Resident Evil: Village Thoughts on RE8 Chris Redfield

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Mar 20, 2020
Going back to the RE5 version of Chris feels like a step backward from the realistic presentation of RE7. It appears that everything else in RE8 is going to stick to the aesthetic status quo of RE7, EXCEPT Chris. Having seen and played as the RE7 version of Chris makes the backdated version stick out like a sore thumb. Sure the updated Chris was a controversial, but I felt like the updated Chris fit in well with RE7 and even resembled the REmake version Chris Redfield. As far as I'm concerned REmake Chris is the definative design for Chris as it's the only time we see him in high definition before he is turned into the cartoonish goofy roid-rage version we see in 5 and 6. But now it's back to Chris Roidfield. It really disrupts the aesthetic continuity of RE7 to me and doesn't make sense.

What do you guys think?
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That's Chris.
I'd just like to point out, to all the people who were shilling for Capcom back in 2017 and defending their decision to change Chris because he wasn't "realistic" before, only for them to do this just proves how full of sh*t they were. Bet those people would really love some bacon right now to go with that egg on their face.
Having stayed away from any whiff of spoilers prior to the Sony conference, and having been working at the time it went live, I just saw the reveal trailer for the first time, and I have to say I'm extremely happy with it. I didn't expect them to actually backpedal on his new design, but honestly it was ridiculous to me that they changed it that much in the first place. He's back to being hot so sign me up.

The more concerning matter here is that RE8 seems to be setting us up for Chris' demise.

Not thrilled about that either but at least if he dies he can finally stop watching all his friends die *shrug*
I prefer buff Chris so this is a welcome change for me. However I generally feel like Capcom is changing the looks of characters way too much between games, and its getting tiredsome.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Capcom is using completely new face models for both Leon and Ada in the RE4 remake, even though it would make more sense for them to use the same actors from RE2R. Because, you know, its Capcom.
I love the new Chris update. He looks more like Chris than the RE7 version. On one of the RE Fan pages I follow on Facebook, some said this, "In RE5 Chris was punching boulders, and he is a boulder" which I loved.

I wouldn't speculate too much in to Chris' death though. A lot of these advertisements are made to make us think one way or another. We don't know who the HE that the game is referring to is. It is a very RE thing to set up Chris' death only to have him saved in the very end. Plus, if he does die - well, RE9 is going to have VERY person stakes. And could be a great reason for a Claire/Jill team up.
I like re 7 Chris, i find it more similar to the classic Chris from code veronica

But it's a welcome things to see his re 5 version making a return, re 5 version was my fav Chris , also was he voiced by Roger Craig Smith in the re 8 trailer?
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I was a fan of "Redfield" from RE7 as well. I had no spoilers while playing that game, so seeing him show up was amazing. But of course, I understand that he didn't fit the bill of our beloved Christopher. They were using a fairly new technology with that face capture at the time. So, it is easily forgiven.
another cool detail I notice is that Chris always wear green since re 1 but in re 7 he started wearing black and in re 8 he wears a black suit too

Maybe re 7 was already giving us an hint at Chris going evil in re 8, because of his signature color change
I probably wouldn’t read too much into the outfits at least not with RE7. He wore a uniform similar to all the Umbrella soldiers in RE7 and there is a bit where he is bickering over the radio with an Umbrella employee about not trusting Blue Umbrella.
His outfit in the RE8 trailer is actually pretty similar to the outfit he wears in RE6. Though it’s obvious he’s going to have a darker presence in RE8 so you are right about the all black getup representing the looming presence he’s apparently going to have. Chris learned a lot from Wesker it seems. :razz:

The title ‘Not a Hero’ could be referring to the fact that Chris may not have saved Ethan and Mia after all, seeing as Blue Umbrellas involvement probably lead Ethan and Chris to the events happening in RE8.
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I probably wouldn’t read too much into the outfits at least not with RE7. He wore a uniform similar to all the Umbrella soldiers in RE7 and there is a bit where he is bickering over the radio with an Umbrella employee about not trusting Blue Umbrella.
His outfit in the RE8 trailer is actually pretty similar to the outfit he wears in RE6. Though it’s obvious he’s going to have a darker presence in RE8 so you are right about the all black getup representing the looming presence he’s apparently going to have. Chris learned a lot from Wesker it seems. :razz:

The title ‘Not a Hero’ could be referring to the fact that Chris may not have saved Ethan and Mia after all, seeing as Blue Umbrellas involvement probably lead Ethan and Chris to the events happening in RE8.
Well the characters outfits always have particolar color for each character, and capcom knows it, i think that the change in color means something... But iy could mean nothing

Regarding not a hero, when i played it i came whit the theory that it was called not a hero because Chris wasn't able to save the innocent baker, i come out whit this because of the final cutscene i which we saw Chris looking at the baker family picture and over thinking... Maybe no hero was there to save them in time from Eveline
I heard a rumor that there were going to be 3 separate campaigns in this game. So, we're looking at Ethan, Chris, and.... ??? Maybe Mia. Maybe Jill. Maybe this is a fake rumor. Maybe it is a new person. I am dead excited for it though. Apparently the Beast people are the main enemy type in the game, so who even knows how that will translate to the new game lore wise.
I heard a rumor that there were going to be 3 separate campaigns in this game. So, we're looking at Ethan, Chris, and.... ??? Maybe Mia. Maybe Jill. Maybe this is a fake rumor. Maybe it is a new person. I am dead excited for it though. Apparently the Beast people are the main enemy type in the game, so who even knows how that will translate to the new game lore wise.
Yeah i think it was a rumor from dusk, he actually say the game have 3 playable character not 3 campaign... He revealed that one is Ethan, the other is a young woman from the village (i think it's the one we saw in the trailer, talking to the old man), the third was not revealed but it should be Chris redfield, he also say how much % you are going to play the game whit this characters if i remember right was like 60% Ethan, 30% the woman and 10% the other character who is probably Chris
There s only one campaign and you switch between character like you did whit mia in re 7 and Carlos in 3 remake
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Wesker959 - I am SO glad you are following the Dusk Golem rumors now too so I don't have to pay attention as much. haha.

I will be glad to have multiple characters with multiple arcs working one major campaign. I suppose we'll never go back to the RE2 zapping system. Too advanced for modern games. haha
Wesker959 - I am SO glad you are following the Dusk Golem rumors now too so I don't have to pay attention as much. haha.

I will be glad to have multiple characters with multiple arcs working one major campaign. I suppose we'll never go back to the RE2 zapping system. Too advanced for modern games. haha
Well, after everything he say on re 8 was true I put a notification alarm on his account to read every tweet ahahaahah

I really hope we go back to the zapping system in a future re game, it was really good... But recent re game actually have something similar, re 6 had multiple campaign as did re 2 remake, but they don't actually have any zapping systems since what you do in the other campaign will not affect the other

Now that I'm thinking about it, revelations 2 had a real zapping system since what you do whit claire (like opening door or picking up some item, moving the waterfall or shooting certain enemy to the head ecc) will have ripercussion on barry part of the story , so we actually see the zapping system for the last time in revelations 2, Maybe it could make a return in revelations 3, or maybe in re 8, even if you can't choose campaign, maybe what you did whit Ethan will have ripercussion on the other character segment of the story
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