II + Day Z Mod

if anyone has a recomendation for Steam / PC or wants to play co-op on PC let me know.
I am really enjoying the mods for Left 4 dead 2. one of the mods is called Walking Corpses, it disables all the specials apart from tanks, and makes the zombies walk/jog but can't run. the zombies kill the survivors in about 2 scrapes and require a headshot to kill in the walking corpses, its a great mod. cheers
Playing through Mass Effect again. Just started the third game. :)

Been playing some of this and that as well. A little inFAMOUS, little Prince of Persia, some DMC, some fighting games.
Been playing Tekken Revolution a lot over the weekend mainly cause of the Mokujin Rush event. Idk there's just something appealing about fighting a wooden dummy lol.

And the new map pack was released for Black Ops 2 last week so I've been on the new zombies map called Buried.
Replaying Marvel Ultimate Alliance for PS2. I find that I really miss those PS2 games as, sadly, PS3 games can't hold my attention quite as well.
I've been playing Borderlands and Mass Effect 3 with a new gaymer friend I made. I'm preparing myself for the release of FFXIV: ARR, which will be my first time playing a big MMO in a long time.
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I'm also playing as many Zelda games as I can. But I have to wait a month before I can buy more. I've also been playing GTA4 a lot. Next on my list will be Zelda:Spirit Tracks, and I'm also going to check out Mario Kart 7. :)
The Sims, Tomb Raider... that's it actually, at least at the moment. I used to be a fan of Silent Hill, but got bored because apart from the story, it's always the same. I've played many more than these, but Sims, Tomb Raider and Resident Evil are generally my favourites.