Okay guys, what moments in RE do you think are weird? It can be from anything-Games, Books, Movies, Comics/Manga/Manhua, and all that Jazz. It can either be good, bad, or funny. Tell us what you think!
He was given the t veronic virus whic had ccompletely different effect from t virus and g virus, that's why he trasfrom in mear second and retain a bit of his human look like alexia did after trasforming... Also I loved the fact that he manage to return to human form, proving that his love for claire WAs more powerful than the virus itself, something that was never seen before... This mean that a huge inner strenght can fight the virus, something that was later prove right in darkside chronicles whit Manuela being able to control the Veronica virus while his father Javier couldn't because he doesn't have the strength... So he dosnet take out the rule since in subsequent game think like this happen, also in movie like degeneration, also wesker himself say that emotion can impact virus transformationWeird in a bad way - Steve's Transformation (RECV) - In this scenario, Steve turns in to a bulking monster within seconds when traditionally, it would take days for any transformation to occur. He turns in to a Reptar hulk with his same emo haircut and is easily the most out of place character in the entire series. What virus was he given? The T-virus turns individuals in to zombies. The T-Virus (as far as we know) gives the users insect-like features. The G virus doesn't look anything like that. Then there is the chase sequence where it is scripted that Claire must get hit. Once it is over and Steve is dying - he turns back into a human boy... which no other character has ever done before. It simply thrashes all of the rules. And it has to with Steve. We need a better Steve.
Yes, it was supposed to be Steve's point of view, and what is necessary? Nothing really when it comes to RE even existing. So calling this unnecessary doesn't really hold value lol. It was a way to show the immaturity of Steve's character. Let's be honest, as a Japanese IP, Japanese games regularly go WAY weirder. A quick shot of a clothed butt in a Japanese video game isn't weird at ALL lol.Ok, i Finally got one!
Its just downright Weird...in Darkside Chronicles, when Claire is bent over a computer, letting us get a full view of her butt. I'm not sure if we were looking from Steve's POV or from the audience... either way, it was awkward and unnecessary :neutral:
Ok, i Finally got one!
Its just downright Weird...in Darkside Chronicles, when Claire is bent over a computer, letting us get a full view of her butt. I'm not sure if we were looking from Steve's POV or from the audience... either way, it was awkward and unnecessary :neutral:
Yeah I remember that, I would have made It better whit my camera XDHow about the fact that the original Resident Evil's opening cutscene is done in a live action format that looks cheesier than an Evil Dead movie...Pretty f*ckin' weird.
Barry: it's very powerful especially against living things"But what about you Barry?"
"I have THIS!"
"Thanks I'll Take This Then"