What are you thinking? General Gaming Edition!

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Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
Jul 19, 2011
This is the same basic principle as the other Thinking threads, only in this one we can talk about anything to do with gaming - be it a game you've bought and are looking forward to playing, random thoughts about franchises you like, gaming news... anything!

CT: I am disappointed that PSX is cancelled this year. I was hoping to see more information on The Last of Us Part II there, and maybe some new releases, but it seems they don't have enough content to lure people to attend. Oh well - hopefully we'll hear something about The Last of Us Part II in due course.

Also, I'm looking forward to Luigi's Mansion 3. Luigi's Mansion was a childhood favourite of mine and despite the fact that I didn't enjoy Luigi's Mansion 2 as much, it looks like 3 is gonna be much more like the original. :smile:
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Great thread idea, Jwennifer!

Hopefully there is another trailer for The Last of Us Part 2 at the video game awards. I also hear there is a rumor that Metroid Prime 4 will be at the game awards, so I bet you're pretty excited about that, aren't you, Jwen?

CT: Can't wait for 2019, tons of games already announced for it. Might be an even bigger year than 2017. Looking forward to Resident Evil 2, Days Gone, Crackdown 3, Yoshi's Crafted World, Devil May Cry 5, Gears of War 5, Luigi's Mansion 3, Battletoads, Streets of Rage 4, and hopefully Halo: Infinite.
Great thread idea, Jwennifer!

Hopefully there is another trailer for The Last of Us Part 2 at the video game awards. I also hear there is a rumor that Metroid Prime 4 will be at the game awards, so I bet you're pretty excited about that, aren't you, Jwen?

CT: Can't wait for 2019, tons of games already announced for it. Might be an even bigger year than 2017. Looking forward to Resident Evil 2, Days Gone, Crackdown 3, Yoshi's Crafted World, Devil May Cry 5, Gears of War 5, Luigi's Mansion 3, Battletoads, Streets of Rage 4, and hopefully Halo: Infinite.
Yes, I am looking forward a potential trailer for The Last of Us Part II at the Game Awards. :smile:

There's a few games you mentioned that I'm looking forward to as well, but in particular I'm looking forward to RE2 Remake, Days Gone and I'd also add Kingdom Hearts III.
I'm also looking forward to RE2, KH3 and DMC 5.

CT: So I've finished Shadow of the Tomb Raider and I'm at 99% but there's a bug with one of the side missions that's preventing me from getting 100% Feelsbadman :( I'm hoping Square Enix will release a patch to fix it

Also spent hours yesterday trying to beat a boss encounter in Destiny 2 with a fireteam of 3 but couldn't do it. Need to level up more I guess. Back to the grind! :P
You know, I still have a poster for this game on my wall, but I haven't played it in years.
I remember GUN being really good, more of a predecessor to Red Dead Redemption than RDRevolver was.

Is it just me or have great co-op games been scarce this generation?

As happy as I am to see Resident Evil be a single player driven franchise again, I gotta admit, it was cool being able to play Resident Evil with my brother. However one may feel about Resident Evil 5 and 6, it's undeniable that they were some of the best co-op games around.

But even aside from that, last generation offered us some great co-op driven games like Gears of War, Borderlands, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Left 4 Dead, Castle Crashers, Army of TWO, and Kane and Lynch, due to how much easier Xbox Live made it for people to play together. Even franchises that started out as a single player experience like Saint's Row, Dead Rising, and Dead Space quickly became co-op, making for some really unique co-op gameplay that's really lacking today.

Something that's always boggled my mind however, is the severe lack of co-op FPS games, even last generation. For as generic as Call of Duty has been, their campaigns could have had some value if they allowed you to play with friends, but usually, co-op is relegated to a side mode. Halo has always been good and consistent with their co-op, which is what attracted my brother and I to the franchise to begin with. The Rainbow Six: Vegas series was also really good last generation, so imagine my excitement when a new Rainbow Six was announced... until it became a competitive online multiplayer game.

It's pretty hard to think of any noteworthy co-operative games that were created this generation. We have games like Destiny, The Division, Sea of Thieves, and the yet to be released Anthem, but something about those games kind of just put me off.

Too often, games like these rely on DLC to make up the bulk of their content as they usually release pretty bare bones, which was the case with pretty much all the games listed, with the exception of Anthem which hasn't released yet. The online aspect also puts me off. I mean, are they supposed to be co-op games? Is anyone allowed to be in your game? What are the limitations to how much other players can get involved in your game and what's the point of it? The scale of games like these are also way too taxing, especially with how much giant open-world games are already oversaturating the market. So you really have to be careful about picking one to play as it's unlikely you'll get to them all or even enjoy playing so many games of that nature.
Even after a 2 month delay, Activi$ion confirms the second and third games in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy will still require a day 1 patch to play (in full).

