I feel the need to make a tips thread for this game, I might make more for some of the other RE games, but 4 has the most hidden things in it, and the idea came to me when reading the "Things You Missed" thread. So, even if you've played the game a million times (I'm sure most of you have), maybe these tips will make it even easier or something. Feel free to add more or ask questions.
1. In the village at the beginning of the game, instead of wasting ammo and herbs, head into the house on your right (not the barn, past that) and once you're inside, shoot the door. Now, if you start swinging your knife through the hole, you can kill enemies easily and you can pick up what they drop from the other side of the door. You won't get to kill the two Dr. Salvadors and get the treasures, but they aren't really worth it to spend all your ammo and maybe some herbs because of them. You can also do this for a while in Separate Ways.
2. Go to the farm after the village, and once you kill all the people, farm chicken eggs. (Heh, see what I did there? Farm? No? Okay.) You can wait there a while and chickens will lay a bunch of eggs. If they don't, go back to the main village and come back.
3. In the underground before Chief Bitores Mendez's house, there's a pool of water if you jump down a latter. You can stab the fish and get them for health items, but they're large so I usually go for the eggs instead.
4. For all El Gigante fights, use the TMP. They're weak to it.
5. If you're good with the knife and want to farm ammo or money (maybe to upgrade your capacity to get free bullets) use a bullet to shoot the bell of the church and a group of enemies will come.
6. For the first half of the Mendez fight, go up top and hide behind the wall on the left side of the building. He shouldn't be able to hit you but there's a hole so you can shoot him.
7. In the room in the castle with the free rocket launcher in the glass, all you have to do is put the bridge out and throw a grenade to the guys that come out of the Merchant room door, go through the fadey door to the next room, then after you rescue Ashley you can come back and all the enemies will be gone, with you barely having to waste ammo.
8. In the part of the castle where you ride the mine cart, before you start it, equip your rifle and snipe all the people you see up top of the tracks, so you aren't surrounded in a tiny mine cart for as long.
9. For the Salazar boss fight, go off to your right side and you can easily take him out from there if you dodge or shoot the tentacle thing for a bit.
10. For the Krauser fight, generally the best weapons to use are the same ones he has- the knife and TMP.
1. In the village at the beginning of the game, instead of wasting ammo and herbs, head into the house on your right (not the barn, past that) and once you're inside, shoot the door. Now, if you start swinging your knife through the hole, you can kill enemies easily and you can pick up what they drop from the other side of the door. You won't get to kill the two Dr. Salvadors and get the treasures, but they aren't really worth it to spend all your ammo and maybe some herbs because of them. You can also do this for a while in Separate Ways.
2. Go to the farm after the village, and once you kill all the people, farm chicken eggs. (Heh, see what I did there? Farm? No? Okay.) You can wait there a while and chickens will lay a bunch of eggs. If they don't, go back to the main village and come back.
3. In the underground before Chief Bitores Mendez's house, there's a pool of water if you jump down a latter. You can stab the fish and get them for health items, but they're large so I usually go for the eggs instead.
4. For all El Gigante fights, use the TMP. They're weak to it.
5. If you're good with the knife and want to farm ammo or money (maybe to upgrade your capacity to get free bullets) use a bullet to shoot the bell of the church and a group of enemies will come.
6. For the first half of the Mendez fight, go up top and hide behind the wall on the left side of the building. He shouldn't be able to hit you but there's a hole so you can shoot him.
7. In the room in the castle with the free rocket launcher in the glass, all you have to do is put the bridge out and throw a grenade to the guys that come out of the Merchant room door, go through the fadey door to the next room, then after you rescue Ashley you can come back and all the enemies will be gone, with you barely having to waste ammo.
8. In the part of the castle where you ride the mine cart, before you start it, equip your rifle and snipe all the people you see up top of the tracks, so you aren't surrounded in a tiny mine cart for as long.
9. For the Salazar boss fight, go off to your right side and you can easily take him out from there if you dodge or shoot the tentacle thing for a bit.
10. For the Krauser fight, generally the best weapons to use are the same ones he has- the knife and TMP.