Yup. That's all that's in it. I'm pretty sure that the resistance will be the other pack that people got for pre ordering. I bought the Enhancement Set almost a week ago. Have you checked for it?that said, Capcom said on the 4th of this month they will release Two sets the Enchancement set and the Resistance set, since i know what the Enchancement set will contain, and the other that being Resistance set, i wonder what will this contain? as the two character dlc will be out on june 11th, containing Ooze Rachael and Lady Hunk
Yup. That's all that's in it. I'm pretty sure that the resistance will be the other pack that people got for pre ordering. I bought the Enhancement Set almost a week ago. Have you checked for it?
The weapons in the Enhancement Set weren't really anything to write home about. All level 1, and totally useless to me. The upgrades that come on them are killer though.
raid is just better than mercs!! longer and more to do not the same 3 little locations over and over like mercs does
exactly! wtf happened res6?? If that was added to res6 wed have a game id still play........that and if hunk was in it! I did enjoy res6 and raccon city a lot for its single player, but its multi was kinda crummy!Yea, definitely enjoy raid mode much more so than mercs mode.
You just get so much more out of it.
While in Mercs you are simply playing with a set weapon inventory and trying to simply get a high score (which was fun for its time) raid mode has you able to level up not only your character but also buy and upgrade weapons.
Not to mention the fact that it has way more stages then Mercs.
To be honest, I think Mercenaries was only replaced by Rape Mode in Revelations because
a) the game doesn't really offer open maps where Mercenaries could take place,
b) it's a slow-paced game with slow controls that will create more frustration than fun when you're surrounded by enemies, so a toned-down version of Mercenaries had to be created,
c) there might have been technical problems with handling so many enemies at once on the 3DS (although Mercenaries 3D did come out exclusively for it, so I'm not sure about that).
As much as I prefer Rape Mode over Mercenaries, unless future REs are more like Revelations, I doubt that we will ever see it again.![]()
oh right, they had it on 3ds. Sure you guys have searched everywhere? Can't have RE with no laser!