Top 5 weapons(excluding the special ones)

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R.P.D. Survivor

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2009
Hi guys , what is your favourite weapon in resident evil,exclude the special weapons and do a top 5 , you might inclued guns with special parts my top 5 is the folowing:

1-Assault Shotgun Benelli M4 Super 90(Resident evil Remake,4)
2-Grenade lancher(Resident evil 2)
3-Desert Eagle A.E. (Resident evil 2)
4-S&W M629 Classic Magnum(Resident evil 3 )
5-Standart Berreta M92FS(Resident evil 0,Remake,3)
Probably something like this:

1.) MP5(RE5, RE0, Outbreak)
2.) Shotgun, the one with a stock, and it is black(RE5)
3.) Beretta(REmake)
4.) Barry's Magnum(REmake)
5.) Grenade Launcher(RE0)
my fav are:
1.magnum (re3)
2.benelli shotgun (re4)
3.tmp (re4)
4.knife (all)
5.spoilt for choice =)
I don't really have a top five, but when it comes to Resi I like to stick to just the two. A handgun and a shotgun for close combat. Handguns are good when aimed correctly (in my opinion) and the shotgun is needed in the event that a zombie get's too close for comfort. Simple but effective. Oh, and the knife is a good backup for when you have no ammo, of course that being said, I'm not sure you can kill a zombie the same way as when it was a human. :)
1. Samurai Edge(RE1)
2. H&K PSG-1 (RE5)
3. Remington 870(RE4)
4. Krauser's bow(RE4)
5. H&K VP70 w/stock (RE2)
1:Bolt Action Rifle - Resident Evil 4(i think it was a springfield)
2:Hawk7 - Resident Evil 5(something like that, its a magnum/desert eagle)
3:Some pistol off Resident Evil 5.It gunfire sounds really cool.
4:Blacktail Resident Evil 4
I can't think of anything else now.
1. Red9[with stock] (re4,gamecube)
2. Shotgun (REmake,gamecube)
3. rifle (re4&5,gamecube/xbox)
4. broken butterfly (re4,gamecube)
5. TMP[with stock] (re4,gamecube)

ALL with unlimited ammo hah and I'll be sorted! I like all your choices though, I agree with REvet09 Krauser's Bow from re4 is a top weapon as well lol