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To name a child after a Resident Evil character.

Evil Yuna

"I will live without...false hope."
I´d like to ask you this guys:

If you had a kid,would you name him/her after a character of the Resident Evil series?
I know this can be a real weird question , but i ask myself about this many times.
I don´t intend to have kids in a near future,but, if a had a boy i´d name him Leon. XD


Goddess of the Dead
I'm not planning on ever having children, but at times I give my novel characters names that I recently heard in videogames or TV shows. I'm not really naming my characters after those other characters, though, since they rarely have anything in common, nor are they intended to act as a reference, but if I like a specific name - why not? For example, Silent Hill 3 has brought "Heather" to my mind, a name that I had certainly heard a few times before, but never paid attention to. Same with "Jill"; while I don't like the character with that name in RE, I do like the name itself, so I used it for someone in my novel.

I'd say it's okay as long as thes name aren't especially strange or embarrassing. If you call your four children Leon, Chris, Claire and Jill, I'm totally fine with that, but if you call your twin boys Dante and Vergil, I'll give you a weird look - and probably everyone else too, whether they know where those names come form or not.


Well-Known Member
Well since I am portuguese I probably wouldn't give foreign names to my children, unless their mother was foreign in that case it's ok I guess. I would like to call my daughter Claire if I could(you can't give your kids non portuguese names here unless you or them have foreign blood). I don't really know what I would call my son and that's really weird because I would much prefer having a son instead(which doesn't mean I wouldn't love a daughter equally of course).


Super Saiyan Member
Funny, I actually tried convincing my wife to name our son Leon if we had a boy (Though it turns out we had a girl), but she isn't a fan of naming kids after characters. She is animals though, we do have a cat named Goku and a Bunny named Leon ;) I would definitely name my spawn after characters though. You're paying Homage to what YOU knew and loved as a child, and the child in you has now influenced YOUR child. As long as you're a true fan, and want to pay homage, then it's totally cool. My sister is actually named Riely Layne Evans. The Layne in her name is actually named after Layne Staley, from Alice in Chains...

I'd be a ok with someone naming their kids Dante and Virgil if they were true fans, and paying homage to what they love. I would never do it, but that's because while I LIKE Devil May Cry, I'm not a HUGE fan. I did also try to convince my wife to name our children after multiple Dragon Ball Z characters...


Lurking is my jam.
If I had a kid and the freedom to name them it probably would be odd since they aren't from my blood or my girlfriend's

Example: Son-Kazuhira That's japanese

Daughter- this choice is rather hard since while I like a lot of female characters I don't neccesarily have a favorite name

But I tots choose either

Romani form Zelda Majora's Mask

Or Videl from DBZ I don't like the anime anymore but I do like the names in it.


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
I don't see anything wrong with naming your kids after characters. I've considered a few character names from games for if I have a daughter. :tongue:


Lurking is my jam.
I don't see anything wrong with naming your kids after characters. I've considered a few character names from games for if I have a daughter. :tongue:
True but as of recently the names for videogame characters aren't exactly suited towad our blood/race.

La Femme Fatale

The Queen
I don't think there's anything wrong with naming your kids after RE characters… most of the names are pretty common anyway.

It's more the fantastical names that I roll my eyes at… but hey, whatever makes you happy.


Goddess of the Dead
Now that I think of it, it has even happened in my own family. Several of my human relatives were named after characters from the Nibelung saga. Those names, even though they might sound strange today, were not uncommon in the time and place of their birth, so there's nothing wrong with that.

I did also try to convince my wife to name our children after multiple Dragon Ball Z characters...

But you know we're not past the era of children being bullied because of their names, right?


The Trickster
Claire has been a favourite name of mine since way before I played Resident Evil, I used to have a toy rabbit called Claire... so maybe. For a boy I really like Riku from Kingdom Hearts


Fearfully and wonderfully made
My wife and I have a theme when it comes to naming our kids: the name has to start with a 'J'. My youngest son is named Joshua, and I put the name forward because Silent Hill: Homecoming remained one of my favourite games for ages. My wife just happened to quite like it and we ran with it. I'm pretty sure it would have put her off just a shade if she'd known where my suggestion came from.

So, not so much Resident Evil, but Silent Hill on one occasion. Pretty sure 'Jill' was mentioned once or twice for a girl, though...

Evil Yuna

"I will live without...false hope."
but if you call your twin boys Dante and Vergil, I'll give you a weird look - and probably everyone else too, whether they know where those names come form or not.

Humm, that´s actually a really good idea. XD If i ever have twins i´ll do that.I don´t care about the weird looks.I´m used to it. XD haha

Evil Yuna

"I will live without...false hope."
Well since I am portuguese I probably wouldn't give foreign names to my children, unless their mother was foreign in that case it's ok I guess. I would like to call my daughter Claire if I could(you can't give your kids non portuguese names here unless you or them have foreign blood). I don't really know what I would call my son and that's really weird because I would much prefer having a son instead(which doesn't mean I wouldn't love a daughter equally of course).

I am portuguese too, but im an emigrant living in Germany.So names like Leon are common.=)


Super Saiyan Member
But you know we're not past the era of children being bullied because of their names, right?
I actually have a pretty simple stance on bullies...Being a kid that WAS bullied all the way through Highscool. I was a little B*tch from 4th grade up until my Jr. year...Somewhere along the lines that year, I realized there was no point in letting losers who were beneath me make me feel like sh*t...And it was a piece of cake...So I'll be damned if I had a kiddo who thinks that bullies are a big bad thing...As far as I see it, she'll know after the first time she's bullied (If it happens) that they're beneath her, and should be treated as such...After all treat others how ya wanna be treated, right? My stance is a little extreme, but I won't lie...I'm a very harsh individual...

Evil Yuna

"I will live without...false hope."
If i had a kid and if it would've been a girl i'd name her "Ada"

And if if it'd have been a boy i would name him "Leon" or "Albert" lol

I like Ada for a girl very much,but since im a portuguese girl living in Germany,the pronounce of that name ( either in portuguese or german ) sounds weird. XD


Through that door, is a seperate reality.
I'm not planning on ever having children, but at times I give my novel characters names that I recently heard in videogames or TV shows. I'm not really naming my characters after those other characters, though, since they rarely have anything in common, nor are they intended to act as a reference, but if I like a specific name - why not? For example, Silent Hill 3 has brought "Heather" to my mind, a name that I had certainly heard a few times before, but never paid attention to. Same with "Jill"; while I don't like the character with that name in RE, I do like the name itself, so I used it for someone in my novel.

I'd say it's okay as long as thes name aren't especially strange or embarrassing. If you call your four children Leon, Chris, Claire and Jill, I'm totally fine with that, but if you call your twin boys Dante and Vergil, I'll give you a weird look - and probably everyone else too, whether they know where those names come form or not.
I do the exact same thing.
In my writing, I don't usually use RE character names because I don't like those names very much, except for Chris. (Which I have used.) I have used the name Heather, and other names for various TV shows.


"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?"
I'd say it's okay as long as thes name aren't especially strange or embarrassing. If you call your four children Leon, Chris, Claire and Jill, I'm totally fine with that, but if you call your twin boys Dante and Vergil, I'll give you a weird look - and probably everyone else too, whether they know where those names come form or not.
I would totally call my twin boys Dante and Vergil, so long as I'm a legendary Dark Knight and their mom is smokin' hot blonde.
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