Claire-Claire is one of the four main characters of Resident Evil, the others being Jill, Chris, and Leon...Ali Larter FUKED her character up beyond recognition, and I HONESTLY didn't even realize who she was playing when I saw it in the theaters, but when I bought the DVD and could rewind it when the dude called her Claire. I think she should've researched her role better, and been more loving than angry and bitchy all the time...She can leave that to Jill (In a good way)...She can still be a badass, and hell, she can LOOK a bit more like Claire, but it's like she tried to do what Oded had done, and exploit her character as different...Only failing miserably...
I honestly could not have a more diametrically opposed opinion to this.
Apart from Claire being one of the big four, yeah, since she was one of the protaganists in Resi 2.
But game Claire is easily one of the weakest characters in the entire franchise. Her entire characterisation and motivation consists of trying to find Chris, and chasing the worlds dumbest children.
Ali Larter however made the character what she's actually supposed to be; a decisive, tough as nails biker chick who was taught to fight by her special forces trained soldier big brother, whose maternal instincts translate into an alpha female protectiveness of the entire little community of survivors she has taken charge of.
Her game counterparts perfect skin, immaculate hair, complete lack of muscle, lilting voice and general girlish attitude and stereotypically 'woman as seen in the eyes of a misogynist' like behaviour is completely out of whack with the foundations her character is supposed to be based on.
In her two appearances in the games, Claire is only shown to have the motivations of finding Chris, or rescuing a little girl. In code Veronica, as soon as Chris turns up, he's the main protagonist, and Claire gets shunted to the side lines to moon after a boy. In Degeneration, she is once again given the 'woman's' job of looking after a small girl, and plays second fiddle throughout to Leon.
Movie Claire does a far better job of being a realistic version of what Claire was meant to be than the game version does, not least of all because I very much doubt the writers at Capcom have ever had any real interaction with the kind of women Claire is supposed to be like.
Chris- Miller. Was. Awful...Miller is an awful actor in general, and since he is British, his American accent sounds like a bad Batman impression...Despite what you say about game Chris being cold and unfeeling I disagree...And I can do so without judgement, because Chris is my least favorite character besides Sheva...That doesn't mean he deserves to have his character butchered, because he, like Claire, is a main character to the gaming series. Chris cares a lot, as you can see when Jill "Dies." You also know how much he cares for his sister, cause he took the time to train her in the ways of the S.T.A.R.S. so she could protect herself. Chris isn't cold, but he is a soldier, and every good soldier knows that emotion on the battlefield clouds the mind and is a weakness. Miller, however, DID play Chris cold and unfeeling, and arrogant even. For those of you who don't know, Miller was also on the drama Prison Break, and his character was virtually no different...
Game Chris isn't cold and unfeeling. He's just really, REALLY dull, and simple. Not stupid mind you, he does figure things out eventually, he's just not a complex character.
And always appalling badly acted, from the original, through the Remake and to Revelations, he's just a shallow, oblivious, gun toting muscle man. He isn't not showing emotion because he's the kind of guy that bottles things up, he's doing it because he's staying consistent to a really bad actors inability to emote, which is all that passes for his characterisation.
I mean he'll go on about his motivations, he's feelings on Wesker, on why he's fighting, and a host of other minor details, but he never expresses any depth. Even the supposed romance between him and Jill is entirely fanon, and has no basis in any actual displays of romantic affection in game.
Hell, I'd believe he had a relationship with Wesker before I'd believe he wanted one with Jill. Dealing with Wesker is about the only time Chris ever displays any real emotion, and seemed to be far more deeply effected by his betrayal and death and resurrection than he was Jills.
Wentworth Miller on the other hand, actually put feelings into his portrayal. Sure, it was cynical, arrogant, smirkingly sarcastic and slightly deranged, but that's still twice the emotional range of his game counterpart. And let's not forget, having lived through the end of the world, he's got a way better excuse for having deadened emotional responses than being the only guy that thinks it's necessary to survive, unlike every single other character in the game series, including his own sister.
But, at the end of the day, the universe of the movies is set in a completely different universe than the games...Much like in comics how Spectacular Spider-Man is in a completely different universe than Amazing Spider-Man...So really, both can be compared and contrasted, but at the end of the day, the cannons are completely different and therefore cannot be "Wrong"
Indeed, this I agree fully with.