The Walking Dead Season 3!!!

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I really don't think it was Andrea, my bet is on "Karen." Andrea is too busy being the Gov's pet. She needs to hold down the community and being oblivious to the Governors actions. Plus, no matter how "hard" she is now, I can't see her doing that to Rick's group. She's to human. I guess anyway.
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I really don't think it was Andrea, my bet is on "Karen." Andrea is too busy being the Gov's pet. She needs to hold down the community and being oblivious to the Governors actions. Plus, no matter how "hard" she is now, I can't see her doing that to Rick's group. She's to human. I guess anyway.
I agree, There is just no way it was Andrea. With what her and the group have been through, and now getting mad at Philip for him having sex with her while her friends were being tortured, there's just no way.

Sike, good point. I'm still led to believe its her, although it seems like she'd have to teleport for it to be possible :/
i think it was just a random henchman who drove the truck in, seemed to have body armour on same as the sniper . Anyway this weeks episode was just a bit of character building. I didnt know those randoms actually left the prison last time rick had a pyscho. i think they'll help the govenor a bit and then pull out in the main battle and help ricks crew, cos that woman with the curly hair seemed against helping the govenor when he asked for the floor layout etc.
Next week looks good

My thoughts on "I Ain't a Judas"

This was an exciting episode for me because I've wanted to see Andrea reunite with her old group since they split. I am pleasantly surprised at how much of a fighter she's become since we first saw her in Season 1 and I didn't think she'd make it this far. My friends and co workers are always analyzing the characters and speculating on what will happen next. Seeing Tyreese and Sasha show up at Woodbury worries me, I was hoping he'd stick around the prison, but I guess not.

When Andrea reunited with her group, I was really taken aback with the cold response she got from them. I felt so bad for her. Even after she explained how she didn't realize what was happening behind the scenes, the group was indifferent towards her, too bad Dale wasn't there - he would have made this reunion alot more fulfilling.:(

In retrospect, I guess Andrea, like Merle once said, has always been the "odd man out." She turned over a new leaf after she learned to shoot a gun in season 2, but still there was this aversion towards her by alot of the group. I had hoped that after all the tribulations they faced in the past months, they would have learned to love each other and trust each other more. Andrea has stepped it up and taken the role of the crutch for the Woodbury folks, I hope it pays off. Rick and the group did eventually sort of warm up to her return, they gave her a car and even a gun for her own safety. This is something The Governor didn't do for her, I wonder if she'll see that, but is she in love with the guy? My guess is yes, because she had the opportunity to kill him and she didn't. That moment was pretty intense! I thought, "Oh nooo...he's going to wake up! And then he's going KILL HER!" I was relieved to see that it didn't happen. Too much investment in this character for it to end like that! She needs a good ending, or atleast to die a martyr like T-Dog. She's grown on me because she realized she can do good for others, she needs to stay alive.

Speaking of life and death, I can't wait for the moment, that Milton gets devoured by walkers!! That wimp! He's my least favorite character and he's given me more fodder to dislike him!

If Morgan was in the promo, then we can only hope he sticks around to aid Rick in the upcoming war! Everyone of the guys has an internal dilemma going on! Daryl is unsure with his brother in the way, Merle is still unpredictable, Glenn has been ornery lately, Carl is stressed out (poor kid), and Rick is seeing ghosts! Hershel is good, but at a physical disadvantage. I guess things aren't ever really sorted out 100% in this show, but I hope they get close to it by the time they invade Woodbury, otherwise I fear alot of them will die. :eek::(
Spolier: Morgan was Ricks old neighbour right? As i think they 'll see him when they go on this supply run, remember this part from the comic vaguely