F*ck Activi$ion for trying to push their all-digital bullsh!t on us. These motherf*ckers also required a 50GB patch to play the physical editions of Black Ops 4 to gimp players into buying a digital copy that you don't own and can't trade in/sell. I, for one, don't like waiting for downloads and actually like having physical possessions (I still buy music CDs, too, yes, shoot me) and what's the point if they're not gonna put the WHOLE game on the damn disc? Talk about learning nothing. They also locked all BO4 DLC behind a season pass that you can only get with a $100 SE, let's not forget, they're really starting to give EA a run for their money at this point.

I'd say take a stand and #VoteWithYourWallet, I don't want other companies to start to do this sh!t.
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So my brother and I were recently talking about the possibility of another Saint's Row and where it could possibly go, now that they've kind of written themselves in a weird corner with the main character being President and saving the world. The series has always been about climbing the ranks and you can't really go much higher now unless you go the dictator route which doesn't really fit the spirit of the games.

However, with how wacky the series is and having introduced time travel at the end of part IV, I thought it would be fitting for Saint's Row to go back to their roots and copy Rockstar... by going to the Wild West.

The series started as a GTA clone and slowly, they've been finding their own identity with how insane each entry has gotten. But now that Red Dead Redemption 2 is all the hype, I think it would be pretty interesting to see Saint's Row's version of the Wild West and the kind of insanity they could bring to that setting by creating many ridiculous situations you wouldn't see in a more grounded game like Red Dead Redemption. Also, the pop culture references would be endless.
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That would be horrible. It's never a good sign once a series goes the "in space" route. The last game kind of did that and well, we haven't seen one since. XD

The last Dino Crisis did that as well and we haven't seen a new game in that franchise since, either. It didn't help that it was an Xbox exclusive in a PlayStation franchise, but that's a discussion for another day.
That's the one Dino Crisis game I'm missing. Got the first two. Will probably one day get it just to say I own it. Have heard terrible things though. :P
Loving Red Dead Redemption 2 but it’s disappointing that they don’t let players select a shirtless outfit for Arthur Morgan... maybe even just have it so all you select are chaps and nothing else for him to wear... ;P

Wonder why Rockstar never thought of this during their 100 hour work weeks. :lol:
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Loving Red Dead Redemption 2 but it’s disappointing that they don’t let players select a shirtless outfit for Arthur Morgan... maybe even just have it so all you select are chaps and nothing else for him to wear... ;P

Wonder why Rockstar never thought of this during their 100 hour work weeks. :lol:

Um, Arthur Morgan is a human man. Stop objectifying him. I'm literally triggered right now.
Um, Arthur Morgan is a human man. Stop objectifying him. I'm literally triggered right now.

Oh come on, now, them snowflakes at Kotaku, Polygon, ResetEra, Feminist Frequency, etc. wouldn't give two f*cks if you could see his bare dong.

Put Abigail in a bikini or short skirt, though? That, they won't tolerate.
CT1: There are so many different games that I need to play, with three more that I'm highly anticipating over the next two months. I miss the simpler time when all my free time could be spent moving from one game to the next. I also miss the time when I'd sit for hours on The Last of Us and Uncharted multiplayer.

CT2: Sad that there isn't going to be a show from Sony next E3 but at the same time, I kind of understand it. They don't actually seem to be working on very many different projects right now.
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu is fun. I miss the wild battles, but everything else like Pokemon encounters in the overworld and Pokemon wlaking with you, is great.
This generation has really been lacking with the games. It feels like developers are slower to release games or have just totally killed or at least put certain franchises on an extremely long hiatus.

How did we get 4 Halos, 4 Gears of Wars, 4 Saint's Rows, 3 Uncharteds, 3 Batmans, 3 Bioshocks, 3 Dead Spaces, 3 Splinter Cells, and 3 Borderlands last gen? Yet, we've only gotten one game, if that, from many of these IPs this gen. Even Rockstar managed to give us 2 GTAs, Bully, Red Dead Redemption, L.A. Noire, and Max Payne 3 last gen.

What happened? We haven't even gotten a single original GTA game this generation, so Rockstar pretty much just worked on Red Dead Redemption II all this gen. Naughty Dog went from making an entire trilogy of Uncharted games to even starting a new franchise in The Last of Us, to just Uncharted 4, an expansion with Lost Legacy, and now The Last of Us Part II, which will no doubt close the generation. Rocksteady gave us 2 Batman games and WB Montreal added a third, and all we've gotten from Rocksteady this gen was Arkham Knight. Splinter Cell, Saint's Row, Borderlands, Bioshock, and Dead Space have all been M.I.A. this gen too. So strange.
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