True enough. I forgot about that scene. He didn't run up as high and he didn't kick her, he punched it

Haha jk but lets be real here. In the end Albert ran away like a pussy bitch and made Chris fight HIS fight. Albert is one of my all time favorite gaming villains but he's a real sissy girl. He always run's from B.O.W's and will only fight people that are significantly weaker than him. It's almost pathetic really. He's an ego booster that seems to need to compensate for something.
Also I just realised something. Alexia looks a lot like Dark Natalia. Very similar dress and attire. Even the choker. Hmmm her face even looks like how Alex might look when she grows up. There seems to be a lot of similarities between the Asford's and Wesker's. Kind of unoriginal in my opinion. Hell, even Alfred has the same hair style of Albert. Both Alex and Alexia were successful in their initial experiments. Only different is Alex ultimately succeeded where Alexia died. A stupid death and she basically down an elevator shaft.