I've read people suggest that Rick might go back to his town looking for Morgan in an upcoming episode, but that is all speculation as far as I know.
I've read people suggest that Rick might go back to his town looking for Morgan in an upcoming episode, but that is all speculation as far as I know.
Possible spoilers continued lol . .. Oh well didnt you see the bit at the end of last week where it says COMING NEXT TIME ON THE WALKING DEAD it was rick and carl, out in the city getting shot at by a random sniper on a roof. I m sure in the comic, this happened and i think michonne or carl gets kidnapped or hit . But they might do the bumping into Morgan at the same time, I cant remember as its been a long time since i read this early part of the book. Last week at the end rick said he would take Carl and Michonne on a supply run so seems to fit...
Possible spoilers continued lol . .. Oh well didnt you see the bit at the end of last week where it says COMING NEXT TIME ON THE WALKING DEAD it was rick and carl, out in the city getting shot at by a random sniper on a roof. I m sure in the comic, this happened and i think michonne or carl gets kidnapped or hit . But they might do the bumping into Morgan at the same time, I cant remember as its been a long time since i read this early part of the book. Last week at the end rick said he would take Carl and Michonne on a supply run so seems to fit...

I didn't catch all that, but it sounds promising now that you mention it.:cool:
Episode 12 was kinda meh. I liked seeing Morgan, but nothing really happened.
Great episode this week. Seeing Morgan back was mind blowing.

(I just finished watching the episode after downloading to the laptop since I've been busy with school)

I sort of agree with both of you. Not much progression as far as the storyline of the prison group vs Woodbury is concerned, but I think this subplot with Morgan was a much needed break from the usual intensity of the show. Also, it did serve us a nice dose of character development for Michionne and Morgan's own story thus far. It took care of something that was worrying me about Michionne, which was the fact that up until this episode, she hadn't truly bonded with anyone from the prison group.

As Rick pointed out to Carl, Michionne was along for the ride because of common interests and made it clear that she won't be around after they settle the score with The Governor. I did kind of spoil some stuff for myself when I wikied the comics and anticipated Michionne and Carl would get closer, which would be the bridge between her and the group. It was very nice to see them grow closer, not only to Carl, but even to Rick in the closing scenes. Now I no longer have to worry about her getting the boot (from the group and the show) for a while.

Morgan losing his mind surprised me. I guess it shouldn't be so much of a shocker, since even Rick himself gets his mental wires crossed on a daily basis. It was really saddening to learn that Duane didn't make it. I was hoping to see him and Carl become close too.

The episode was slow, but I enjoyed it very much. It was a fair change of pace and a break from the intense drama of the other conflicts in the main group. I held on to some hope that Morgan would change his mind, but alas, this is what the zombie apocalypse does to the minds of men.
I really enjoyed the episode yesterday ! I liked the emotional bit between Michonne and Rick, where when they drove at the end, I felt Rick was finally starting to come to terms with loosing Lori, it was deep! It was so sad, to see the hitch-hiker, alive, and then dead as they passed back along the road, they snatched his rucksack. as much as i love and empathise with the main characters and rick's group, I couldnt help feeling terribly sorry for the hitchhiker guy who ended up been dinner! they need all the people they can get, though can understand their not trusting anyone anymore.
it was also a shame Morgan didn't join but he made some fair points. Good luck to him surviving alone. one thing that Really annoyed me yesterday was when Rick walks out of Morgan's shack with 3 rucksacks for the guns. In that room was about 3 rucksacks worth of ammo alone, a big rack of large rifles and snipers, lots of machine guns, pistols, other equipment. They would have had to pull up the car and go in and out for several loads. That was kind of immersion breaking for me but just a very small detail i soon forgot :) !
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Episode 12 was pretty good, they need transitional episodes and as mentioned a break from the drama every once in a while. It was wonderful that Michonne actually, well ya know, talked this episode. Hopefully that's something that becomes more consistent now, from what I hear she's awesome in the comics and I'd like to see that portrayed on tv with some depth until I get my hands on the rest of them(comics). Also, my friend and I laughed our asses off at the hitch-hiker guy. We have a morbid sense of humor I suppose.
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Yeah, it can't be action every week. This episode showed character development for Carl and Michonne. Also Rick meeting Morgan again brought some sense back into his mind that you can't do things alone.