It sucks that when they put Birds of Prey on DVD, this song was axed from the opening credits. It really just kind of screamed Birds of Prey and the other theme song...didn't. Pity.
Yes, I was referring to Birds of Prey the tv show. And I'm glad you enjoyed the song.
Golbez, you do not know how much I suddenly respect you. Dark Cloud was amazing. Sure, by the Sun and Moon temple it was boring but it was still amazing. Dark Cloud 2 I almost beat but then I couldn't beat the last boss because I always used Steve. I realized I had a 10 hour grind ahead of me. It wasn't worth it. It really didn't get the praise it deserved.
Golbez, you do not know how much I suddenly respect you. Dark Cloud was amazing. Sure, by the Sun and Moon temple it was boring but it was still amazing. Dark Cloud 2 I almost beat but then I couldn't beat the last boss because I always used Steve. I realized I had a 10 hour grind ahead of me. It wasn't worth it. It really didn't get the praise it deserved.
Dark Cloud 2 was pretty fun. I could play it from beginning to end without forcing myself, unlike the original. Georama is revamped, as well, although it can be really frustrating too. The dungeon system is neat but annoying when you have to redo them. It isn't special but playing it wouldn't hurt. That song brings back a lot of memories from when I was younger, my brother couldn't beat the ice queen. He said he'd give me 2 hours and wouldn't stop me from doing anything. Me being young I was fire beats ice all the way. I bought a bunch of fire crystals. He hated me for a few minutes and then loved me.Yep I Am Playing The First Game Again. I Had Such A Craving To Play This Game Again. I Already Beat It And I Am Doing A Demon Shaft Run. It Really Was An Awesome Game, It Had One Of The Best Soundtracks To A Game From The PS2 Generation IMHO. I Never Had A Chance To Play The Second But I Have Always Wanted Too.