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Just watched The Beekeeper last night. I was resistant to wanting to watch this as the trailer started out looking like it was a mushy story. The movie has some sentiment toward the elderly being taken advantage of, yes, but the movie is mostly Jason Statham at his action best. Very entertaining, and the HDR is done very well. The subject matter also touches on a pet peeve of mine, organized cybercrime that tricks people whom aren't computer savvy into letting them have remote access to their PC as part of a phishing scam.
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currently watching greys anatomy, but I did recently watch once upon a time in Hollywood and suspiria (I love suspiria now)
I watched Dune Part Two a couple of weeks ago and it was a delight to say the least. While I enjoyed the first film, it didn't ignite any larger form of obsession with the Dune universe, but this one definitely made me an instant fan. So much that I gave in and bought the actual novel (hardcover edition).

Although it's still too early to say if it deserves to be called a sci-fi masterpiece or not, I'm willing to bet it will stand the test of time. Holy sh*t this was an awesome movie.

I saw it opening day and I was blown away by it as well. I think I actually liked it better than the first one, which is really saying a lot because the first one was amazing. The expanded lore piqued my interest with amazing fight scenes and performances from everyone involved, especially Dave Bautista. Man, that guy has really grown as an actor, the range he has is insane. He’s easily the best of the wrestlers-turned-actors. John Cena is good at comedic roles and not much else (though he was decent in Bumblebee in a ”serious” role) and The Rock is The Rock, quite literally. He plays the same character in every movie he’s in.

I also saw GxK a few weeks ago, it was alright. I liked the chemistry between Ilene and Bernie, but they went on a little too long in between monster and human scenes for my taste and the humans weren’t interesting enough to keep me interested the whole time. I liked Vs. Kong better, I felt that did a better job spacing out the human and monster stuff (which I understand you gotta have both). I was pumped to see:

Mothra back

I just finished Knuckles on Paramount+. It’s… fine, I guess. Like bits of humor between Wade and Knux and they have good chemistry, but it could definitely use more character development. I was hoping we’d see

Knuckles adapting to his new (human) world

in this series, which the first episode teases, and… it doesn’t really do that. Moreover, it definitely feels more like a Wade show than a Knuckles show as it progresses.

It’s not a bad watch, I just feel like they could’ve done more with it, which appears to be the general consensus of it.

Though it’s not mandatory-viewing for Sonic movie 3 like the Marvel shows are for the movies, which may explain why the arcs are so by-the-numbers. Marvel/Disney got a lot of flack for forcing you to watch the D+ shows to be up-to-speed (no pun intended) on the phase 4 movies and it looks like they were trying to avoid that can of worms here.

PS, hyped that they cast Keanu as Shadow for Sonic movie 3, that’s who I wanted from day one. Tell me they don’t sound alike:

The Sonic films have become my Transformers because I absolutely despise how awful these movies are for how they've Hollywoodified the source material to be digestible for a drooling audience and unfortunate parents who have to suffer taking an interest in their kids, yet I can't deny that seeing sh*t like Sonic vs Knuckles, the Sonic trio, and Super Sonic makes me pop. I think the Knuckles show looks like absolute trash and I'll probably hate the next movie, but you better believe your ass I'm gonna be there to see Shadow the Hedgehog on screen.
I got back from The Fall Guy a couple hours ago, I enjoyed it. It didn’t have the wit or the humor as the other movie-within-a-movie movie or movie about making a movie (Tropic Thunder) or whatever terminology you want to use, but it was still a solid, fun time. I liked seeing Gosling and Blunt’s rekindling romance and they had some feel good moments with good chemistry along with some kickass action (though it kinda teeters on Fast and the Furious levels of absurdity if that’s not your thing).

And the big twist midway through the movie as well as the big hook for the story and the climax had me sold. I’m dead serious when I say it’s not what the trailers advertised at all… and I loved it. It looks like Universal learned a thing or two about swerving audiences after all the (rightful) backlash over Halloween Ends (read: how to do it right).

