I get that there is a difference between the two games but that doesn’t take away from the action featured in 1996 RE which only progressed more with each sequel.The difference is that you do get rewarded by tearing necromorphs apart in DEAD SPACE and there are many sections where you must kill them all before you can move forward (pretty much every time Isaac fixes something, the area is sealed, creatures swarm in and you cannot exit until they are all grinded beef). In classic RE games, you don't gain anything by killing enemies and, save for boss fights, there's never a moment where you have to waste everything in sight. And, although "Aliens" had more action into it, it is a fine example of a sequel that didn't betray its prototype (not entirely, at least: the most nightmarish aspects have been overly-rationalized, but, still, you can see how solidly the two movies are connected).
Forcing you to fight enemies also doesn’t take away from horror of DEAD SPACE. If anything, it made the game scarier because it makes you ‘face your demons’. It worked for the gameplay and helped make the game scarier than most RE games even.
RE is still very much an action horror game. Just because you have the option of evading enemies doesn’t make it any less so. Even if you choose not to fight and clear out one room, you’ll be forced to blow through some monster or a boss in another. But again, RE4 - RE6 focused way too much on the action with few moments of horror or dread. They’re guilty of not feeling like true RE games because of this.