What I think needs to happen to make Resident Evil even better

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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2010
While I dont think the Resident Evil series is doing bad, there still is always room for improvements that can make it even it better...these are all my opinions so you may agree or disagree with them if u so choose.

1. Make other characters the main characters- Chris, Jill, Claire and Leon have all been the main characters for the majority of the series, while they're all successful characters Chris and Jill are both in their mid to late 30's while Clare and Leon are still somewhat young. Give characters that we havent seen in a while a main role such as: Rebecca Chambers, Carlos, Barry {he's a longshot but still} and Billy.

2. KEEP the zombies- I know some people say the zombies got boring and predictable but then again so did the ganados in my opinion..while the ganados were more challenging they lacked the fear that the zombies brought out...with the exception of Albert Wesker the zombies ARE Resident Evil.

3. BUT perhaps find a way to add the ganados in WITH zombies- God, could u imagine having to fight off both Ganados and Zombies or even have Ganados experimenting on the undead?

4. Bring back some old monsters and or villians we havent seen in a while- With Wesker dead who's going to replace him and how cool would it be to see some monsters we havent seen in a long time...MY PICKS: Crimson Heads

5. Make it a little more realistic- When I say this I mean like for example, if you get bitten by a zombie they should show the wound and stuff, but thats just me.
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I TOTALLY AGREE with Barry being a main character, ofcourse. The zombies I think were scarier but I'd rather see something totally new.. I dunno what.. but something different. As for being realistic, I think it should be like the Outbreak games where it had a % after you got infected.. and if it reaches 100% you turn into a zombie and GAME OVER.
While I dont think the Resident Evil series is doing bad, there still is always room for improvements that can make it even it better...these are all my opinions so you may agree or disagree with them if u so choose.

1. Make other characters the main characters- Chris, Jill, Claire and Leon have all been the main characters for the majority of the series, while they're all successful characters Chris and Jill are both in their mid to late 30's while Clare and Leon are still somewhat young. Give characters that we havent seen in a while a main role such as: Rebecca Chambers, Carlos, Barry {he's a longshot but still} and Billy.

2. KEEP the zombies- I know some people say the zombies got boring and predictable but then again so did the ganados in my opinion..while the ganados were more challenging they lacked the fear that the zombies brought out...with the exception of Albert Wesker the zombies ARE Resident Evil.

3. BUT perhaps find a way to add the ganados in WITH zombies- God, could u imagine having to fight off both Ganados and Zombies or even have Ganados experimenting on the undead?

4. Bring back some old monsters and or villians we havent seen in a while- With Wesker dead who's going to replace him and how cool would it be to see some monsters we havent seen in a long time...MY PICKS: Crimson Heads

5. Make it a little more realistic- When I say this I mean like for example, if you get bitten by a zombie they should show the wound and stuff, but thats just me.
crimson heads r already gonna be in orc.
I'd like to see resident evil go back to the old style, then perhaps you could unlock side missions in the new style. For me through Raccoon city really did it for me, the atmosphere created by a 'dead' city was un-matchable and un-beatable. I know ORC is going to be new style old location, which will be great to see and I'm looking forward to it. How about a old style, old location, new graphics, I dare say they could fit a whole lot of raccoon city into a new game. Make it dark like really dark, we've had things like the zoo on outbreak and the hospitals.

This could be further enhanced, how about a school or nursery that would be gruesome (the latter could cause some problems mind) with the new consoles you could fit the whole of raccoon city into a game. Even throw in a side mission in the police station, there are plenty of everyday life situations that could be expanded on...

Supermarkets, airports, trainstations, bus stations, country parks, kids playgrounds, afore mentioned schools, colleges, big business buildings, underground tube stations, more of the zoo's, hotels, banks, I could go on... All these things could be turned into horrific raccoon scenes and could be included and made truly awesome.

That's my quick opinion anyway!
I say they should to a type of prequel where it has Billy after he left Rebecca in the forest. Explain what happened to him.
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I think what Resident evil needs is a new direction.

Changing the game play just isn't enough, because once you've learn't how use the new controls and sussed out your environment, it just becomes the same old story.

I think new characters would be an excellent opertunity for capcom to have the balls to push the envelope.

In retrospect, giving albert the same wordrobe guy as neo, juicing chris on roids, replacing zombies with a parasite along with some new controls, it just isn't enough.

It's do or die time in my opinion.

