Midori is…without a doubt…the most depraved anime film I’ve ever seen. It makes Perfect Blue look like Sesame Street. At least that film had a message. I’m not the crispiest fry in a Happy Meal, but I consider myself a pretty learned fella. But I couldn’t find any point to this other than “Make people as uncomfortable as possible.” Like…It was artistic in a way. I’ll give it that. The choice in animation style. The music. The they they drew the obscene body horror. It was interesting. But I’ll never watch this again unless I’m trying to scar my friends. And even then I doubt we’ll get more than 20 minutes in. Jesus…
I'm with you. I usually dig violent movies/shows, but movies/shows that exist purely to disgust (Hostel, the Saw sequels, A Serbian Film, The Human Centipede movies, Captivity, basically torture porn) are too much even for me. Well, the Saw movies try to have something resembling a story and character development even if they go too over-the-top with the traps/mutilations in the latter installments which even I have a hard time watching, but the others?
And the funny thing is: I almost rented the first Human Centipede from Blockbuster back when those were still around and watched it at home with my good buddy. I saw the cover while browsing the Horror section and thought "this sounds interesting" not knowing about its... "exploitative" concept at the time (I seriously didn't, for real), but luckily, I decided not to rent it. Yeah, looks like I (read: we)
dodged a bullet with that one. Instead of puking our guts out, we watched Pulse, which was boring AF, not sure if that's much better tbh. I rented it for free with my Rewards and afterwards, my friend was like "they should've paid ME to watch that sh!t".
Anyway, I finally got around to watching the first How to Train Your Dragon movie. I don't watch a lot of animated films and even fewer that aren't based on comic book properties, but I had a blast watching it. I'm here to tell you, it's as great as everyone says it is, a treat for viewers of all ages. The animation is top notch, which looked even more dazzling in 4K, but the story really grabbed me from start to finish. This film grows in a lot of different places, you almost feel like you're right there with Hiccup, from his devolving father-son relationship to his finding and befriending Night Fury. Any pet lover will instantly feel warm inside watching his scenes with Night Fury.
This is all topped off with some great action, an amazing ending and creature designs that look straight out of a Monster Hunter game, which now that I mention it, this is a lot more Monster Hunter than the actual Monster Hunter movie we got, thanks once again, Paul.

I still haven't even watched it yet and don't know when or if I plan to subject my eyes to that sure torture (everyone says it's dreadful, shocked Pikachu face).