I, for one am glad he's returning to familiar form because I like familiarity in my games/comics/movies/shows (strange concept, I know, Capcom). Nevermind the continuity logic because they've done this before with Jill, needlessly redesigning her in Revelations 1 when it contradicts both earlier and later (via the timeline) models of the character. They even showed her entering the Spencer Estate with Chris in her newly-redesigned Rev1 model in the post-credits scene before officially "retconning" her back to her RE5 model at the beginning of Lost in Nightmares, which picks up right where Rev1 left off in her "old" (or new?) design.
Hell, they did it long before this. Remember when Chris had blue eyes in RE1 and Code Veronica? Strange, I know, but he originally DID have blue eyes. Hell, I think he still had them in REmake, but for whatever reason, they decided to make his eyes brown in RE5. I know it sounds like a petty complaint, but again, it wrecks continuity and the blue eyes go better with lil' sis (Claire)'s genetics.
I don't buy the "it was a new engine at the time" argument, either because Village uses the exact same engine and he's back to his RE5-RE6 look. I'd have an easier time believing it was because of the face model they hired for RE7 Chris (which was the excuse they gave for why he looks different), but I'm pretty sure Village still uses the same actor face scans they used before with the RE Engine and alas, RE8 Chris pretty much looks exactly like the Chris we all know. Who's to say they couldn't touch up the face scan and model to resemble earlier Chris in RE7 (whether they "touched up" the RE7 model or redesigned him from scratch with a new face scan to resemble RE5/RE6 Chris, I have no clue)? It also flies in the face of their "we want a more grounded look for the character" excuse seeing how they changed him back to his buffed-up "super soldier" look, anyway.