Operation Raccoon City Thoughts on Operation Racoon City

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Well finally got my hands on the game and I must admit that its not as bad as I thought.

But its not good either.

The enemy AI wasn't as bad as IGN and other sites made it out to be, but the issues where DEFINITELY there from what I seen (I recall shooting a hunter in the back of the head and he turned around to look at me and ran off) and the poor hit detection was also there (shot a zombie in the chest for like 2 seconds and it did not flinch), but other than that, nothing to "major" wrong with it.

The storyline wasn't that good. For me, who loves a good RE storyline, its such a letdown that they did not capitalize on some crucial storyline elements that could have been implemented into this game and instead decided to make it rather "short".

The "auto cover" feature is also a real pain in the ass. It really threw me off when I just randomly would take cover while fighting without even meaning to.

And like I have said about RE5 in the past, I don't really like my RE games to be "heavily action oriented" and this one is no exception, the fact that this game feels like a modded version of Socom to include RE chracters only made it even more distasteful for me since I'm not a fan of those types of military combat games.

There are a "few" good things about this game that I actually liked.

The moonlight sonata making a reappearance was nice and "refreshing" to say the least.

Also being able to traverse through an updated HD version of Racoon City was pretty nice and I liked the way they updated the city with this one. Also being able to revisit old areas like The RPD station and the clocktower was cool.

But like I said, this game definitely was not my cup of tea sorry.

Now that I have played the game and given my opinion I hope that this whole "your letting reviews ruin for you" will stop since as I said earlier I'm not swayed by others opinions on the game and will form my own once I play it.

granted I still have not played the mutliplayer yet (plan to really soon) I still was not a fan of this game.
Well, you know what I keep off of reviews? The game details; how it feels, plays, looks, any busted elements (i.e., matchmaking issues etc). I never take the "the character dialogue is weird, cutting down presentation points" or "the weapons look uninspired, cutting down graphics points" lines seriously, simply because it's subjective. That's my only use for reviews.
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Yeah that's one downside I have with the game, but there's the option of "free play" which I did with Campaign and you don't have to play with others. I wish versus had an offline co-op though, that'd be nice! Also I saw some cutscenes with with special ops that I never saw in campaign... Maybe it's in a versus mode? Or an add on? I'm not sure... The game does get confusing at times. Other than that, again if you take it for what it is it's fun. :)
You mean the cut-scenes from the 'Triple Impact Trailer' ? I never saw them either but we're getting a free Spec Ops Dlc so maybe we'll see it then. :p
I enjoy the game, but the team A.I if you play single player is absolutely horrible!!!!! Also what is with the lickers and hunters being almost invicible ??? -makes your weapons seem like squirt guns! Just wish there was an unlockable Hunk mission...sniffle :( and why not have all the characters in hero mode be availbale to use as skins in single player ??
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I havent played it yet and I doubt I will soon, 2 years ago when it was announced I had a very strong feeling that this game was gonna crash and burn, I even made a Hitler Rant video about it, from what I've seen in the reviews, even some of the reviewers I trust it seems I was right, but I will prob wait for a price drop and test it before I jump to conclusions.
Slant Six Games dont do resident evil much justice but they made a good effort in trying to link the story with the older games. I got REORC annnd... I've enjoyed it but there are alot of things I dislike. It's tacky but still enjoyable. If you want to shun the game off till RE6 I dont blame any one for doing that lol I've been playing it and my pals online have been kindly reminding me how bad the reveiws were and that im silly for getting it, which made me give the game a second chance, but it is what it is. To quote my pal, this game is what capcom wanted to make years ago like outbreak its a online action shooter.
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when i bought ppl were like ah that game suck bla bla bla, but i didnt really care... when i played it i really enjoyed it! and im going to play a lot of this game haha
Hearing some good things about ORC now :) but I'm not gonna spend my $120 on it, I'll wait for a price drop.
120 dollars??? were does it costs that??? i got mine in like... 57 :confused: xDXD
New Zealand dollars are different to US dollars lol, I'd buy it off ebay for cheaper but the region codes wouldnt work :(
that sucks =S! hope the price low down so you can get yours
I hope so too, if it dosnt I could just pay the $120, clock the game in 3 hours and return it for a full refund :) I love my gaming store for giving full refunds :)
Well to be honest I wish I had rented it, rather than bought it. Mainly because there doesn't seem like much to do. I mean the campaign was enjoyable but it's short, and afterwards there doesn't seem like much to do. I don't like the fact me and a friend can't play alone, offline. I don't like playing with randoms and considering the only people I know who got this game is myself and my boyfriend, other playlists kind of sucks.
@Felicia Can't you do a private match and send a invite U_U !!!

Plus there are alot of collectables and weapons unlocks that's kept me playing plus you get split ending which is cool. The point system is alright as well, like RE5 the more you play the more you unlock.
A lot of people hating on this game due to it being nothing like previous Resident Evil games/storylines. I think it is sheer brilliant that I can hop on anytime and kill hordes of zombies using different people for skills and abilities and then there is a whole range of guns to mess about with. Games are for fun and this is what Res Orc provides! FUN!