"The Organisation" and "The Agency" Confusion

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Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2009
Okay, I'm well aware that you guys probably get this sort of question every 3 seconds, but can someone PLEASE explain to me who these two parties are? It driving me mad... :blink:

If I am correct (although I'm probably not) "The Organisation" are an unknown BOW research group or company, who have sold various BOWs to many different people, including Hidalgo Javier. Ada Wong was secretly working for them in RE4, that I am sure... but at what point was Wesker working for them, why did he leave them, and when? In fact, why was he working with them in the first place? Did TriCell seem more useful to Wesker, or does he just have a fetish for screwoing people over?

And I have no idea who or what "The Agency" are and what they are trying to do. I've only seem them mentioned a few times before.

This is all very confusing and I cant seem to find any clear or consise information on the subject anywhere. Any information whould be hugely appreciated, If there is any info that is... :confused:

Oh, and this is my first topic other than my introduction one, so hello everyone! :D
The Organization, also called "The Agency", they are the same thing, is a mysterious rival corporation of Umbrella, and they have employed the likes of Ada Wong, Albert Wesker, and Jack Krauser.

We don't know how long Ada has worked for them, Wesker joined after the Mansion Incident, and Krauser joined after Operation Javier.

We don't know what happened to this Organization, and RE5 neglected to shed any light. Some suspect The Organization is the government, but that is just speculation.

In the 5th Ada's Report, it talks about Wesker coming in contact with a pharmaceutical company called "S" shortly after Umbrella's demise. Who S is, is still a mystery, some speculate that it is Tricell, but Capcom also neglected to talk about that in RE5, or even Darkside...but yeah that pretty much sums up The Organization.
Thanks for that information! Much appreciated!

"S" being TriCell would make sense, I guess. I'm hoping that RE6 will shed light on all this stuff! :wacko:
Spike991;61088 said:
We don't know how long Ada has worked for them, Wesker joined after the Mansion Incident, and Krauser joined after Operation Javier.

In the 5th Ada's Report, it talks about Wesker coming in contact with a pharmaceutical company called "S" shortly after Umbrella's demise. Who S is, is still a mystery, some speculate that it is Tricell, but Capcom also neglected to talk about that in RE5, or even Darkside...but yeah that pretty much sums up The Organization.

Actually, Krauser never worked for the Agency. He was working only for Wesker.
The viruses Javier got weren't provided by the Agency, but by Wesker (I believe he was working for both the Agency and Tricell, and he needed money to support "his" researches at Tricell -- Actually, he put his hands on Tricell through Excella, not actually working for them, he was just using them through her to conduct his experiences).

I also believe "S" is Tricell. In the Degeneration movie (Tricell's first appearence), Tricell was actually meant to be named "SeaShell", that's where "S" comes from.

There's a theory (in which i believe) that Tricell is actually the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium (reeffered in RE5), to which both Umbrella and Tricell belonged.
More info:
The Organuzation- http://projectumbrella.net/articles/Organization
Global Pharmaceutical Consortium-http://projectumbrella.net/articles/Global-Pharmaceutical-Consortium
The theory linking both of them- http://projectumbrella.net/forum/TricellSSeashellThe-AgencyThe-OrganizationHCF (see post #17, by Agent Spriggan Ominae)
I am still not too informed on SeaShell, but I do recall the name.

As for Krauser, I was under the impression he worked for the Organization, not just Wesker. RE4's Ada Reports plus the game itself certainly seemed to imply that Jack worked for them, but if it says he only worked with Wesker only on the Project Umbrella site, and not in an actual game, I wouldn't consider it carved in stone just yet.
Did you see the Operation Javier scenaio in TDC?
Javier buys samples of T and Vetonica viruses from Wesker to cure his wife and daughter. The T-virus turns his wife into a beast, so he tries the Veronica virus in her daughter Manuela.
By having her organs replaced during 15 years, she would be able to surpass the destructive effects of the virus and keep her counsciousness. While Leon decides to protect Manuela, Krauser fears she might succumb to it and become dangerous.
Some time later, while they are fighting a gigantic beast, Manuela uncovers her mutated arm, from which she launches a flame blast and helps them destroy the beast. This was also seen in Code: Veronica, in Alexia. If you adapt to the Veronica virus, your blood will become flamable in contact with air.
Witnessing the powers of the virus (there's a secret scenarion in which you hear Krauser's thoughts), Krauser becomes obcessed with it. In the end of the scenario, we see Wesker looking through some binoculars.
Krauser suffered a wound in his arm during the mission, and so the government dismissed him from being invalid.
It is supposed that Krauser found about Wesker giving the virus to Javier and contacted him, possibly looking for a cure to his arm.
Note that Krauser and Wesker have objectives different from the Organization and Ada never mentions Krauser working with the Agency.
(also note that in RE4, Krauser has a plaga in the same arm and Ada refers to that arm in her report).
I think Wesker kept Krauser as a "personal" spy, as a mean to conquer his own objectives, as he uses the Organization to conquer the same objectives. I a cutscene, Krauser and Ada talk about Wesker, but not about the Agency.
Well I own Darkside, so I know all of that, and I remember the ending with Wesker looking through the binoculars, and his eyes were blue for some reason unknown.

It is certainly obvious that Krauser had only one thing to follow and that was Wesker, otherwise he wouldn't be privy to The Organization, but from what I remember it seems like it implied that he worked for them, and not just Wesker specifically.

"Jack Krauser has been the subject of extensive study and research by the Organization. His skills and personality have been tested both on and off the battlefield. If he weren't the best, he would become a liability that would jeopardize the rest of us.

My conclusion? He's a great soldier. No more. No less. As long as he's well compensated, he shouldn't cause any problems for us. If he does start to get restless, I can take care of him.
I've studied his combat style and can deal with that arm of his if necessary.

Krauser answers directly to Wesker, and it was Wesker who decided that Krauser should be sent to spy on the cult. He also decided to send me along. I wonder if it wasn't to keep an eye on Krauser.

No doubt Krauser has already fallen to the temptation of Las Plagas and the power they represent. This could have dire consequences for the Organization.
On some level, however, this may be a necessary development, as his role is to disrupt this farce of a play.

That said, the stage and its players will ultimately come crashing down in the end. Bad luck for him, but he'll play the patsy in the end and take the fall for all of us. That's why I need to make sure things keep going exactly as they are."

And here I looked it up for reference, and the first line seems to confirm that he worked, or at least they knew of him. If he didn't, then how would Ada have been able to study his fighting style? Furthermore, it seems the Organization studied him as well. They mention that he answers directly to Wesker, but that just seems to mean he was his contact specifically, rather than some other annonymous employee of The Agency.
Then, he was in the Agency, but answered to Wesker. I thought it'd make more sense if the Agency didn't know about him.
Yeah, I suppose just like Ada did, although Ada did seem to be in contact with someone else, as she was secretly ordered by them to give him a fake sample.

But anyway, I always liked the idea of Krauser working for them too, it just adds something since we don't know much about them, adding in another person to be employed by them might get us one step closer to understanding the Organization.