I also dug hearing Kiss’ “I Was Made For Lovin’ You“. :D

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I just watched the first 2 episodes of Pretty Little Liars: Summer School on Max yesterday. I’ll admit, I’ve never watched the original PLL or any of the spin-offs, but I like horror, so I decided to check out Original Sin on Max a couple years ago and loved it. Bunch of compelling inter-connected plot threads with strong (though mostly assholic) characters. And lots of horror movie trope-naming and references (and 90’s callbacks, namely Orgy’s version of Blue Monday in the series opening). It’s very Scream-esque and I’m really enjoying the first couple of episodes we’ve gotten so far of the new season, titled Summer School.

Little trigger warning, though: it hits some very sensitive subject matter, namely rape, self-harm and suicide. I understand those things might be triggering for some, especially the latter. It even carries a disclaimer right before the beginning of each episode (in S1, anyway), but I would otherwise recommend if you’re into horror as I am.
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^Yeah, finally broke down and watched Knuckles. It was a huge disappointment for me. I kept thinking it should have been called The Weird Whipple Family.

I've also seen a few movies that were barely watchable lately, but I should be seeing Dune Part 2 soon, which I'm expecting good things from. The film I'm most anxious to see though is Furiosa.
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I just watched Madame Web on Netflix, holy f*ck, there’s almost no words for how bad this was. That is literally one of the worst comic book movies I’ve ever seen in my life. Some of the worst acting and dialog I’ve ever seen in my life topped off with atrocious ADR for Ezekiel, which it’s clear as day why nobody in this film looked like they really gave a sh!t once you see how inept the script was. So many baffling decisions/plot holes and things left unexplained (including how Cassandra gets her spider powers, the whole premise to the movie), it almost made me appreciate it in a “laughably bad” kinda way… almost.

The EMT scene in the beginning also has some of the choppiest editing I’ve ever seen in my life, it was Uwe Boll-levels of bad and don’t even get me started on the ending.

For the longest time, I thought Fant4sh!t was the worst comic book movie not named Catwoman or Batman & Robin ever made, but this is seriously giving me second thoughts. Don’t let that fool you, knowing the universe this is apart of and the people/studio behind it (the same dolts who wrote Morbius were brought back to write this, let that sink in), I was expecting hot garbage. Sony has given me no reason to expect anything else save for the Spider-verse stuff.
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My man made a fan-edit of the 1977 broadcast using the Blu-rays instead of torrenting the 2012 AMC broadcast.
I respect the sauce needed to construct your own version of The Complete Novel to watch it uncensored.

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This might come as a shock to some (or two, if you didn't know Resident Evil even had novels, let alone 7) but the books are actually pretty good. Considering that lots of game turned into novels can read like walkthroughs and character dialogue text dumps, a lot of creativity was needed to fill in gaps and flesh out the story for these games. For an inexperienced writer at the time, like S.D. Perry when she was offered to write The Umbrella Conspiracy, it's commendable how they turned out.

And I do have the RE0 book, but it's the 2012 reprint whose cover is a little bland. I really want to find an original edition one day.

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Had no expectations with this movie and came out of the theater very pleased overall. The ending left a little more to be desired but the story stuck with me. Unsettling atmosphere and great performances from everyone all around.
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I just saw Deadpool & Wolverine on one of my only Fridays off of work, movie was damn good. Loved the humor (very raunchy and very Deadpool-and very funny) and cameos with some great fight scenes and Jackman and Reynolds worked so well together, great to see him finally don the yellow suit from the comics. Pacing was a little off in parts and I didn’t love it as much as the first 2, but still an 8.5/10 for me. It felt very much like an ode to the FoX-Men verse, but boy it delivers. Of course they paid homage set to Green Day’s Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) during the end credits.

Oh, and about the cameos:
I loved seeing Wesley Snipes’ Blade. I felt giddy when he said “some motherf*ckers are still trying to ice skate uphill.” And seeing Jennifer Garner’s Elektra again was satisfying, she still looks damn good at 52. I still wonder what Punisher they were talking about (definitely not Bernthal’s, thank goodness, he’s the best).
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I thought it was very entertaining and kept me on edge despite some awkward dialogue moments and a dragged out ending. Overall though, I really enjoyed this M Night flick and I love that Josh Hartnett is making a comeback.

I was wrong, this turned out to be a really fun summertime movie.

Gotta say, getting the AMC A-List was the right move this summer.
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