Videogame Movie Adaptations: Is The Quality Finally Improving?

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Will the Assassin's Creed movie will be the first genuinely faithful adaptation of a videogame?

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"Doth Mother Know You Weareth Her Drapes?"
Apr 26, 2016
Manchester, UK
So the first trailer for the Assassin's Creed movie finally dropped last week, and I was very impressed with how it's turned out. It looks like the team making it have taken the time to really make sure that the core concepts and atmosphere of the game are instilled in the movie. Also, as far as I'm aware, the movie is going to interweave into the games storyline in some way, turning it from just an adaptation of the game, disconnected from the main story, into a viable part of the franchise's overall plotline (though how that's going to work, I don't know).
Which leads me to the topic of this thread: does this mean that the dreaded "Curse of The Videogame Movie" is about to finally be broken? What do you guys think?
I'm not the biggest fan of Assassin's Creed but that trailer did look pretty good.

So yea I hope the curse is broken cause I really want the Uncharted movie to be great.
Can't say for sure. But as long as Uwe Boll isn't the director the movie won't suck that hard

I'll just wait and see ;) So far it looks pretty good.
The director is the same guy who did the recent version of Macbeth, which, like AC, stars Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotilliard, and the film got a very positive response from critics and filmgoers, so the possibility that AC will be good is strong.
So yea I hope the curse is broken cause I really want the Uncharted movie to be great.
As for Uncharted, so long as it doesn't go down the same route as the Tomb Raider films, it's all good.
I thought the first Silent Hill movie was well done, but I've only casually played SH so I can't attest to its faithfulness.
I thought the first Silent Hill movie was well done, but I've only casually played SH so I can't attest to its faithfulness.
Silent Hill was a very rare case of a fairly decent adaptation, IMO. It felt like the writer and director took the time to at least try to stay faithful to the source material. It almost felt a genuine horror movie at times.
Maybe I'm crazy, but I swear the trailer has worse graphics than the video games.
I have to disagree with you on this. The trailer looks just as good as the games, in terms of the special FX, IMO. The "Leap of Faith" moment in the trailer gave me chills.
Silent Hill was a very rare case of a fairly decent adaptation, IMO. It felt like the writer and director took the time to at least try to stay faithful to the source material. It almost felt a genuine horror movie at times.

It certainly helps that the director, Christophe Gans, actually was a fan of Silent Hill and not just a director for hire.
In fact, he was the one who insisted that Konami give him the movie rights for an adaptation.
It's a big budget fan film, which I can appreciate.
As for Uncharted, so long as it doesn't go down the same route as the Tomb Raider films, it's all good.

I thought the 1st TR movie was alright. I mean it could of been better ofc but I've seen worse.

I thought the first Silent Hill movie was well done, but I've only casually played SH so I can't attest to its faithfulness.

I liked both of the SH movies. But I haven't played all of the games so yea lol.

And I know all the Resi movies are pretty awful but I thought Extinction was the best of them all.
It certainly helps that the director, Christophe Gans, actually was a fan of Silent Hill and not just a director for hire.
In fact, he was the one who insisted that Konami give him the movie rights for an adaptation.
It's a big budget fan film, which I can appreciate.
Exactly. If I remember correctly, he directed the first Hitman film as well, and that wasn't too bad, either. Timothy Oliphant made for a decent Agent 47.
I thought the 1st TR movie was alright. I mean it could of been better ofc but I've seen worse.

I liked both of the SH movies. But I haven't played all of the games so yea lol.

And I know all the Resi movies are pretty awful but I thought Extinction was the best of them all.
The first TR was okay. Angelina Jolie was good in the role, but the script was kinda weak. The second was worse.
I haven't seen the second SH film, though I've heard it's basically a near scene for scene adaptation of SH3.
Extinction has been the best RE film since the first. Hopefully, The Final Chapter will be worth all the problems that the production went through during filming.
I loved SH Revelations. I was disappointed because THAT part from the game wasn't in the movie. but over all the movie was great.

Haven't seen the trailer for Assassin Creed but i just hope its better than the Prince of Persia movie.
I know I haven't posted much on this thread for a while, but... I was wrong about Assassins Creed. It wasn't a complete mess, but wasn't far off from one, either.

I'm hoping that Uncharted fan film gets adapted to a feature length film, but if it does, they better keep the team that made it in charge, and DEFINITELY keep Nathan Fillion as Drake, otherwise there's no point.
I know I haven't posted much on this thread for a while, but... I was wrong about Assassins Creed. It wasn't a complete mess, but wasn't far off from one, either.

I'm hoping that Uncharted fan film gets adapted to a feature length film, but if it does, they better keep the team that made it in charge, and DEFINITELY keep Nathan Fillion as Drake, otherwise there's no point.

I honestly see no point in adapting Uncharted at all. Naughty Dog already did a great job delivering a cinematic experience with their excellent writing, animation, and voice performances and they chose video games as their medium to tell it in so that we can experience their explosive cinema quality set pieces firsthand. A movie, Hollywood or fan-made, would never capture what Naughty Dog has already accomplished. Uncharted has already said what it needed to, a movie doesn't offer the franchise anything other than being a cash grab on a popular IP.
The stories presented in video games does not translate very well to the big screen for various reasons, but the biggest reason is because the stories themselves would only equal a total movie runtime of 20-30 minutes. The rest of the stories are experienced with gameplay, and the problem arises when film studios try to adapt gameplay to actual story... Like for example, how do you adapt gameplay of Lara Croft running around solving puzzles by pulling levers and rotating cogwheels? You can't, so they have to throw in some pointless action scene to make up for it, but that will ultimately not make sense in the overarching story between scenes, since the game itself didn't establish such an action scene.

Another problem with adapting video games to movies is the fact that video games tend to include multiple, separate stories within the main story. In a film, that doesn't work because there's not enough time to focus on 10 different stories or 50 different characters. But in a video game, those separate stories are the reason why we get to know our protagonists better and relate with them. Suppose that you're adapting the story of GTA V into a movie for example, now how would you do that? You have to cut short basically all the missions that doesn't serve any purpose to the overarching story in order to fit a 2-hour runtime, but then you'll miss out on so many important character traits and situations that the protagonists experience.... So ultimately, in the film adaptation the protagonists will come off as having no personalities - they become a facade, a cosplay character that we can't relate to.

So in my opinion, the only way to serve the story of a video game right would be to create a new character in that same universe that we get to follow, instead of an already established character. And no, Alice in the RE movies is not a good example, but those movies have way more problems than just her terrible character...

My favorite video game adaptation is Silent Hill from 2006. While its far from a masterpiece in terms of filmmaking (it actually has quite a few problems), it does many things right. For starters, instead of trying to copy the complicated lore of the game the director decided to change the whole setting of the town of Silent Hill by turning it into an abandoned ghost town. Instead of having to explain the countless amount of in-game lore and history surrounding the cult and Alessa, they simplified it by making Alessa a vessel for the devil and having her "nightmare" be the cause of people's suffering in the town. While it would be a sin to even compare this to the much more sophisticated lore in the game, it serves the story of a 2-hour long movie much better. Additionally, they solved many problems that arises when a video game character spends too much time alone and doesn't talk to anyone by making the policewoman Cybil stay around the whole time. While I don't like the whole thing surrounding the cult and townsfolk in the last act of the film, I have to give the director credit for managing to capture the atmosphere of the game in such a perfect fashion. It's a pity that the sequel Revelation is pure trash.