We need new hard hitting story lines with new faces with proper character development, but without these things, capcop is just tin rattling for our money, and it simply isn't good enough.
I say stick with fleshy characters...The uroboros bastards weren't scary at all with their tentacle rape and keep interaction with characters to a minimum. I reckon Luis helping out on Resident Evil 4 made the game less scarier. And they need to stop making crappy cliche's and I dunno about you guys but I hear alot about characters or creatures being more annoying than scary nowadays. The remakes and the movies have completely destroyed it as well since they keep moving backwards with the timeline instead of making one big game with all the plots and stuff so that they can finally advance forward and not waste anybody's time making all these games with basically some or most of the same crap from 1, 2 & 3 or cv.
Can we move and shoot at the same time? Please? :(
That, and cut down on the Hollywood style seen in RE4 and especially 5. Oh and introducing some new characters while bringing back some old ones would be nice. :)
The actual story should end with RE5.

As much as I enjoy this series, the story should reach some kind of resolution and it should end with Chris, the first and main protagonist of the series, and his winning battle against an old foe who has been behind many of the major schemes in the series, Wesker. All other villains have been cannon fodder and even if they did reboot the series with "all new characters" it would just be a never ending cycle full of flogged ideas.

You want all new characters battleing a zombie outbreak with different controls? Play Left 4 Dead, or Resident Evil Outbreak. Play any other zombie game because at the end of the day, entirely new characters faceing off against new monsters and new "evil scientists" would just wind up feeling like a different zombie game series all together.

Capcom should focus their energy with a new project. Maybe even try doing something with Dino Crisis again.
My opinions on how RE can improve.

1. Make ammunition very rare!
It should feel like your really trying to survive and have to carefully save your ammo and divide it with your partner.

2. Make you and your partner have to split up for short and long periods of times.
The game would get more intense if your partner is no longer present and have to rely only on yourself. Also you and your partner decide witch way to take and give each other(ammo, health, ect..). And something that would be cool if is you can somehow see your partner through some kind of camera device and see your partner's progress or kinda radio him/her so they can tell you their situation.

3.Have saving machines/typewriters again.
The saving on its own between check points and chapters was lame! They should bring back some kind of saving machine again to make it feel like a horror survival /adventure not some generic shooter's.

4. Have alot of narrow scary corridors/hallways and some kind of large building/house's or even mansions.
The resident evil 5 add-on lost in nightmare's really had a moody atmosphere and got me mad because it got me thinking that if they made the whole resident evil 5 game like that add-on it would have been way more captivating(in my opinion).

5.Scarier enemies.
For some reason the uroboros acted more human than the ganado and made them even less scary then they actually were. Now zombies is my all time favorite but in RE enemies can be scarier. zombies seem to be back on ORC but in future RE games they can improve by making the enemies run and act more crazy . Now this is in my opinion but it would be truly scary if my enemies just started going nuts and started doing crazy thing for example : and zombie/enemy started screaming and and completely acting insane by attacking his own group or damaging himself by ripping his skin and rolling on the floor and such.

I got tons more but I only feel like listing these few.
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I agree with most of what you say except for the partner thing. If you have a partner that would take some of the horror of it out. Then they would be wasting your anmo.
I was playing Mercs earlier and I realized what needed to be done -I've mentioned on several occassions a survival mode would be nice, but after running through the Prison with nothing but a handgun and killing an Executioner in Public Assembly with a knife (surviving the whole time with just that) I realized that the game isn't built for survival at all. Everyone just kinda stands there and looks at you. If you're running, a couple of them will head you off in the Prison, but you can promptly run around them. There's no challenge to simply surviving. Majini, Ganados, zombies, BOW's, they should all always be seeking you out as opposed to looking at you and maybe taking turns throwing shizznit at you. In addition, there should be enough of them that outrunning them isn't possible. Outrunning enemies shouldn't be possible -there should be too many and they should be smart enough to cut you off. Running past them should be difficult as well. No matter what you do you shouldn't have a moment's peace. That's the direction RE5 should've gone in, but didn't achieve. RE4 managed to work due to atmosphere, but not all areas on the planet are derelict creepy castles, islands, and villages. This works better for the cities, Raccoon City, Kijuju, etc. Then, for close-quartered areas, run it like Lost in Nightmares. That was the best thing that happened to RE5.
Honestly Capcom, RE invented survival horror. I shouldn't be able to run around the Prison defenseless for ten minutes without a scratch. I should've died after minute 1. The fight or flight response should have a negative effect both ways so no matter what's chosen there's a repercussion. Fight -deal with Big Red, run -end up corned and trapped. Stuff like this Capcom.