Weirdest Moments in RE

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Resident Evil Revelations.

Parker: Jill? Where are you?
Jill: I don't know. A room, I think.

So awkward that Jill's unsure if she's in a room... That line always makes me cringe.

Why don't we just say, the entire dialogue of the original RE1 and Revelations 1?

Parker: "Jill, the water is not stopping!"
Duh, like that isn't obvious... Then again, it's Jill he's talking to, the same woman who doesn't even know whether she's in a room or not, so maybe it's best to make sure. Parker has many of those great detective moments, though.

Speaking of the original RE1, an example I've cited many times:
Rebecca: *enters the piano bar* "It's me, Chris!"
Chris: "Is that you, Rebecca?"
And everything that comes after that, both in the original and the remake. I mean, why would you even stand there and play the piano in a situation like theirs? They didn't know it was going to open a secret passage, it's not like they had nothing better to do, and it doesn't even make a difference if you tell Rebecca yes or no when she asks for your permission to practise. The novelization by S. D. Perry, as terrible as it is otherwise, at least tries to justify it somewhat with Chris telling Rebecca to stay in that room for safety purposes, and she starts playing out of boredom as well as to maybe catch the attention of other survivors.

Speaking of the novelizations, they do have their weird moments too. I appreciate the author trying to explain weird in-game situations by giving the characters involved somewhat believable reasons for their behaviour as well as expanding on their back-stories, but why does she have to turn every villain into a megalomaniac rapist? Irons wants to rape Claire, Wesker wants to rape Claire, Alfred has sexual feelings for his sister (and possibly Claire, I don't remember, but wouldn't be surprised), and every other villain fills pages upon pages with monologues about how great they are and how the world is going to see that someday. I wonder if the author was just channelling her own thoughts about her subpar writing at those points?
I always thought that Claire's " It's more reliable than any person. " line in Revelations 2 was weird and out of character. Like; what the hell Claire? You criticised Steve for saying that in RECV and now you say it too; really?
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In RE5;


Sheva: This guy has lost it!

Also, Irving. Just Irving. Pick any line he says and it's guaranteed to sound weird. I'm not sure why he's even in the game to be honest.
I finally have one! This is possibly the most weirdest thing I have ever seen!

Billy turn into a super saiyan! Now I know that you probably think i'm BSing you, but see for yourselves! This is a page from the RE0 manhua, the Manhuas are insane btw.

SSJ Billy
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That is just BIZARRE.

Only one I read and liked was the one that shows the battle between Nemesis and Birkin. And by read, I mean watched a Youtube video on. haha

Never played with this guy in Ada's campaign but goddamn! Give him a break, he literally can't open doors and simply teleports to Ada's side during some moments.

A review about Vendetta that I can agree.
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Leon's dying sound in re4.

This comment killed me:

" Director: "Alright, give us your best death noise"
Voice actor: "Arrghh-ooooo"
Director: "Perfect." "
The entire story of re7. I dont like it that much; it feels like a giant hot mess.

Also jesus juice...
I thought that RE7 was a great game with great moments and super memorable bosses up until a point. The ending was obviously rushed and I still am mad they didn't include more enemy types. But I suppose it is fair to consider the story specifically a hot mess.
I thought that RE7 was a great game with great moments and super memorable bosses up until a point. The ending was obviously rushed and I still am mad they didn't include more enemy types. But I suppose it is fair to consider the story specifically a hot mess.
The dlc give re 7 a proper ending, but at its release the ending was very rushed...
But most resident evil had rushed ending, the protagonist kill the fibal boss and escape whit an helicopter trought the sunset, and sometime other re has lame boss battle
Yeah - the final boss was kind of lame. It starts off scary enough. But it just devolves from there. I like to have a great cinematic battle a la Uncharted, but come one, give me a real boss battle. Jack with the scissors and Marguerite were amazing boss battles. Giant Monster Jack was fine, but just an old RE trope waiting to happen. And the final boss was nothing. Like, it is almost a freebie.
Yeah - the final boss was kind of lame. It starts off scary enough. But it just devolves from there. I like to have a great cinematic battle a la Uncharted, but come one, give me a real boss battle. Jack with the scissors and Marguerite were amazing boss battles. Giant Monster Jack was fine, but just an old RE trope waiting to happen. And the final boss was nothing. Like, it is almost a freebie.
Yeah the boss its just a scripted event
These are pretty funny in a good way; ı want to drop these here:

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